Indie Dev

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Search results

  1. Wingedwolf

    Moderator Voting

    pretty much anyone in the notable members section is popular here But aside from @Xyphien and @sage I would think Amy is the 3rd most popular in the community for her talent and jaw dropping prettiness ;) ...I m still the greatest wolf you ll ever meet though :P
  2. Wingedwolf

    Sock Quest!

    Love It!!!
  3. Wingedwolf

    Moderator Voting

    Might needa hold another campaign a little down the road to give some runners a fair chance haha Amy is to loved to run against one reason i decided to stay out of it haha
  4. Wingedwolf

    Love it

    the new auto layer system annoys me more than anything , i prefered xp and or aces more so than mvs
  5. Wingedwolf


    Yeah alot of us regulars are usually always though .. hell I really get no MV time cause I stay trolling the forums lol
  6. Wingedwolf

    yeah @Eivle I ended up getting GM:Pro for like 12 bucks which is like $499 regularly on a random...

    yeah @Eivle I ended up getting GM:Pro for like 12 bucks which is like $499 regularly on a random Steam Sale.. same with Ace too
  7. Wingedwolf

    :( 4 days later and MV already cracked , why cant ppl actually support these companies that work...

    :( 4 days later and MV already cracked , why cant ppl actually support these companies that work hard instead of looking for a damn hand out
  8. Wingedwolf

    Im SO in love with Meghan MCarthy :D !!!

    Im SO in love with Meghan MCarthy :D !!!
  9. Wingedwolf

    Nothing MV or game related but EVERYONE needs see this

    Kids can be cruel ..I had a friend that rode the bus with me that got bullied almost daily and one day I literally snapped and though what I ended up doing to the kid and and the damage to the school bus was not right . He never got bullied again . I hate bullies and Im sorry you were bullied...
  10. Wingedwolf

    End 1 sided polls early?

    should we have a poll on ending polls? lol ... hmmm I would usually say nah let it ride til end date you never know ppl might not be on as much due to life etc , but i mean if its a land slide.. i say go for it ..
  11. Wingedwolf

    disappointed with stock Database? try this

    Yeah alot of ppl i know start from scratch altogether and remake skills weps potions etc on their own , so i thought this might be helpful to post for newer users or lazy ones like myself ;)
  12. Wingedwolf

    disappointed with stock Database? try this

    when you copy paste into your database folder and then open up MV and goto database editor it ll now be filled with enemies class skills armor weapons and items
  13. Wingedwolf

    disappointed with stock Database? try this

    yes but its a converted VX ace database of all the basic enemies and spells
  14. Wingedwolf

    disappointed with stock Database? try this

    <--- quick example.....Ok so are you disappointed with the stock Database with mv and its lack of skills monsters etc? Download the full database Here .. start a new project then copy the files into your database folder and voila alll the skills monsters are now there as should be
  15. Wingedwolf

    Ace To MV Iconset

    Looks good
  16. Wingedwolf

    Nothing MV or game related but EVERYONE needs see this

    Nothing MV or game related but EVERYONE needs to take a min to watch this and think about what they would do , or may have done themselves when younger or even still are doing <iframe width="742" height="442" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  17. Wingedwolf

    Ask Holder Anything

    lol as i scrolled down to see the reply i was like OH GOD i know you didnt set your self up for a deez nuts situation! lol can i haz all your gold?
  18. Wingedwolf

    Just Recieved MV Update

    didnt see anything myself and theyre update page is horribly outdated
  19. Wingedwolf

    RMMV Halloween Contest!

    its all good :)
  20. Wingedwolf

    well finally got A map done lol .. back to my unity project for a few then gonna hit the hay

    well finally got A map done lol .. back to my unity project for a few then gonna hit the hay