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Search results

  1. Axel

    Airship Pictures

    Axel submitted a new resource: Airship Pictures - Airship pictures for airship travel scene creation Read more about this resource...
  2. Axel

    RPG Maker Airship Pictures 1.0

    Hey guys, I've created (editing a tileset provided here by starbird) with the Idea of does Final Fantasy scenes where the characters travelled in airships. Any credit is for starbird, who created the tileset that I edited to create this simple pictures. They Are pretty basic but they create...
  3. Axel

    Spiky hair without pigtails

    Axel updated Spiky hair without pigtails with a new update entry: Re-Uploaded Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. Axel

    Spiky hair without pigtails - Re-Uploaded

    RE updating the re upload because of some problems with mediafire
  5. Axel

    Spiky hair without pigtails

    Axel updated Spiky hair without pigtails with a new update entry: Re-Uploaded Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Axel

    Spiky hair without pigtails sorry some problems with the account, I had to create other XDD
  7. Axel

    Auto Bust

    Hey LTN, I solved it, it was other plugin I had for menu bust images that was creating the problem, I took it out and it ran, nice work with your plugin :D Way to go. Keep going forward
  8. Axel

    Auto Bust

    No I'm creating a new game, and yes I refreshed it
  9. Axel

    Auto Bust

    hey me I'm having this problem with the new version: [object+Object]AddChildAt: the index NaN supplied is out of bounds 6 I know it is this plugin the one that's causing the problem because when I desactivate it the problem desappears. This are the other plugins I have installed in my game, if...
  10. Axel

    Spiky hair without pigtails

    Axel updated Spiky hair without pigtails with a new update entry: Re-Uploaded Read the rest of this update entry... thanks for telling me in time!! :D
  11. Axel

    Wood and Forest Fused XP tilesets

    Thank you, I don't consider my self creative but an old-stuff lover. :) ;)
  12. Axel

    Resized XP Characters and MV versions

    Axel submitted a new resource: Resized XP Characters and MV versions - Characters resized for bust plugins and MV versions for those who doesn't exist in MV Read more about this resource...
  13. Axel

    Resized XP Characters and MV versions CharasXP-MV

    Hey guys, it's me again, here I give you some pictures for some characters of RMMV resized from RMXP to be used with bust plugins, like LTN_AutoBust. I give you as well my version of those characters that are not in RMMV, I created them with the generator looking to save as many characters form...
  14. Axel

    Wood and Forest Fused XP tilesets

    Thanks a lot @Sinnistar and @Starbird I'll keep giving my best and saving what I can from the old XP to the new MV
  15. Axel

    Wood and Forest Fused XP tilesets

    Axel submitted a new resource: Wood and Forest Fused XP tilesets - A fusion of the tilesets Woods and Forest taking appart the big trees Read more about this resource...
  16. Axel

    RPG Maker Wood and Forest Fused XP tilesets 2016-05-02

    Well, I keep training my skills converting tilesets, now I merged 2 forest/woods tilesets from XP (again), in my personal mission of saving as much tilesets from XP to MV as I can, into 2 new tilesets, one with the forest itsself and the other with the 3 huge trees they brought. This tileset...
  17. Axel

    Tower Tilesets from RMXP resized for MV

    Axel submitted a new resource: Tower Tilesets from RMXP resized for MV - RMXP, Tower Read more about this resource...
  18. Axel

    RPG Maker Tower Tilesets from RMXP resized for MV TowerXPonMV

    Hey guys, I was looking at the tilesets of RMXP and RMMV's and an idea came up. How about to update the tilesets of RMXP so they can be usable in RMMV as well. Here are the first ones, the towers 039 and 040 from XP. Tell me what you think about this Idea. :D See ya later. This tileset can be...
  19. Axel


    @Xyphien @Cunechan YOu're right Xyphien, I can't translate the threads, it would take me so much time, but who said that it would be done in 1 day?? I'm not asking to create a spanish (or other language) version of the site for tomorrow, thinks like that take time that's why it is called...
  20. Axel

    Creating sprites for some special situations like spleeping, transformations, I created a thread...

    Creating sprites for some special situations like spleeping, transformations, I created a thread about it and the only one who replied gave me 2 programs for picture edition, but I'm pretty bad editing XD