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Search results

  1. TheUnproPro

    EPIC boss warning plugin!

    lol I usually reply to comments, I'm not that popular tbh xD but thanks <3
  2. TheUnproPro

    EPIC boss warning plugin!

    thanks and yep thats me
  3. TheUnproPro

    [Tutorial] Get rewarded for shopping

    In this video I explain how you can get rewarded for shopping! If you spend x amount of gold, you get an extra item.
  4. TheUnproPro

    EPIC boss warning plugin!

    The help file is empty? That's odd.... Go to the plugins manager, configure my plugin, there should be a 'help' button. It should show you the plugin commands, if not let me know and I"ll update it.
  5. TheUnproPro

    EPIC Boost points plugin! - Boost Pro

    I'm not a professional coder, so I don't even know where to begin when converting it from variables of some other plugin is what I'm saying, plus I have no inspiration for RM coding right now, sorry :/
  6. TheUnproPro

    EPIC Boost points plugin! - Boost Pro

    You'd have to learn JS and find a way to convert it xD idk
  7. TheUnproPro

    By the water

    TheUnproPro submitted a new resource: By the water - A Beautiful track with a relaxing atmosphere Read more about this resource...
  8. TheUnproPro

    By the water 1.0

    NON-COMMERCIAL You are allowed to use this without restriction on non-commercial products. To download this song for free, click the download button located on the player COMMERCIAL In order to use this commercially, see the terms and conditions.
  9. TheUnproPro

    Achievements Pro

    Damn, this plugin can't be used for mobile then for sure :/ Sorry, I thought the cancel method handled both right click and the button/keys :/
  10. TheUnproPro

    [Paid] RTP Mapping (Or custom)

    Hi there! If you need any maps done, email me with the size of the map you want. Also, if you're using a custom tileset, I'll need a copy of it. You can make a blank project with the tileset and send me the project to avoid displaying anything about your game, or you could just send me the...
  11. TheUnproPro

    Paid Tutorials

    [EDIT] This is no longer happening, sorry! --Old-- Hi there! I'm not home much anymore, but when I am, I'd like the chance to do tutorials for people. I'm running out of RPG maker content to come up with, and am fresh out of ideas. So, if you need a tutorial done, (if it's within my...
  12. TheUnproPro

    ty for the follow :D

    ty for the follow :D
  13. TheUnproPro

    Epic 3D Animated water!

    Using this method, you can get this really cool animated water effect =D You'll need a copy of my upp_parallaxPro plugin (link below) Plugin commands: addMapParallax 0 0 0 0.25 0.5 1 1 PARALLAX_WATER 0 addMapParallax 1 45 45 -0.25 .05 1 1 PARALLAX_WATER 0 addMapParallax 2 96 96 0 .05 1 1...
  14. TheUnproPro

    A Great Sunny Day

    TheUnproPro submitted a new resource: A Great Sunny Day - Beautiful for villages Read more about this resource...
  15. TheUnproPro

    A Great Sunny Day 2017-01-30

    Free to use, just credit William Ramsey. Also free for commercial games as well. Support me on Patreon:
  16. TheUnproPro

    Achievements Pro

    use \n not <br> :) \n should auto convert to new line. As for making the box bigger, best bet is to edit the code, I don't have a way of doing so normally D:
  17. TheUnproPro

    Battle Of Power

    TheUnproPro submitted a new resource: Battle Of Power - EPIC for boss battles! Read more about this resource...
  18. TheUnproPro

    Battle Of Power 2017-01-22

    Enjoy this epic masterpiece best used in a boss battle. Soundcloud:
  19. TheUnproPro

    Unlimited Parallax & Overlays

    TheUnproPro submitted a new resource: Unlimited Parallax & Overlays - Create unlimited overlays and parallaxes! Read more about this resource...
  20. TheUnproPro

    RPG Maker Unlimited Parallax & Overlays 2017-01-21

    This plugin allows you to create unlimited parallax and overlays for your game! It's the ultimate tool for parallax mapping.