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  1. Boy Who Codes

    Thomas Edison MV [Deleted]

    Hi there. You can use this plugin free for commercial and noncommercial purposes. The only thing I ask from you is give my name a part of your credit list. Thank you very much and have a great day developing your game.
  2. Boy Who Codes

    Plugin Request- Menu Shop

    How would you handle the goods? Like, say in a shop inside a menu, you actually have to make a set of goods inside those shop. So how are you going to handle those?
  3. Boy Who Codes

    RPG Maker MV with 3D capabilities, anyone?

    RPG Maker MV with 3D capabilities, anyone?
  4. Boy Who Codes

    Do you usually have your EDC kits with you? like Altoids kit something like that?

    Do you usually have your EDC kits with you? like Altoids kit something like that?
  5. Boy Who Codes

    Doing a massive cleanup on my computer for 2016's end. New start for 2017 :D

    Doing a massive cleanup on my computer for 2016's end. New start for 2017 :D
  6. Boy Who Codes

    Translation and Localization for RMMV games

    I see, sorry if I misunderstood. If you're looking for a plugin that somehow replaces the translated document, I think that's more than possible. Though I feel JSON files would be much better than a txt, but nevertheless it has the same effect.
  7. Boy Who Codes

    Translation and Localization for RMMV games

    About the translation plugin, it could be done, but it takes a huge amount of hard work to pull the library of translation. This means that the developer would have to create a library of the parts of the languages that would be translated through the entire game. While there are external /...
  8. Boy Who Codes

    Removing Flashing Animation for Mouse Click Destination

    Hmm, well I think this is because we still update the sprite. Let's remove it totally: Please use this plugin instead: This should work out fine.
  9. Boy Who Codes

    Editing tons of videos for my upcoming new year tutorial bash :D

    Editing tons of videos for my upcoming new year tutorial bash :D
  10. Boy Who Codes

    Removing Flashing Animation for Mouse Click Destination

    May I have a copy of a screenshot of the whole console error when you press F8? It could be something about the update, but I just want to be sure.
  11. Boy Who Codes

    Removing Flashing Animation for Mouse Click Destination

    Install this plugin below all plugins you use: You won't see the flashing animation when you click.
  12. Boy Who Codes

    Tutorial in menu

    I see. Sounds like a nice concept and doable. Might be doing this.
  13. Boy Who Codes

    EPIC boss warning plugin!

    Yep. Replicate Sprite_Destination, slot it in the Spriteset_Map and that it will only show when a variable is set to true. And then modify it flashing on the screen. :D
  14. Boy Who Codes

    EPIC boss warning plugin!

    Haaa...this remindsme of Megaman. Love how you did this. There's also an easier way where you just copy the Sprite_Destination and modify it, lol. Nice work as always man :D
  15. Boy Who Codes

    Tutorial in menu

    You mean like a help window that tells you what the selection is about?
  16. Boy Who Codes

    Mad Mad Mapping Tutorial (Forest)

    The trees looks like cotton candy, I like it :D
  17. Boy Who Codes

    Error Message When Testing First Browser Game

    Have you ever tried hosting it in an actual web hosting site if it works? I was thinking if that was possible, but I think it should be. What I mean is having all the working files transferred via FileZilla for example, to a free webhosting site.
  18. Boy Who Codes

    Large Description for Items

    If so, you can make the notebox value in a variable set as strings. Then access those via the window where you want them displayed. You can always go with checking the beginning tag, and then the ending tag. Any value after those tags would be the string description you want. Ex...
  19. Boy Who Codes

    Large Description for Items

    Where would the extended description be displayed?
  20. Boy Who Codes

    Long Scripts in Event

    It is because it's not as used as it was before in VXAce. Script calls were always used in VXAce whenever they are going to do something about the installed scripts or anything that the script they are using provides. It is also an easier way to manage things that can be shortened by code rather...