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RPG Maker Auto Bust Version 1.5

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Just updated the download link to direct you to my websites download page for this plugin.
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Reactions: Jinx
Updated plugin to work with the latest MV version 1.3.
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Reactions: Companion Wulf
I've removed yanfly message core compatibility as I am getting issues with his unaliased function. I may leave it out indefinitely.
Okay, so I originally intended to put in a script call for the Y offset which would take priority over the plugin parameter, so I did that really quick and I give you yet another update.
Removed leftover console messages - oopps
  • Code optimizations
  • Added parameter for adding to pre-check array
  • Added bust Y offset parameter
  • Yanfly Message Core Compatability-(Face Indent)
Added pre-load bust images option for use with Pre-Load Manager 1.1.1 plugin.

Added Z layer to set bust image Z priority.

Fixed a bug with file existence error on deployment(Windows/Mac)

General code cleanup
After uploding I like to make sure the plugins resource link is in my plugin help file so here is the update with that in it. I also changed the name of the pre-check array and missed one. All fixed, enjoy.