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  1. Axel

    RPG Maker XP+ACE+MV IconSet 2016-07-10

    Here's another iconset today. I took the iconset I made from XP, the one of MV and the one of ACE, and created a new iconset with them. Hope you like it. Just remember to get me in your credits. here I give you some of the XP ones: I'll repeat, this is just an edition of the original ones...
  2. Axel

    XP 50 icons - Iconset

    Axel submitted a new resource: XP 50 icons - Iconset - 50 icons from RPGXP edited to be used in MV Read more about this resource...
  3. Axel

    RPG Maker XP 50 icons - Iconset 1.0

    You know I like to edit XP resources and make the usable in MV. Well, here I give you the 50 item icons that XP have originally edited in order, size and as 1 iconset. Hope you like it. Tjis are some of the icons included in the iconset:
  4. Axel

    Hey I have a little ilumination bug and I'm pretty bussy translating every dialog and message to...

    Hey I have a little ilumination bug and I'm pretty bussy translating every dialog and message to all 5 languajes the game has.
  5. Axel

    Completed Looking for a Dark Sword

    @rappyrap2 y @Jodis Thanks it looks great of course you are now in the credits
  6. Axel

    The Knightly Gesture

    Yeah thanks now I can hear the melody!!!
  7. Axel

    The Knightly Gesture

    Thank you so much Sinnistar
  8. Axel

    Adv Ship

    Correction of my review----> Pretty good ship milady
  9. Axel

    Completed Looking for a Dark Sword

    hey guys, well, what I need is a version of this sword (I edited it myself): but with the colours of this other sword (this belongs to yanfly engine): I tried to do it by myself but it brought me to a horrible sword... so if you can do it I'll be very grateful. Thanks
  10. Axel

    The Knightly Gesture

    Without the "rocks" clanging would be great, and the other percussion things a lower volume so they don't sound above the melody but they are still there as a background
  11. Axel

    The Knightly Gesture

    Pretty good but what's that think that 's ringing on percussion? Do you think you could do a version without the percussion??
  12. Axel

    A Dark Hero's Tale DEMO

    right, sorry I forgot the screenshot Hey guys, the image that pops up when you get in the balcony is just a test-image, I'll change when I have time to draw the one that goes there
  13. Axel

    A Dark Hero's Tale DEMO

    Axel submitted a new resource: A Dark Hero's Tale DEMO - My first game in 4 different languages :D hope you enjoy it Read more about this resource...
  14. Axel

    RPG Maker A Dark Hero's Tale DEMO v. 0.01

    Hey guys, This is just a mini demo, only 2 maps + 2 intro maps. I'll update it every time I finish a new part of the story. For now I need you to give me feedback about the effects and language options. The game is in Spanish, English (Translated by myself), German and French (German and French...
  15. Axel

    Request: Sleeping Sprites and other things

    thanks minty, I'll send you a message with what I need.
  16. Axel

    progressing with the languages in the game, creating a little language selection and it's...

    progressing with the languages in the game, creating a little language selection and it's repercussions in the game
  17. Axel

    Request: Sleeping Sprites and other things

    well, I really need help with the sprites and the logo... I'm not very good creating sprites and logos out of nothing.. so if you can help me I'll put you into my credits
  18. Axel

    Auto Bust

    working 100% thanks
  19. Axel

    Auto Bust

    Hey man It's me, again, with another problem, sorry. I don't know why but when I have the plugin Active this error pops up in middle of the game, but when I desactivate it the problem doesn't appear. Here I give you all plugins I have installed soyou can test which one is creating the problem
  20. Axel

    making some advances in the scripts I'll use for the game :D

    making some advances in the scripts I'll use for the game :D