Indie Dev

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Search results

  1. Xyphien

    Unity Plugin Developer Needed (PAID)

    I'm looking for a plugin developer to do something fairly simple. I just need a basic breathing animation for all actors. Much like Yanfly's SV Enemies, however it's for allies and not enemies. The reason why is because I have 185 static side view battlers with no animations, and I'd much rather...
  2. Xyphien

    To-Do List!

    Xyphien's To-Do List: Firema (1)/, Waterma (4)/, Earthma(7)/, Billy(113), Foxea(136)/, Agarish(119)/, Turnish(117)/, Shroomish(118)/, Doggo M(39)/, Doggo F(40)/, Lax(), Spearoblin(80)/, How to display a directory/list on RMMV Add IDs next to names after you capture them. Finish adding the text...
  3. Xyphien

    To-Do List!

    If you need a place to post your To-Do list so you don't forget, and you don't want to use word, notepad, discord, or anything else then feel free to post it here. I personally don't like to use any text document as I quickly forget where I posted it, so at least here you can see what you need...
  4. Xyphien

    Unity RPG Maker MV how to make elements super effective and not effective

    This tutorial will create something similar to pokemon elements as well as fire emblem elements for RPG Maker MV and I believe it'll be the same with most other RPG Maker versions. Prolog: It's fairly simple, however it's the opposite of what I was expecting originally. The element multiplayer...
  5. Xyphien

    Unity How does Element Rate work

    It's hard to find plugins when you're going to make a commercial game. However I have in fact found the perfect one that I need :D
  6. Xyphien

    [IMG] Do I use rpg maker too much?

    Do I use rpg maker too much?
  7. Xyphien

    We're back in action boiii

    We're back in action boiii
  8. Xyphien

    What's been your largest loss?

    That would have been devastating. I'm glad you found the back up at least! Yeah I feel you on the quitting part. I went to work on mine and after finding out I lost that many enemies I kind of quit for the day lol. Will pick up on it tomorrow and grind back ground it >.> now instead of just 100...
  9. Xyphien


    Hello and welcome to the community! Glad to have you here, and who told you about it if you don't mind my asking :) You said it's available on steam? That's pretty cool even if it's incomplete! I'm glad the game jam helped get you back into the grind, and feel free to check out all of the...
  10. Xyphien

    What's been your largest loss?

    My game just crashed, and I lost over 80 enemies that I've created, and now have to recreate them all over again. That being said, what has been your largest loss when developing a game?
  11. Xyphien

    RPG Maker Pixelcrea - Creature Capturing RPG

    One of the most long and repetitive things I've had to do in a while was to resize 185 images, then rename all 185 images, and do it all over again 4 separate times to get this to work. But the results are totally worth it! There's still a lot more stuff I'm working on, but these are the major...
  12. Xyphien

    RMF New Year Game Jam!

    INTRODUCTION: RMF.GG is hosting a New Years Game Jam to start off it's re-opening as a website! Back in 2015 RMF was originally known as or and later shut down in 2019 for remodeling. Now, open and ready for the new year RMF.GG is live once again and trying to start things...
  13. Xyphien

    To all of you who are just now visiting after a while, welcome back! I hope to see you all around :)

    To all of you who are just now visiting after a while, welcome back! I hope to see you all around :)
  14. Xyphien

    Pixel Powered by MV

    Xyphien submitted a new resource: Pixel Powered by MV - Pixel Powered by MV Read more about this resource...
  15. Xyphien

    RPG Maker Pixel Powered by MV 2020-12-24

    This is a free resource for anyone who simply wants to add the Powered by MV title to their game with a little more of a pixelated theme to it. To add it to your game simply download the file from here, and paste it into your img\system folder of your game. Say yes when it says would you like...
  16. Xyphien

    Unity How does Element Rate work

    So, I've tried it this way, and also with Fire X 50% and Earth x 200% however when it comes to battling enemies it seems they hit the exact same. I have the element of the enemy I'm testing as fire. However, when I use a fire element and water element they attack the enemy at about the same...
  17. Xyphien

    RPG Maker Pixelcrea - Creature Capturing RPG

    There's a lot of differences between this and pokemon. Though it is in the same genre which happens to be very limited. You don't capture Pixa's like you do in Pokemon. Instead there's a 1/10 chance to obtain the Pixa you defeat in battle. On top of that there's only 4 elements, and each one has...
  18. Xyphien

    RPG Maker Pixelcrea - Creature Capturing RPG

    Synopsis: You start on your 18th birthday deciding to become a Pixa Battler, after taking a small test you're given a Pixa as your starting companion which you'll then be able to level up, and go through the world battling others. The game will have some basic creature collecting mechanics you'd...
  19. Xyphien

    It's Xyphien everyone!

    I've updated this very old post to have some modern stuff in it lol
  20. Xyphien

    We're back in action!

    We're back in action!