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Search results

  1. Arythorn

    BGM - Battle Theme Contest Entry...

    This Is my submission for the Battle Music Contest. Here It Is... Please download from the link above, Thank You. - USAGE TERMS - This may be used in both Commercial and Non-Commercial projects as long as I am given credit...
  2. Arythorn

    RMMV.CO Battle Theme Music Contest (BGM)

    Aaarrgghhh This isn't good, I'll stay in the contest for now but not sure if I can conjure anything up this time round!! (cry)(shocked)(ignored)
  3. Arythorn

    RMMV.CO Battle Theme Music Contest (BGM)

    My thoughts exactly. Doesn't help with the fact I'm a Pianist and also not entirely sure on a few specifics like whether or not the track needs to loop seamlessly, how long it should be and also what exactly is meant by the sites "Battle Theme"!
  4. Arythorn

    RMMV.CO Battle Theme Music Contest (BGM)

    I'll see what I can do! Since I am on half term I'll have plenty of time to get working (cool)
  5. Arythorn

    MV.CO's First Game WIP Contest

    Well, both aspects play into it I guess - both how good a game is and how it's presented (for example, via a site such as yours) - in addition to this, you've received a lot of feedback and also have lots of update logs to show how the game is progressing actively! And hopefully I can start one...
  6. Arythorn

    MV.CO's First Game WIP Contest

    The fact you have this online is going to help you with a lot of contests and things due to it showing how you've managed to already get it out there to so many people! Damn, now I stand even less of a chance of making it into the Top 3 - and there are only four entries! (cheeks)
  7. Arythorn

    The Real You picture threddo!

    It's not been that long since I posted this... but I've changed so much :O
  8. Arythorn

    Dreamstone Destiny

    Glad you got it fixed (I spent ages trying stuff because the files wouldn't upload from my PC, eventually used my phone...) And I guess resizing isn't too bad if everything doesn't get distorted or stretched. Anyhoo, I'll keep checking back here.
  9. Arythorn

    Dreamstone Destiny

    Ah, I see you are having the same problem I've - your images not appearing in posts. Sadly, I've had a word with @Xyphien and he is not sure of the cause of said issue. But enough of that, very good idea - converting from ACE to MV (if i understand correctly, tile sizes are different and...
  10. Arythorn

    Indeed there are... and I do intend to try and be more active and helpful here, pay this place...

    Indeed there are... and I do intend to try and be more active and helpful here, pay this place back for all the help :)
  11. Arythorn

    Entering my first competition on the forum... so excited (and terrified because you're all so...

    Entering my first competition on the forum... so excited (and terrified because you're all so good at this!)
  12. Arythorn

    Scrolling Text - Stop and Fade?

    Yes, I'm referring to the actual MV Scrolling Text event command. But if creating a text image it might be easier I agree... I'll just have to learn how to... (get it to move and stuff, not make the text image XD)
  13. Arythorn

    A french "Hello" !

    Oh trust me, this community is very active, and so are the staff! So Welcome, Our Fabulous French Friend, to this Forum, enjoy your stay! And, as MJ said, Your English is very good, maybe, even better than some native English speakers (if that makes sense.)
  14. Arythorn

    MV.CO's First Game WIP Contest

    I Know I'm not a moderator, Administrator, or even Part of this Contest's production team (so to speak), but I do believe that along as the game is still a WIP then it should still be legible for this contest. Good Luck :) And, here is my entry, Reflection...
  15. Arythorn

    Reflection - A Narrative Story RPG

    What is 'Reflection'? 'Reflection' is a fictional story/visual novel. It is being produced to be entered in our forums latest contest/s. 'Reflection', is a WIP game and is based around one sole character; in fact - 'Reflection' - is her story... Who is 'Reflection' about? 'Reflection' is...
  16. Arythorn

    Scrolling Text - Stop and Fade?

    Hi, Its Me... again (I Know, You're probably all sick of me :3) But I have a slight... request of sorts, a question... Is it possible to freeze scrolling text at a certain point and then fade it out? Thanks In Advance, Arythorn
  17. Arythorn

    Long Delay Before Trigger? (FIXED)

    SO I have a problem, I'm using script calls for my custom title screen. And if i click some of the events, there is a rather long delay before they work. Here are the script calls I'm using... Thanks In Advance, Arythorn (Fixed, I was actually waiting for a character to touch the...
  18. Arythorn

    What on Earth is 'addRect' and why is it making my game crash?

    I will try, its just that it did work for the other game with even more plugins (But, I know, what works for one may not always work for another!) Hold On... After further investigation, on the notion you suggested, I have come to the conclusion that there is an issue with the map. If I turn...
  19. Arythorn

    What on Earth is 'addRect' and why is it making my game crash?

    Thanks, was not too sure where to put it :)
  20. Arythorn

    What on Earth is 'addRect' and why is it making my game crash?

    So, Here's the problem, i load my game annndd.... This appears! I can't even get to my title screen. I am using the following Plugins - That map in that list is being used as my title screen. If that helps? Does anyone know how to fix this? I copied the map form a previous game so i got...