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Time Engine

Time Engine 1.3.1

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Haha, I'm glad someone is looking forward to it and I'm surprised to hear that other plugin attempts were a fail. Anyway, if you have any suggestions on how you would like my plugin to be setup, drop a message on my development thread.
Will do. Here is a screen shot of why I was asking. I just did a quest edit on this farm to show you some of the stuff in my farm set that i am working on.
The watermill on the bottom right is working but I have not got the carnivores plant's animated yet.


LTN Games submitted a new resource:

Time Engine - A simple but powerful time engine for your game.

Read more about this resource...

So I'm new to RM, and have just about zero programming skills. Using this plugin how to I pass the specific information for, say, a day of the week or a month of the year to a variable.

For instance, let's say i want t have a sale at the weapon store every Wednesday, and I want potions to be more expensive at the item shop in January. How do I pass the dynamic state of just day of the week, or just the specific month to a variable?

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Just setup the active variables so you can use them in the game wherever you would like. I usually setup the variables whenever the game starts using an autorun or parallel event which get's erased. Screenshot_1.png
This basically sets Hour Minute Day Week Month Year to the variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 in that order.

For my plugins demo I have in the making I set the variables in a common event which is automatically run at the start of a new game, then for the opening and closing of the shops I use a parallel event to check the time of day.


Just setup the active variables so you can use them in the game wherever you would like. I usually setup the variables whenever the game starts using an autorun or parallel event which get's erased.
This basically sets Hour Minute Day Week Month Year to the variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 in that order.

Ah! The part I didn't understand was the relationship between the TE variables active 1 2 3 4 5 6 and the unit of time referenced. Thank you for your speedy response and for clearing this up for me!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
LTN Games updated Time Engine with a new update entry:

Large Update

Time Engine now has timers! This allows you to setup a timer using a plugin command which is basically an invisible timer and when it has run out of time it activates common events, you may also activate a common event when a timer has begun.

All known bugs from the previous version have been fixed.

  • You can now hide the year entirely from the clock
  • A simple plugin command can be used to add time, good for that moment when the story line skips ahead a couple hours days or...
Read the rest of this update entry...


Staff member
Does the plugin have an option for the clock to run backwards, having the months, weeks, days, and hours running backwards?


Hey I like your pugin. But the latest version, 1.2.0 isn't downloadable. I try to download it but it takes me to a page that says, "Oops! That page can't be found!"

I had to download the older version of the pugin. Hope you get it fixed soon!


I might be doing something wrong, but the download link on your website gives me version 1.10 and not 1.20. Great plugin though, can't wait for the time control feature (when can I expect it? I'm hyped ahaha)


I might be doing something wrong, but the download link on your website gives me version 1.10 and not 1.20. Great plugin though, can't wait for the time control feature (when can I expect it? I'm hyped ahaha)
I got ver 1.1.0 when i went to get the update as well

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I might be doing something wrong, but the download link on your website gives me version 1.10 and not 1.20. Great plugin though, can't wait for the time control feature (when can I expect it? I'm hyped ahaha)
Thanks for letting me know, it turns out I forgot to rename a few of the version locations, it is indeed 1.2.0. To ensure it is, check the plugins help file and if it contains instructions for a timer then it is version 1.2.o.
As for time control, that is on hold until I finish this quest plugin and more work on my website, should be fairly soon, just right now I'm swamped with work and holiday festivities. I'm glad you're excited about the add-on, it should be a fun and awesome addition to those making farming games or anything that requires spawning of events.


With regards to the 'add' plugin command, I can't seem to be able to use a game variable as a number. By that, I mean I am trying to use the plugin command 'TE add $gameVariables.value(9) minute' and it doesn't work. The minutes on the clock just become 'NaN'. What am I misunderstanding here about plugin commands and variables?

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
With regards to the 'add' plugin command, I can't seem to be able to use a game variable as a number. By that, I mean I am trying to use the plugin command 'TE add $gameVariables.value(9) minute' and it doesn't work. The minutes on the clock just become 'NaN'. What am I misunderstanding here about plugin commands and variables?
That plugin command does not take in-game variable values, I don't see any reason not to include this in the next update, though. This next update should be this weekend after I'm done with my Quest plugin.


Hi there, I seem to be having an issue initializing the timer. On game start I run the plugin command in a parallel event:

TE variables active 1 2 3 4 5 6

But when I press F9, the variables are not updated. They still show 0 for all 6. Any idea why this could be happening?

Edit: Using TE Variables static 1 2 3 4 5 6 seems to work fine though.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
A bit confused those you said you're having trouble initializing a timer but active variables are not a timer. A timer you would use

// New years timer - Runs once on 2017 Jan 1
TE Timer 2017 1 1 12 0 2 3 true false
Timers are working good on my side

What you were doing is setting in-game variables to be updated with the current time. It works fine for me, are you sure you don't have an event which is resetting or using those variables as well? Surprisingly, the first variable is also used by other plugins, maybe other plugins are using some of those variables?