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Search results

  1. Xyphien

    RPG Maker Pixacrea - Quick Fix & QoL

    Fixed some issues Not being able to go back into the lab after you leave it Black screen when you decline the tutor twice in a row Change color of arrows to show more clearly. Added a better explanation on how to obtain Pixas
  2. Xyphien


    Xyphien updated Pixacrea with a new update entry: Quick Fix & QoL Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. Xyphien

    RPG Maker Pixacrea - Hot Fix

    Fixed a bug where you couldn't open up any doors.
  4. Xyphien


    Xyphien updated Pixacrea with a new update entry: Hot Fix Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. Xyphien

    RPG Maker Pixacrea - Minor Fixes

    There was an error with one of the maps not being able to claim Pixa Shards after battle.
  6. Xyphien


    Xyphien updated Pixacrea with a new update entry: Minor Fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. Xyphien

    RPG Maker Pixacrea 0.03

    You start on your 18th birthday deciding to become a Pixa Battler, after taking a small test you're given a Pixa as your starting companion which you'll then be able to level up, and go through the world battling others. The game will have some basic creature collecting mechanics you'd expect in...
  8. Xyphien


    Xyphien submitted a new resource: Pixacrea - Creature Collecting Game Read more about this resource...
  9. Xyphien

    What have you worked on today?

    Finished the snow version of the tileset and working on the cave version right now :) Got all of that done today :D
  10. Xyphien

    RPG Maker Pixelcrea - Creature Capturing RPG

    New promotion video! And Snow Biome
  11. Xyphien

    RPG Maker Advanced Fishing System - Minor Fixes

    Fixed some issues with the Demo Version, all of these should be fully working now without any errors.
  12. Xyphien

    Advanced Fishing System

    Xyphien updated Advanced Fishing System with a new update entry: Minor Fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. Xyphien

    Unity Pokemon Style Fishing Mini Game (NO PLUGINS REQUIRED)

    INTRODUCTION I recently posted my game's new fishing mechanic and it got a lot of positive feedback on it, actually the reddit post had over 100 thumbs up at 100% thumbs up which was amazing! Because so many people said they wanted the tutorial I'm giving it to you all! I've recorded the...
  14. Xyphien

    Had a lot of great break throughs today. Time for bed!

    Had a lot of great break throughs today. Time for bed!
  15. Xyphien

    Advanced Fishing System

    Xyphien submitted a new resource: Advanced Fishing System - Fishing Event/Variable system for RPG Maker MV Read more about this resource...
  16. Xyphien

    RPG Maker Advanced Fishing System 1.1

    VIEW THE TUTORIAL This demo is for anyone who wishes to use my custom made event Fishing System for RMMV. It's similar to pokemon and other games, and has a fun mini game that's not just auto catch. You have to wait until the Exclimation mark actually pops up, and you hear the noise in order to...
  17. Xyphien

    RPG Maker Pixelcrea - Creature Capturing RPG

    After over 3 days of working I've finally completed the fully working Deck (PC) where you can withdraw and deposite your Pixas in them! Holy moly that whole thing was insane to make. All 185 Pixas fully work, as well as a few easter eggs in there for random other numbers lol. I've also...
  18. Xyphien

    What have you worked on today?

    Very nice :) It reminds me that I need to make some sort of trailer video for my game :( I just want more stuff finished before I do as I don't have all of the core functions done yet. I've finished up a basic computer that allows you to withdraw and place your actors in it. All 185 of them
  19. Xyphien

    I've been defeated by usage time :crit:

    I've been defeated by usage time :crit:
  20. Xyphien

    RMF New Year Game Jam!

    As long as you're developing it after you've joined the event and as long as there will be rpg elements such as quests, and everything you've mentioned it shouldn't be an issue :)