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Search results

  1. Xyphien

    Bless Online (Korean Version) [Outdated]

    Game: Bless Online Genre: MMORPG, Open World Developer: Pmang Publisher: Pmang Platform: PC / Windows Overall rating: 6/10 I wish I could explain bless' story a little better, however with the english patch they have out it's all google translated so the grammar, and text has been far lost in...
  2. Xyphien

    [Review] Albion Online Sandbox Open World MMO (Outdated)

    Okay... okay... okay... Listen here you beautiful people. This game right here is one of two games I'm infatuated with right now. I only play 2 games currently and this is one of them. Have you played Runescape? Not the new and terrible one, no, the old classic everyone loved. Yes? Did you like...
  3. Xyphien

    Merge has came! We're now and we have a bunch of communities combined into one!

    Merge has came! We're now and we have a bunch of communities combined into one!
  4. Xyphien

    Custom Addons or Pre-Made?

    Have you ever gotten any custom addons created for your website? Or do you simply use pre-made ones. Addons are anything that add something to your website, for example the shop on here is a pre-made addon. I personally have had a few custom addons created for my websites however, I tend to...
  5. Xyphien

    Best way to generate revenue?

    What do you find to be the best way to generate revenue? For me, I find that VIP Members in certain communities is the best way to generate revenue. On my other site it generates over 80% of the revenue I make on the forum.
  6. Xyphien

    VIP Memberships?

    How effective do you find VIP Memberships on your site? Have you every had VIP members, or paid memberships on your forums?
  7. Xyphien

    Investing in domains & Websites?

    Who here has purchased domains, or made websites for the sole purpose of selling them. I'm starting to look into it, as I have some high valued domains, and some good ideas for websites. Let me know if you've ever done this, and if so, how has it worked out for you?
  8. Xyphien

    Best sites to sell ads?

    Places like BuySellAds, Publicity Clerks, etc. are alright places to go to sell ads. However, BSA tends to decline people and not give them a reason why, making it really hard to get into it. I've been using forums to help promote ad sales, and was wondering what sites do you use to sell your...
  9. Xyphien

    Favorite Hosting Company?

    What is your favorite hosting company out there? I've used several hosting companies, but my all time favorite and only one I'm currently using, as well as will most likely ever used has to be HawkHost. HawkHost has one of the best customer support I've ever dealt with, not just with hosting...
  10. Xyphien

    Favorite Domain Provider?

    What is your favorite domain provider? The only domain provider I will ever use is NameCheap, they were the first provider I've used, and has to be the easiest to navigate, and have the best deals constantly. I can buy .com domains for $5 quite occasionally, as well as I've gotten several...
  11. Xyphien

    Best marketing strategies

    What do you find to be the most effective market strategy?
  12. Xyphien

    Traffic Tracking

    Who here uses some sort of traffic tracking such as google analytics? If so, how has that helped you so far, and have you ran into any trouble with it? I've been using Google Analytics for a long while now, and I've been using it to monitor my forums production, activity, and monthly views...
  13. Xyphien

    Paying for SEO

    What are your feelings on paying for SEO? I personally pay for all of my SEO, on my other site I put in $30-60 a month on SEO at SEOClerks, and I'm ranked on the first page on about 80% of my keywords (The bigger ones for the most part) and the other 20% I'm on page 2-5.
  14. Xyphien

    How much starting content should have?

    How much content do you think you should have at the launch of your website? Personally, I think prior to launch you should have at least a few hundred posts at a minimum. You need your site to be somewhat active in order to gain members. Having at least a couple hundred posts should show them...
  15. Xyphien

    Strict no same niche advertisements? Your opinion on this?

    So, I was just over at another webmaster website and I posted in the community showcase area as what is the normal for most webmaster sites, and webmasters to do. For example, this website, webgurubb, TheAdminZone, and a few others. I then got a reply stating I offended the owner by doing so...
  16. Xyphien

    When do you open up your forums?

    When do you feel it is time to open up your forums? Some people tend to open them the same day they make it, others like to get some starting content up, so when do you open it up, and how successful has that been to you?
  17. Xyphien

    What are things you do prior to opening up a forum?

    We all think the grand opening is the most important part of a forum, however, it's the opposite in most cases. What you do prior to opening up your forum can be one of the most important. From content, to getting hype made for your forum. What are somethings you personally do before making...
  18. Xyphien

    How often do you email users?

    When it comes to sending out mass emails, how often do you do it? Do you do it manually, or automatically? Do you find it to work at all? I'm reviving a dead forum of mine, and starting out by giving out a free copy of Black Ops 3 as it's a gaming forum. I used the mass email XenForo has to...
  19. Xyphien

    Admins Engagements?

    How much do you feel an admin should be engaged in the community? Do you think he/she should be active in all the conversations, or do you think the admin should focus on the forum's admin work vs. being engaged in the community. Example, Post less, update more, or post more, update less?