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  1. TheUnproPro

    NES/GB Tileset w/Icons [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  2. TheUnproPro

    Slot Machines Plugin!

    none of that is possible with this version sadly, unless you edit the code lol, which I'll let anybody edit it, none of my plugins are currently restricted in any way
  3. TheUnproPro

    Slot Machines Plugin!

    At the time I wasn't the best programmer lol, rip for that... Only accepts horizontal additions.
  4. TheUnproPro

    Conditional Branch Assistant

    TheUnproPro submitted a new resource: Conditional Branch Assistant - Helpful commands to check if player is parallel between 2 events + more Read more about this resource...
  5. TheUnproPro

    RPG Maker Conditional Branch Assistant 2017-08-29

    This plugin allows you to create conditional branches that check for specific things, such as if an event or the player is on another event, on a region, etc. It also allows you to check if the player is parallel between 2 events on the X or Y axis.
  6. TheUnproPro

    Slot Machines Plugin!

    I don't even remember how I coded this, but ik it can be improved... maybe they're be an update :)
  7. TheUnproPro

    BGM - Into the Fray

    Great job =D
  8. TheUnproPro

    Goofing in the forest

    TheUnproPro submitted a new resource: Goofing in the forest - A pretty dank song for a forest :U Read more about this resource...
  9. TheUnproPro

    Goofing in the forest 2017-07-05

    Jungle/Forest w/e :) Free to use commercially and non-commercially.
  10. TheUnproPro

    Game Over

    TheUnproPro submitted a new resource: Game Over - Sad-ish piano game over Read more about this resource...
  11. TheUnproPro

    Game Over 2017-07-02

    Enjoy this game-over theme. Free for commercial use, just credit William Ramsey.
  12. TheUnproPro

    A Great Sunny Day

    sadly ye
  13. TheUnproPro


    TheUnproPro submitted a new resource: Procrastinate.js - it procrastinates. Read more about this resource...
  14. TheUnproPro

    RPG Maker Procrastinate.js 2017-05-11

    Does literally nothing cept' puts "Procrastinating..." in your console log every 10 mins. I developed this plugin for comedic purposes after having a rather short discussion about it in a discord chat. Seriously, don't use this, it's literally just a joke plugin (unless you want to have your...
  15. TheUnproPro

    Map Warp Plugin!

    that would be cool =D Would require heavy modification tho.. sorry lol just not motivated enough to do that
  16. TheUnproPro

    umapi - Event Click API!

    TheUnproPro submitted a new resource: umapi - Event Click API! - Set up touch/click spots using events! Read more about this resource...
  17. TheUnproPro

    RPG Maker umapi - Event Click API! 1.0

    Hi everyone! I'm back with another plugin. This plugin lets you use a parallel process to handle click events on the map or screen. Instructions: Example event: ◆Comment:Disable movement when click/touched ◆Plugin Command:disableTtm ◆Comment:Random click region on map...
  18. TheUnproPro

    RPG Maker MV Mini-Map Plugin

    I really don't know, I don't spend much time anymore on RPG maker. At least not for another 2 weeks, hopefully I'll be able to get back into it then...
  19. TheUnproPro

    Basic Quest Tutorial

    Basically, when you create a new event page and check one of the options in the conditional section, (like if you click switch), then that event page wont activate until that switch is on. It's just personal preference really, considering I could have done it with conditional branches.
  20. TheUnproPro

    Guide on Exporting your game to Android

    That's excellent =D until Enterbrain can find out a better way to export to mobile devices, this will have to work <3