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  1. Wingedwolf

    I will play your game live!

    That would be pretty cool but might be daunting if I ever finished or released my project.. When I looked back at my child hood rpg gaming days I realized my favorite times were the ones that were extremely long with gameplay hours and had +new game features like Chrono Trigger .. so pretty much...
  2. Wingedwolf

    Javascript 101 checking

    Np , Good luck man keep at it JS is a fairly easy lang to learn with some practice :D you ll be a master before ya know it
  3. Wingedwolf

    The Real You picture threddo!

    thank you.. and before anyone ask yes i do have a triforce on my hand . and pft we rather look at your head than the turtles any day ;)
  4. Wingedwolf

    The Real You picture threddo!

    Thanks .. i m due for some more lol.. guess its an addiction.. and yeah i agree about the stereotyping that comes with having em but you get used to it lies! girls on the internet is a myth! especially very pretty ones lol .. like that picture back there to the right i guess your left though
  5. Wingedwolf


    Wingedwolf submitted a new resource: Couches - Couches Read more about this resource...
  6. Wingedwolf

    RPG Maker Couches 2015-10-21

    Original credits to Ayene Needed some couches for my own project so thought i d share and make available the ones I altered and used to help make some rooms a little more roomy
  7. Wingedwolf

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    Yeah I agree. I ve been trying to decide what more to add I eventually settled with it since as most of us have discovered lol you can actually spend hours on a simple map haha . I would like to liven it up a bit more and get a little more experience done with parallax mapping and lighting...
  8. Wingedwolf

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    Nothing special but a quick bedroom I threw together for a project I'm working on.
  9. Wingedwolf

    Javascript 101 checking

    }; }; semi colons after } not needed .. if die-result === 20 should be if (die-result === 20) { blah blah} a-roll die-result , causes errors and also is a bad habit (no offense) aRoll , roll_One , dieResult are most common ways to define variables The code itselfs for me in my compiler...
  10. Wingedwolf

    Continue the Sentence!

    that once belonged to a beautiful demon princess ...
  11. Wingedwolf

    Personal Blogs?

    Any thing that brings the community together and allows easier access to finding information , I'm all for.
  12. Wingedwolf

    Well Hello :)

    Same to you guys :D just a couple more days !
  13. Wingedwolf

    The Real You picture threddo!

    Thnx :D lol I get told all the time they make me look mean like i m apart of that crowd you shouldnt hang with haha
  14. Wingedwolf

    Upon Further Investigating I have Found Some Interesting Results

    i still need to polish my mapping skills and parallaxing
  15. Wingedwolf

    profile name change?

    I just did hopefully he can or will is no biggie if he cant
  16. Wingedwolf

    profile name change?

    Alright I'll try that , ty
  17. Wingedwolf

    profile name change?

    Sorry if seems like a redundant question, but is there a way to change profile display name i quickly joined the other day using FB login and wanna change my forum name now to the actual forum name i would normally go by but cant seem to find an option for it in account settings