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  1. Wingedwolf

    One more day!

    If MV handles it anything like game maker studio does you ll have to download the Android SDK kits and then you ll select save/export as apk which you can upload for testing .. I have a few apks already on my desktop that I've made in GMaker with my 7 yr old daughter whom I m now trying to...
  2. Wingedwolf

    Forum Achievements

    I should get a badge for being the cutest wolf here ;)
  3. Wingedwolf

    Sock Quest!

    lo oking forward to this project mainly because it seems silly and different from the typical quest story of rpgs now aday !
  4. Wingedwolf

    One more day!

    One more day!!! So what is everyone most excited about and what are your plans? Anyone actually planning on making anything for the app markets to be sold or just doing as a hobby? I plan on a few projects for fun and the forums , but also I have some plans to attempt to make something...
  5. Wingedwolf

    So excited lol! would be nice to actually make something that could make a little income off of

    So excited lol! would be nice to actually make something that could make a little income off of
  6. Wingedwolf

    Continue the Sentence!

    while being chased thru a jungle by a black smoke cloud
  7. Wingedwolf

    Forum Achievements

    Lol <-- short message haha
  8. Wingedwolf

    I will play your game live!

    no problem let me know or post a thread when ever your stream times are and i ll be around anytime to check it out when have free time
  9. Wingedwolf

    Forum Achievements

    i only have 30 post as of now :D
  10. Wingedwolf

    My gentlemans, i dare welcome.

    Welcome. :D Look forward to seeing your project .. and Im sure someone would share the bonus resources with you and other for new comers or those who just didnt have the money to pre order, if thats ok with RpgMaker and admins of this forums... @sage ?
  11. Wingedwolf

    -shifty eyes- Hi, there.

    Hey , Glad to have you here :D
  12. Wingedwolf

    Learn Javascript Basics

    No, JS is really one of the easiest to learn aside from python.. imo dont worry about buying a book .. use codeacademy and look for free pdf copies if youre serious about learning .. stay away from learn this and that in 24 hour books they are full of info but poorly written and overloaded with...
  13. Wingedwolf

    Fellow non-scripters, tell me why...

    yeah AS3 is pretty close to JS but from personal experience if you ve actually learned 1 lang enough to make use of it .. picking up another lang is really easy like transitioning from java to c# or vice versa , hardest part of it is wrapping ur head around the new syntax you ll be learning to...
  14. Wingedwolf

    Continue the Sentence!

    to make pepper spray to fight a polar bear on a deserted island..
  15. Wingedwolf

    I will play your game live!

    watched your live stream for a while last night (aka Moodirun123) liked your map sorry didnt get to watch the finish lol was getting lat here andi get up at 4 am for work