Really? That's weird D: I did that before a lot and my post never got deleted. And it shouldn't be a problem to link to rmwebs when there's a resource or solution to this problem.. I don't understand why it was taken down thenI didn't like being modded for trying to help someone just because I linked them to the exact post that solved their problem but it was on another website... the OFFICIAL website. If thems the rules, than change them. Don't take a helpful post down that directly solved another users problem. REALLY cheesed me off! AND that's why I haven't been active here
Sure thing. I'll work on doing one up :)I am getting lost in how many ways you are helping newcomers and MV users! Thanks a lot!
If you are thinking about an addition, a basic tutorial using some custom resources (like the official ones + with the very using of downloadable content of this site) would be appreciated from newbies like me!
However, this is an amazing site, wonderful job!
Hey Mae, this is for how you like the website not the software itself. Though, @Dad3353 said he PMed you so I hope you the best of luck with finding out how to fix everything. If you're still in need of some assistance don't hesitate to ask it here The community is always willing to help someone out in need!Complete noob user here. No experience, no talent, can't get plugins to work even after months of watching tutorialvideos and reading forums, notetags are non-functional for me (maybe I broke my software? Is that even a thing? I really have no clue what is going on or what to do anymore).
Is it like this for all new users? If so where can desperate noobs like myself find any help? I'm not blaming the software or anything, I just desperately need some help. Hell, I'm so frustrated after months of trying I'm considering paying money for any semblance of help (don't mean to blame or offend anyone, just getting a bit desperate and I don't know where to go with these questions/problems).
Don't worry ^^ Just state your problem and show some screenshots and we'll find out the problem together~ Though Dad is probably already helping you. Good luck!Complete noob user here. No experience, no talent, can't get plugins to work even after months of watching tutorialvideos and reading forums, notetags are non-functional for me (maybe I broke my software? Is that even a thing? I really have no clue what is going on or what to do anymore).
Is it like this for all new users? If so where can desperate noobs like myself find any help? I'm not blaming the software or anything, I just desperately need some help. Hell, I'm so frustrated after months of trying I'm considering paying money for any semblance of help (don't mean to blame or offend anyone, just getting a bit desperate and I don't know where to go with these questions/problems).
If you could elaborate on what we could do better moderation wise, that'd be very helpful :)Lovely community. Very helpful and welcoming of new members. It does feel like a family here. And there are so many who are as dedicated to game design trade as I am~ The upgrades are priced fairly.
I think a bit more structure could be added in places here and there, that would be beneficial to everyone. And on one of the themes, in my browser, the ads are intrusive and overlap onto the other parts of the theme (but that's a nitpick and probably browser-based, so not a majority experience).