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  1. Wingedwolf

    MV Script Calls

    It'd help to have a basic idea of what the condition you have in mind was to help.. but to set it as a variable is easy youve done that , and as a condition is just as easy exp. levelActor1 = $; levelActor2 = $; playerLevel =...
  2. Wingedwolf

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    yeah MV runs a little slower than i anticipated tbh
  3. Wingedwolf

    Hello there everyone.

    hehe i see what you did there @Kaimen
  4. Wingedwolf

    The Township

    sounds like a pretty cool idea .. good luck!
  5. Wingedwolf

    Hello there everyone.

    Welcome , Hope you have a enjoyable time with us misfits!
  6. Wingedwolf

    Do You Have A Story Ready?

    I kinda have one but still trying to get used to the changes MV made to the editor so Im a little distracted from my idea and am just experimenting
  7. Wingedwolf

    at a blank for mapping ideas :(

    at a blank for mapping ideas :(
  8. Wingedwolf

    Free Javascript Editors

    Webstorm is my editor of choice, sublime as a close second Webstorm can be a lil pricey but its a ide and editor all in one
  9. Wingedwolf

    List of MV Disappointments

    Initial stock tileset was a disappointment though
  10. Wingedwolf


    Lol Thnx guys .. awake now ..time to get back at it and experiment
  11. Wingedwolf

    List of MV Disappointments

    absolutely loving the charagen though
  12. Wingedwolf


    ugh Ive been looking forward to getting off work all day to come home and fiddle more with MV...but ugh I'm so Tired .. I believe I need a nap! lol
  13. Wingedwolf

    New VX Ace Tutorials

    first! lol ... pretty awesome btw
  14. Wingedwolf

    It's My Birthday and RPG Maker MV Release!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope you have a great one :D 8D:thumbsup:>:38):pumpkin::pizza:
  15. Wingedwolf

    Exporting to iOS and Android

    MV doesnt directly export to these platforms as we were lead to believe and Im sure theres going to be some people asking how to do so I thought I'd go ahead and start this thread. Windows and Mac exports in RMMV use the Node.js desktop client to pack the games up. Selecting the iOS/Android...
  16. Wingedwolf


    so what is everyones initial thoughts so far that was able to pre order download? ... have to say I'm liking it .. little disappointed with the android support but its easily work aroundable
  17. Wingedwolf

    New and Improved Help section!

  18. Wingedwolf

    It's up, and ready to download for those who pre-ordered

    so i noticed MV already has a 20 day trial built into it before you enter your key, so are we able to post the link as a trial since its a public link and has trial already installed? maybe help those on the fence get knocked off to purchase it