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Search results

  1. TheUnproPro

    Valentines Day Resource Pack

    Creating a romantic partner is as easy as creating them in the param! Please take note that this is still WIP. Latest design: And with adding the popup window along with sound effects and other customization changes, its finally done! (I think... unless something needs to be changed after...
  2. TheUnproPro

    RPG Maker MV Mini-Map Plugin

    Thanks :) You'll be happy to know that my new version only needs to be drawn once ;) it's also going to be scrollable.
  3. TheUnproPro

    Romance System

    TheUnproPro updated Romance System with a new update entry: Small patch - (Required) Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. TheUnproPro

    RPG Maker Romance System - Small patch - (Required)

    This patch is required as I forgot to call the alias I used for the plugin commands, so your plugin commands from other plugins might not work unless you use this patch xD rip rip
  5. TheUnproPro

    Ask a Loaf of Bread Questions

    Thanks! now to find one... *goes into detail about some life story about wanting to be a bread * and that's why I always wanted to be a bread ;-;
  6. TheUnproPro

    Ask a Loaf of Bread Questions

    @Essy how can I become a bread? D:
  7. TheUnproPro


    Hi, test!
  8. TheUnproPro

    Romance System

    TheUnproPro submitted a new resource: Romance System - Romance for NPCs or Party members, even invisible entities! (...?) Read more about this resource...
  9. TheUnproPro

    RPG Maker Romance System 2017-12-28

    This system allows you to have a romance system in your games. You can use this to have events where you can marry your party members or marry NPCs. Screenshots: Video: ~Help~ COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) William Ramsey, you have the right to use this commercially or non-commercially in any...
  10. TheUnproPro

    popScene closing game entirely

    For some reason my scene doesn't close properly, when I try to pop it it simply closes the entire game instead of returning to the scene it was previously at. Can someone help me? EDIT: Sec, providing details. Ok so basically, the scene is set up in this way: function Scene_UppRomance() {...
  11. TheUnproPro

    [Tutorial] The best way to append data to the save file

    For the longest time, it's been a pain in my side figuring out how to append information to a function that ends up returning a value. It turns out it was incredibly simple, I was just thinking a little too linear. Let's look at the original code for adding data to the save file...
  12. TheUnproPro

    Making your cutscenes not 'suck'

    While it's true that this is my opinion, and I use the term 'suck' very loosely as other people may consider the standards good, I thought I'd share these videos as a tutorial for anybody who might be interested =) This video compares a standard scene to one with a little more effort put into...
  13. TheUnproPro

    Achievements Pro

    Yes you sure can :) I'm not really sure what to do about that, lol sorry, but I did just get back into RPG maker again and going to try my luck at creating plugins once again too.
  14. TheUnproPro

    Achievements Pro

    I'm really sorry but this script is too old to salvage, it might as well be redone but right now I'm working on the role-play bot for my discord server
  15. TheUnproPro

    Horror Sounds [Contest]

  16. TheUnproPro

    Time Engine

    I wish I knew what happened to LTN myself D:
  17. TheUnproPro

    Happy Birthday RMMV! + Contest!

    here's my submission =D Video:
  18. TheUnproPro

    Horror Sounds [Contest]

    TheUnproPro submitted a new resource: Horror Sounds [Contest] - some seriously dank scary things Read more about this resource...
  19. TheUnproPro

    Horror Sounds [Contest] 2017-10-12

    This is for the contest here: The sounds:
  20. TheUnproPro

    Paid Tutorials

    Hi there, sorry but I forgot this post was up and I'm no longer doing this sort of thing :(