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  1. Axel

    Quest Log

    jajajajja yeah that was what I did in first place but is just tedious to repeat # times all the quests so I asked if there was anothar way
  2. Axel

    Quest Log

    jajajajaja yeah I've already done that, my lady, I have all the events ready. My game has 4 switches for languages (Spanish, German, English and French), and when you start a new game you choos the language, so the missions should be also in the language the player chooses, but I dont want to...
  3. Axel

    Quest Log

    @Dad3353 Yeah, same situation. Here Switches and variables do more or less the same work. What I need is, How do i tell the plugin to change the description of the quest itself to the one needed by the switch or variable???
  4. Axel

    Quest Log

    HEy man how could I do if I want a quest to have a description different depending of a switch without creating other quest??? Example: I want a quest to say "Hello guys" if the switch 003:English is active or say "Hola amigos" if the switch 002:Español is active
  5. Axel

    Saving Pre-title-screen variable's value and use it later in the game

    Hey guys, as I say un the title, I wanna know how could I do to set a variable with a value before the title screen and then use it after the start of a new game or after loading a previous one. For example the variable 001: Apples save it with the value 4 before the title screen and be able to...
  6. Axel

    the sequence doesn't stop and keeps on

    the sequence doesn't stop and keeps on
  7. Axel

    @[4294:@Dad3353] ok done, now choose language before title screen... the problem is that when it...

    @[4294:@Dad3353] ok done, now choose language before title screen... the problem is that when it goes to the map that works as title screen
  8. Axel

    A Dark Hero's Tale DEMO

    ok thanks I'm already using it, but I think I'll to use it as double-function-plugin...
  9. Axel

    A Dark Hero's Tale DEMO

    Yeah, there's a way to skip the sequence, press Z or Enter... I'm working on the other languages for the intro sequence. Let me see what happened with the menu. """EDIT : You have to skip the sequence, I'll fix it tomorrow, I'm going to sleep now. It's a little problem with an action in an...
  10. Axel

    A Dark Hero's Tale DEMO

    Axel updated A Dark Hero's Tale DEMO with a new update entry: fixed loop bug that returned to tittle screen. added some plugins Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. Axel

    RPG Maker A Dark Hero's Tale DEMO - fixed loop bug that returned to tittle screen. added some plugins

    I've fixed the tittle screen bug and I've added some more plugins, more are coming but I need to try them out a little more and maybe edit them (don't worry, the owners said that can be editted if necessary) Maps comming soon, sorry there are just 3 maps, and just in 1 can find battles :/.
  12. Axel

    A Dark Hero's Tale DEMO

    No, sorry, I'm adapting a book I'm writing myself but changing some things to be playable as a game.
  13. Axel

    A Dark Hero's Tale DEMO

    it will be pretty much useful to know how to create a title screen just with events, with no plugins because I solved the order problem but when I start the new game all my events work with a languaje switch and it resets that switch and desactivate them all
  14. Axel

    A Dark Hero's Tale DEMO

    Thank you so much @Cunechan , I'll will be so helpful to have your help in French and German 'cause I don't know so much german and frencha it's been 6 or year I don't practice it. I noticed those bugs, sorry I'm working on it, and I'm working on the languajes so I can do what you say @Dad3353...
  15. Axel

    LMBS Sprites

    Thanks cunechan for your support, I'll keep searching for someone that con help me, but if in any moment you have enough time and you feel you can help you'll be welcomed to help. The principal char (BonFire) attacks with a buster sword diagonally. When he moves he has it on it's back as FF7...
  16. Axel

    LMBS Sprites

    Hey, me again, asking for another thing. XDD I was installing MOG's LMBS plugin and I realized that I need a specific kind of sprites in this new battle system. You know I'm pretty bad creating images out of nothing so If you can help me I would be so graceful. The sprites have to be of my...
  17. Axel

    Hey guys I'm starting to try javascript out (in rpg maker, I knew a few things from the web) so...

    Hey guys I'm starting to try javascript out (in rpg maker, I knew a few things from the web) so I can help with plugins and learn somethings
  18. Axel

    Fire emblem plugins

    Hey guys I'm such a fan of Fire Emblem, I love it's Side Turn Based Battle and Tactical Battle Map system and I should like to add it to my game. I've looked for a plugin like this but what i've found nothing but a japanese program called srpg maker, that is right what I need but is (of...
  19. Axel

    Needed an 'advanced' character generator...

    It really is too much work, but not impossible nor with existing chances close to zero... you could look for somebody to create the base sprites of the animations and you as programmer could do a script (THAT's a LOT of work) to reproduce it inside the battle... it should be less work than...
  20. Axel

    XP+ACE+MV IconSet

    Axel submitted a new resource: XP+ACE+MV IconSet - Iconset conformed by all XP, ACE and MV icons Read more about this resource...