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  1. LordBones

    [SOLVED] Grid drawing

    What are you putting in the common event and I gather you're using TDDP?
  2. LordBones

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    OLD: NEW: Prefer the new so much more. I've added a little more focus on items so that's why there's other UI on there, I have no idea how I would integrate items in to the old one it'd have to be somewhere else and I'm not big on taking up real estate. Instead considering you know who...
  3. LordBones

    Anyone have a guide for MV?

    This might help: In line with your exact question 'Transfer Player' is what you're after I think.
  4. LordBones

    New in RPG Maker MV

    Then there's so much that's new he may as well forget most of it...
  5. LordBones

    Why aren't there more map battle systems?

    I think most of the coders on here (me included) have the skills to be able to make a pokemon style battle system. It's much easier to do a turn based system than an active. Not sure if one has been made yet for mv. If anyone knows of one that already exists might be interesting to take a peek.
  6. LordBones

    Crop a picture

    Is there any way to crop a picture in a circle? And put the center of the crop anywhere and specify the radius of the circle. If this could be in code form it would save me a little time, thanks!
  7. LordBones

    Inventory Wipe Save [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  8. LordBones

    Inventory Wipe Save [Deleted]

    LordBones submitted a new resource: Inventory Wipe Save - Take away all the items, save it. Bring it all back. Read more about this resource...
  9. LordBones

    "Francelette' Story" Screenshots - Profiles

    What font is that?
  10. LordBones

    Wiki and what happened with it

    Could always use the Mediawiki one as an alternative I suppose. I know it won't have the same users but it is free.
  11. LordBones

    Wiki and what happened with it

    I doubt it however I'm hoping there's a way to get access to the database. If the pages worked the whole thing would work?
  12. LordBones

    Wiki and what happened with it

    What files do you have from the Wiki, is there a database file? Someway of being able to get the information out. I don't even mean in a manageable way because if it's just formated there's a chance one could make a converter into raw text making it a not impossible way to get it all out?
  13. LordBones

    Nice forum you got here.

    Might want to grab your self a pad of paper small enough to fit in your pocket. It's what I do, then if I get an idea I write it down and review it when I sit at my computer. Maybe help you although not everyone is like that.
  14. LordBones

    My name is not slade

    Perfectly valid... Hello, sit down and we'll start the interview. So what can you tell us about yourself? I'm not slade! Seems about right to me lol
  15. LordBones

    Nice forum you got here.

    Welcome to the land of posting! There are a lot of programmers on here that can help you, even if they can't program it themselves people on here just seem to know plugins that solve your issues. No worries on that front, have you planned your project out as a note?
  16. LordBones

    My name is not slade

    That's an odd way to start a conversation. My name is not Dick Dastardly... So not slade, anything you like doing in RPG Maker MV projects?
  17. LordBones

    RMMV Text Commands

    One question in regards to the last post, why are the tooltips so incredibly random. Sometimes they show, sometimes they don't? Is it because I'm using three monitors? It's the only thing I can think of that might be related.
  18. LordBones

    Select character index in a !$ character

    Yep that did it, I didn't use the exact code because I'm doing some fancy inserts but your example showed me what I needed. Thanks!
  19. LordBones

    Select character index in a !$ character

    If I took out the $ however, what would I change to move it one square across without copying the contents over 3 times on the top row? You see I know how to do if I copied the contents over, however I was wondering if there was a less clunky way of doing it.
  20. LordBones

    Select character index in a !$ character

    I've got this sheet here, I called !$Training. Here's my question, without using a difforent image, how do I change the image shown on the event to another tile/square on the image. My goal is to get the scarecrow to animate and move back and forth. Currently I've tried changing the direction...