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  1. Boy Who Codes


    Welcome to the forums :) I really hope you enjoy your stay here. :D
  2. Boy Who Codes

    White screen

    It could be because of an unupdated file or DirectX. Nevertheless, it's good you got your game working :D
  3. Boy Who Codes


    Welcome to the forums, Marcus! I hope you enjoy your stay here and you get to know people more. Good luck on your future works :D
  4. Boy Who Codes


    Hi there, welcome to the forums :D
  5. Boy Who Codes


    Welcome to the forums :D
  6. Boy Who Codes


    Hello there :D
  7. Boy Who Codes

    Contests, Contests, Contests

    Good luck on the contests and I hope it would be successful :)
  8. Boy Who Codes

    Me and nothing else :D

    Welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy your stay :)
  9. Boy Who Codes


    Welcome to the forums :)
  10. Boy Who Codes

    I am new to this website

    Welcome to the forums, Avalanche :D
  11. Boy Who Codes

    [PAID] Soul's Plugin Creation Shop (Open, 1 Slot)

    Would it be possible to know how much your budget is or what 'hack and slash' actually handles? I can make you something like a simple system where you can slash your enemies and stuff, but I can't promise you a very fancy one. This takes time and my inexperience of course of the matter may give...
  12. Boy Who Codes

    Earthbound Battle Backgrounds?

    I'll try to come up with it, since I also want it to be in my library of plugins :D
  13. Boy Who Codes

    Earthbound Battle Backgrounds?

    I actually tried to make one before. I did it by interchanging the backgrounds every frame. However, I found a massive memory leak when the scene goes on. Until now I am figuring out why, so I haven't released the plugin. But if there's an easier way where we can use gifs as backgrounds, that'd...
  14. Boy Who Codes

    Killer Gin 0.9.9 (Master Particle Edition), RPG with dating and farming!!

    Wow, that's a lot of system to tackle. I admire your patience maintaining all of those :O
  15. Boy Who Codes

    Karma meter and attraction meter request

    Would you be able to point out where in the window it should be displayed? You would want the Karma Variable different for each character, correct?
  16. Boy Who Codes

    How can I delete a save file in my test game?

    You mean you want a command to delete a saved file when you play your game, is that it?
  17. Boy Who Codes

    Karma meter and attraction meter request

    How is the karma managed? Where does it get the points and where do you want it displayed?
  18. Boy Who Codes

    I am sponsoring a game dev event here. Want to fund the whole staff but not enough budget rn...

    I am sponsoring a game dev event here. Want to fund the whole staff but not enough budget rn. You can help me by me giving you something. PM
  19. Boy Who Codes

    Questions on MV Events / Scripting You Have (Youtube Videos)

    Hello everyone, Soul here. So for quite some time, my youtube channel became stale because to be honest I am still thinking which one is a good tutorial to make for people who would like to learn about MV. I do have a series planned but while making them, I want some alternate questions to...