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  1. Xyphien

    Unity How do you get a job list without plugins?

    @Spaceboy I'm quite curious how you did all of that without plugins. If you'd say how that'd be excellent! Also, MV or MZ?
  2. Xyphien

    Beware of scams like this...(pretending to be Paypal)

    Yeah, I get those on the daily. Most of the time though the email is something like So it's easy to spot if you look. Glad to know you didn't fall victim to it though.
  3. Xyphien

    I am back

    Welcome Back :) my computer is on it's last life as well. Sadly, we're saving up everything to buy a house at the end of this lease (sold my last house and moved to a new state) so I can't get a new computer until then but nonetheless glad you got a new one yourself :)
  4. Xyphien

    First ever fully virtual Gaming Convention!

    Game Con Online is the worlds first Indie Video Game, Card & Board Game convention with a fully fledged MMO! The MMO was made entirely with RPG Maker MV, and is the center point to the online convention. The MMO/Convention will only cost $5 To become a Vendor will only cost $30 + You can...
  5. Xyphien

    Amy's Pixel Art

    Thos look outstanding!
  6. Xyphien

    What have you worked on today?

    Got the game fully functional, as well as the promotional video made:
  7. Xyphien

    What have you worked on today?

    Nice :D We're hosting a gamejam as well you should check out! As for my own progress, I got the online version completely working. Just trying to change the character sprites to match the rest of the game and we should be good!
  8. Xyphien

    What have you worked on today?

    I've currently been working on another project. I own a gaming convention that I host Bi-Yearly (twice a year) and currently working on bringing an MMO/Online aspect to the game, so I've been working on that. It's been a struggle and one of my main focuses but it is using RMMV so that's always a...
  9. Xyphien

    Rpg Maker MZ review

    When it came to RM's content creators I always tended to stick with @TheUnproPro personally. I don't like energetic tutorials as a personal (I'm trying to learn and don't wont someone giddy and speaking super fast so I have to replay it 9 times to understand what to do) type of thing.) But...
  10. Xyphien

    What have you worked on today?

    (cute) No one's going to get mad for anything lol. As of now the rating's are based off of the community as well as myself and Eemee who will be testing out the game and giving the final say :)
  11. Xyphien

    Rpg Maker MZ review

    Very good review, thank you for taking the time to write this out. I'll probably end up waiting on MZ myself. At least for a sale which will happen eventually on steam.
  12. Xyphien

    Does anybody know what happened to the Just RTP Game Jam?

    Since there's money on the line for it, I don't think anyone could really judge it and it be official without discussing it all with Jay first.
  13. Xyphien

    What have you worked on today?

    The second image looks really nice for the shed tbh :D
  14. Xyphien


    Hello and welcome! Glad to have you here and looking forward to seeing you around :)
  15. Xyphien

    What have you worked on today?

    I made box art for the game :) Trying to keep it with the retro vibe!
  16. Xyphien

    Working on a new streaming platform! If anyone is interested DM me!

    Working on a new streaming platform! If anyone is interested DM me!
  17. Xyphien

    What have you worked on today?

    I haven't done too much recently, I fixed a few bugs with the demo but that's about it. I'm trying to finish the board game before the competitor is out so I'm crunching down on that.
  18. Xyphien

    What is your favorite RPG Maker of all times?

    Not necessarily the best one, the one with the best features but what is the one that pulls your heart strings the most. What one did you have the most enjoyment working on, etc. For me it was XP. I first found out about rpg maker with XP and it was outstanding, it's what drew me into making...
  19. Xyphien

    Enlarging Pixel art without blurriness in photoshop!

    I just learned this today, but if you have any pixel art (a vast majority of RMF content is pixel art) there's a way to enlarge it to any size in photoshop without it being blurry. Here's what it normally looks like: and then when you enlarge it, it'll look something like this: Now what if...
  20. Xyphien

    Ever get any donations from your Demo's/Work?

    Have you ever managed to get any donations from any demos or work that you've done for your game, RM? I just got 2 donations today for my Demo I released and it was super exciting! I wasn't expecting to get anything from it as it was just a Demo of the game with maybe 20 minutes of gameplay MAX...