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  1. Wingedwolf

    The goof's livestreaming update thread.

    aww Ill have to check it out on youtube then I gotta get up in a few hours for work so gonna be headed to bed and wanted to get a few more things done on my Unity project first .. Good Luck Ill def check your youtube though out and subscribe if youre going to be active
  2. Wingedwolf

    RMMV Halloween Contest!

    Ok lol hopefully I can get used to the way the editor maps its layers now in time... I ve barely been able to get done with a test map :(
  3. Wingedwolf

    Female mouth generator parts

    :) here you go Also I forgot to mention earlier i renamed the pictures just to keep track but go to your generator folder and look in female mouths section and rename them accordingly for example in the female faces you should rename them back to FG_Mouth_p10_c2 and so forth
  4. Wingedwolf

    Continue the Sentence!

    but goku brought them back with the dragonballs and kamehameha'd the prez
  5. Wingedwolf

    yeah, I'm really just not liking the whole mapping system i dont like how the auto tiling messes...

    yeah, I'm really just not liking the whole mapping system i dont like how the auto tiling messes the whole backdrop up when say making a house next to a cliff sideand etc if they dont do something about it , i m sure ALOT of ppl will go back to ace or everyones gonna learn to make maps with...
  6. Wingedwolf

    Increase Your Map Size Past 256x256

    Might be helpful to those who want to make really large maps. 1:Open MV and create a map doesnt matter the size 2: save the game and close it 3: goto your project folder for your game and find your map you just made 4: open it "map001.json'' with any text editor and search for height and...
  7. Wingedwolf

    yeah i dk if i m just used to ace or not but yeah its the tilesets that are a little off putting...

    yeah i dk if i m just used to ace or not but yeah its the tilesets that are a little off putting along with its map layering ... i think ace with export to droid and ios would have been good enough for me
  8. Wingedwolf

    i think i prefer vx ace tbh

    i think i prefer vx ace tbh
  9. Wingedwolf

    I miss Falcaos alchemy script hope he remakes it in MV plugin

    I miss Falcaos alchemy script hope he remakes it in MV plugin
  10. Wingedwolf

    RMMV Halloween Contest!

    Assuming it has to be in MV or can it be in Ace also?
  11. Wingedwolf

    Good luck hope youre enjoying it so far!

    Good luck hope youre enjoying it so far!
  12. Wingedwolf

    Starry Faces

    Wingedwolf submitted a new resource: Starry Faces - Faces for Actor1 Read more about this resource...
  13. Wingedwolf

    RPG Maker Starry Faces 2015-10-25

    Basically just some starry backgrounds for if youre dialog is taking place at night , Can also apply to all other actors and people if you like :D
  14. Wingedwolf

    Female mouth generator parts

    Wingedwolf submitted a new resource: Female mouth generator parts - few lipstick colors for female mouth Read more about this resource...
  15. Wingedwolf

    Female mouth generator parts 2015-10-25

    Just a few lipstick changes for female mouths
  16. Wingedwolf

    Hmmm I got a idea for Halloween contest!!! But can I stay off the forums long enough to complete...

    Hmmm I got a idea for Halloween contest!!! But can I stay off the forums long enough to complete in time bwahaha
  17. Wingedwolf

    Wingedwolf , BGM

    Wingedwolf updated Wingedwolf , BGM with a new update entry: new update , with .ogg and loop Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. Wingedwolf

    Wingedwolf , BGM - new update , with .ogg and loop

    newest version is in .oog format and loops now for MV use
  19. Wingedwolf

    Moderator Voting

    AMY for Presidente!