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Search results

  1. Arythorn

    Change Certain Map Part Within Game?

    OK, let me first clarify I'm not sure whether this needs to be in this section or the scripting section, or both (but posting this twice would seem unreasonable) If any of you are familiar with the Animal Crossing series, you will be aware of house upgrades, these allow for larger houses and...
  2. Arythorn

    Could This Work/Is This Feasible?

    So RPG Maker MV is a tool used to create... well, RPG's... But would it be feasible to create a different kind of game, a simulation perhaps (Something like The Sims or Virtual Families)? The software gives us character sprites and tilesets to build things such as houses... so the only real...
  3. Arythorn

    Push Them Away - A Visual Novel

    Before I begin, let me explain the reasons behind this game's creation. If you wish to just dive right in and read, feel free to skip this part. "Push Them Away" is a Visual Novel, more of a story than a game (though I figured MV would be the easiest thing for me to create it with, hence why...
  4. Arythorn

    Title Screen Help?

    Well, I just tried fruit and came to the same conclusion. So leaves it shall be!
  5. Arythorn

    Title Screen Help?

    Of course, now I just have to find a way to incorporate the colours in (I was thinking maybe adding leaves to the tree or perhaps fruits to represent them?)
  6. Arythorn

    Title Screen Help?

    Phew, OK. Here is what I managed to conjure up. The leaves in the background have a slight tint in attempt to bring colour to the image yet retain the monochromatic feel.
  7. Arythorn

    Title Screen Help?

    That's what I was thinking, although maybe I should the character to the other corner so it balances the image because obviously with the start menu on that side it could feel a little too crowded. Perhaps if I just used an image to fill the space at the bottom, maybe another important part of...
  8. Arythorn

    Title Screen Help?

    That's what I was thinking. But all my characters look the same only with slight variations and different colours. The coloured 'orbs' in version one plated a big role. I explained this to Amy in a conversation and here is what I said. So by the end of the game, the title would have a lot...
  9. Arythorn

    Title Screen Help?

    @CraftGeek Ooh, I do quite like that! Interesting thing is, the email notification I received had a longer post than this aha, I'm guessing it was edited. EDIT - After trying out the suggested font (and frankly, loving it!) I have re-worked my title screen layout but now face the problem of...
  10. Arythorn

    Title Screen Help?

    Thing is, I'm not even sure whether a pixel font would best suit the game. Perhaps more, 'chubby' fonts could work better (if there is such a thing) as in fonts that are smoother and bold? I'm also unsure whether an all caps font almost could make the game seem childish??
  11. Arythorn

    Title Screen Help?

    We all know the first thing people see when they pick up a game is the Title - It's important, and so is its font and presentation... which just so happens to be the thing I am finding, well, rather problematic. The current game title I have is this The problem is... It reminds me too much of...
  12. Arythorn

    Am I biting off more than I can chew? I Probably am!

    Am I biting off more than I can chew? I Probably am!
  13. Arythorn

    Well I've always used Photoshop because my dad has a license because we use it for...

    Well I've always used Photoshop because my dad has a license because we use it for Photography... so I just use what I have as I know its a good enough software and an alternative.
  14. Arythorn

    Whelp, Only JUST realized that if I use a 48x48 grid in Photoshop... I can just build my own...

    Whelp, Only JUST realized that if I use a 48x48 grid in Photoshop... I can just build my own maps in Photoshop... >.< FREEDOM!
  15. Arythorn

    Without a Doubt. I was on it the first wave that hit us, I'll be here for the second, glad you...

    Without a Doubt. I was on it the first wave that hit us, I'll be here for the second, glad you have mentioned this, I wonder if there is a way to prevent them altogether...
  16. Arythorn

    RMMV.CO Battle Theme Music Contest (BGM)

    (amazed)It all rested on me? That's a lot of responsibility for a 14 year old (joking). And yes, let him have his chance too!
  17. Arythorn

    BGM - Battle Theme Contest Entry...

    Converted to .ogg :)
  18. Arythorn

    RMMV.CO Battle Theme Music Contest (BGM)

    Oh gosh! I'd better go and fix tahrs before one of you Moderators come and initiate a battle! You lot are very powerful forces! Argh! :D
  19. Arythorn

    RMMV.CO Battle Theme Music Contest (BGM)

    Well then, be afraid... for I have managed to produce something! (joking)(shout) Aha, I'm sure you'll be great, mine is just a load of piano I've just come up with which sounds kinda heroic and/or dramatic. I have no idea how on earth this Battle Theme thing works or what it really IS (well, I...
  20. Arythorn

    BGM - Battle Theme Contest Entry...

    Arythorn submitted a new resource: BGM - Battle Theme Contest Entry... - Contest Entry for the forums Battle Theme, enjoy! Read more about this resource...