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Auto Bust Version 1.5

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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
LTN Games submitted a new resource:

Auto Bust - Set bust images instead of faces for all show text commands.

Auto bust plugin will automatically detect if your pictures folder contains a
bust image, if it does, it will show it when any show text command is used in an event, if no bust is available it will proceed as usual with the default face.

You no longer need to set a plugin command if the face does not have a matching bust image.

You will need to use some simple script calls to set the position of the image and the mirroring of the image but that is all.

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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Exellent! Let me know how it works for you, sometimes bugs don't appear until another person uses it lol. I've also been tweaking it a lot since release so the next update should be in a couple days time. I'm doing my best for performance before moving on to more features. Enjoy!


hey me I'm having this problem with the new version:
[object+Object]AddChildAt: the index NaN supplied is out of bounds 6
I know it is this plugin the one that's causing the problem because when I desactivate it the problem desappears.

This are the other plugins I have installed in my game, if you want to see which one is the conflictive one.


LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Are you loading from a saved game? Also, after you updated the Plugin did you go into Plugin manager and open up Auto Bust? This new version has new parameters that may need to be refreshed, re-opening the Plugin should refresh it.


Are you loading from a saved game? Also, after you updated the Plugin did you go into Plugin manager and open up Auto Bust? This new version has new parameters that may need to be refreshed, re-opening the Plugin should refresh it.
No I'm creating a new game, and yes I refreshed it

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Can I get a screenshot of the console, it's more than likely a compatibility issue and it would be nice to see which plugin is interfering.
It took me a bit of time to figure out how to set it up because I use custom graphics and filenames, but it works. :)

I've a suggestion (I don't know if it'd be viable): Instead of having users edit the file itself for the precheck routine, what about using an array in the plugin parameters? That way users can enter all the images to precheck and separate each one with a comma in a more convenient place.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
It took me a bit of time to figure out how to set it up because I use custom graphics and filenames, but it works. :)
I'm glad it's working for you :)
I've a suggestion (I don't know if it'd be viable): Instead of having users edit the file itself for the precheck routine, what about using an array in the plugin parameters? That way users can enter all the images to precheck and separate each one with a comma in a more convenient place.
You know when I first started development I was going to do this, I'm unsure what stopped me from doing so. Nonetheless, I'll look into it for the next version.


Hey LTN, I solved it, it was other plugin I had for menu bust images that was creating the problem, I took it out and it ran, nice work with your plugin :D Way to go. Keep going forward
I'm glad it's working for you :)
It works swimmingly!

You know when I first started development I was going to do this, I'm unsure what stopped me from doing so. Nonetheless, I'll look into it for the next version.
I've done this for Gaia's Dream's main engine. It's made it much easier to add/remove/rename menu items. And the temporary Y offset I did (for the big bust images I like using) works adequately enough for its purposes.

This is one of those plugins I've determined will be used in most (if not all) of my projects. ;)


Hey man It's me, again, with another problem, sorry. I don't know why but when I have the plugin Active this error pops up in middle of the game, but when I desactivate it the problem doesn't appear.

error autobust.png
Here I give you all plugins I have installed soyou can test which one is creating the problem

