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Search results

  1. Arythorn

    Tile Passage Problem (SOLVED)

    Thanks! It helps alot!
  2. Arythorn

    Tile Passage Problem (SOLVED)

    I was simply wondering if there is a way you can make it so that a given tile (in a tile set,) can only be walked UNDER and ON TOP OF because I plan on making bridges across cliffs and things but RPG Maker does not have a 'bridge' option under its tileset menu!! Hopefully we can find a way to...
  3. Arythorn

    Alium - The First Octave (Plot Help Wanted.)

    so, I'll dive right in, I have a few basic components for my plot line. Mainly the start and end. SO let me lay out what I have. Characters - Plot Points So Far - (Warning - LONG)
  4. Arythorn

    Mini Map Problem (Eventing)

    So Ii have currently made a 'mini' map, that follows the player and shows their location on it (basically a mini map, but it can only be toggled to off or full screen). Problem is - it follows the player's X/Y on the given map, so if i go OFF that map and into, say, a town, the map (which is of...
  5. Arythorn

    The Real You picture threddo!

    Ha ha, perhaps! Though mine are very strong prescription! I think mine are around the -12 to -15 mark... My lenses are really thick as a result of this too... (jolly)(cool)
  6. Arythorn

    The Real You picture threddo!

    Joining in XD Most recent pic of me... Taken like, a few mins ago :)
  7. Arythorn

    Music Bundle!!

    Incredible! Sadly will not be buying... But I would just like to say that your talent is incredible... (I'm Jealous XD) Keep up the good work :)
  8. Arythorn

    Music Theory - Part 1 - Dynamics, Note Duration and Keys/Scales

    Thank you! I try my best to provide something the community here can benefit from! Especially those who are new to music and wish to learn some of the basics.
  9. Arythorn

    Music Theory - Part 1 - Dynamics, Note Duration and Keys/Scales

    So, Music Theory, the baseline and core for song writing. Even just a basic knowledge of musical components and terminology, chords and keys, can get you very far, so here, in this post, I am going to be talking about some of the fundamentals of Music. Dynamics - Dynamics are sometimes...
  10. Arythorn

    Yep! Only I get homework AND classwork that is meant for students two years above me (In math...

    Yep! Only I get homework AND classwork that is meant for students two years above me (In math anyway...)... that's the price I pay for being in all the top sets apart from P.E/Gym
  11. Arythorn

    Song Of The Wind people

    Well improvisation is always a good skill to have, but knowing the basic fundamentals and core elements of Music Theory is something that is very beneficial :) (Hopefully that sentence made sence)
  12. Arythorn

    Song Of The Wind people

    If you read my review, I do give you a mini lecture, but most of the stuff I talk about is very useful. I know you are doing single instrument pieces - so far - but even those instruments have two clefs, so my guide applies. Here's another of my pieces which shows how I use different...
  13. Arythorn

    I reviewed your Song of The Wing People - so you can wait no longer :) (Warning, Mini Lecture :D)

    I reviewed your Song of The Wing People - so you can wait no longer :) (Warning, Mini Lecture :D)
  14. Arythorn

    Just implemented the time system that I wanted! All is going well at the moment! Even if I don't...

    Just implemented the time system that I wanted! All is going well at the moment! Even if I don't always work on it and it takes a long time. It should be worth it!
  15. Arythorn

    Making this whole project a little too hard for myself... Oh well, the hard work and dedication...

    Making this whole project a little too hard for myself... Oh well, the hard work and dedication will show at the end of it all ...I hope
  16. Arythorn

    It's 1:08 in the morning for me! Good job I don't have school for another two weeks! (YESH...

    It's 1:08 in the morning for me! Good job I don't have school for another two weeks! (YESH Britishness... Though I only get 6 weeks summer break...)
  17. Arythorn

    Two years of practice bearing in mind! I also have lessons at school so... Yeah! Thank you by...

    Two years of practice bearing in mind! I also have lessons at school so... Yeah! Thank you by the way!
  18. Arythorn

    Carrying Events Over Maps

    Thanks! Will get this done later on... And keep you both updated if I need anything. Will see what I can do! Currently I just have the screen tints to show the passing of time but perhaps having a clock could be used for making things such as "Oh! I have to go and have tea with Bob at 2:30!" So...
  19. Arythorn

    So do I! As I said, you'll get better over time :) Here is a piece I made on Noteflight for...

    So do I! As I said, you'll get better over time :) Here is a piece I made on Noteflight for piano. (Don't think this is classed as rule breaking, I apologise to the sites owner and moderators if it is...)
  20. Arythorn

    Ah. I use a website called Noteflight, but that's with sheetmusic! You will get better with...

    Ah. I use a website called Noteflight, but that's with sheetmusic! You will get better with time! I've been playing piano for around two years so I have gotten better with time... You are doing very well though!!