Indie Dev

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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


thanks i was rushed in uploading that set but media fire messed up on me and i could not upload and did not have a way at the time. but thanks to lore i got one and now can backup my stuff and send screenshot again. To others don't use media fire after about a month of useing there free account I could not upload at this time i am using google drive.


Thanks to you guys'/gals' help my project is back in action. I've started working on dungons and learning how to do puzzles. Hopefully I don't get stumped again any time soon.

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
Thank you Jodis the most hilarious display of inability to accept criticism I have ever seen.

The following statement is actually for everyone, so please listen up. If you can't accept feedback or criticism, no matter how harsh it might be, then you're not going to make it in the world of game development or the creative industry. You have to be able to accept feedback, even if you don't like what you going to read. And if all you're going to do is consider criti ism as somebody barking up your tree, then you are way too sensitive I need to grow a thick skin. And that's just a fact.


Praised Adventurer
The following statement is actually for everyone, so please listen up. If you can't accept feedback or criticism, no matter how harsh it might be, then you're not going to make it in the world of game development or the creative industry. You have to be able to accept feedback, even if you don't like what you going to read. And if all you're going to do is consider criti ism as somebody barking up your tree, then you are way too sensitive I need to grow a thick skin. And that's just a fact.
That's pretty much common sense to most experienced game developers/artists there. Sad truth but truth nonetheless. That's also why I said not to take it too harshly, because all feedback can still be good. If it's negative, it just shows you someone has that problem with it, and if more have a similar problem it's definitely something to consider fixing or changing even if it's not in your personal interest (this is especially true for commercial projects since you want to make as many of your players enjoy the game as possible). If it's positive, then take that feedback and use it to further improve your project. Either way, accepting it is a good thing regardless how it makes you feel. But anyway, I'm pretty neutral towards all criticism since I've already experienced all of it heh....harsh, terribly harsh, good, people downright saying my project sucked worse than tetris....great feedback pointing out where I could improve (thanks for that Drifty!) and other types of feedback (pretty much anything you can think of really lol...). After seeing such a variety in the types of feedback I've been able to tackle the main problems people had with my project and overall improve it. (After which, most of those negative remarks have changed so it just shows I'm headed in the right direction).

So today for TOTL, I've started making my roof tiles I plan on using for the town center map of Weshrain. The same roofs will likely show up in the Commercial and Noble districts too since those will be pretty unique designed buildings as well. Aside from that, I've worked a little bit on my player housing feature that will allow the player to purchase a runned down building and use that to be their party's headquarters in whatever areas they may be at. (since there's gonna be a bunch) These can be customized by finding easter eggs throughout the game and using them as decorations in the key areas inside each of the buildings. They can also be remodeled by purchasing themed packs from a craftsman shop (only one theme can be used per player house of course). As the player improves the building, certain allies will become available xP and they can be tasked with special solo missions that will get the player some materials for crafting or items for use in battle (or rarely stat increasing items for permanent increases). It's still very much a WIP but it'll get there the more I work on it xP. I'm still primarily focused on the remodel for Weshrain since that was a HUGE complaint I've seen with the last version ("If this is a "City" why's it so tiny...." - Testers (43) ) But once that is finished I'll have to repopulate it with more inhabitants heh which means more things to do since some will have need of assistance!


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Thank you Jodis the most hilarious display of inability to accept criticism I have ever seen.

The following statement is actually for everyone, so please listen up. If you can't accept feedback or criticism, no matter how harsh it might be, then you're not going to make it in the world of game development or the creative industry. You have to be able to accept feedback, even if you don't like what you going to read. And if all you're going to do is consider criti ism as somebody barking up your tree, then you are way too sensitive I need to grow a thick skin. And that's just a fact.
I've learned how to criticize and what to, how to betatest and judge a game from the (probably) most cold-blooded ass let's player/game developer I know. That's why I find it difficult now to get interested in a game, and I am not stupid enough to pay too much money for a game that is not worth it. I personally take negative criticism that way: cry a lot (kind of take it as if you hated me), sleep, it's better the next day and I write a comment. I'm really bad at taking, lol.

Let's stay on topic; I have made some designs for my friends game idea, we played games together and she showed me some progress she made. Was too distracted with drama today than getting something done.


Praised Adventurer
I've learned how to criticize and what to, how to betatest and judge a game from the (probably) most cold-blooded ass let's player/game developer I know. That's why I find it difficult now to get interested in a game, and I am not stupid enough to pay too much money for a game that is not worth it. I personally take negative criticism that way: cry a lot (kind of take it as if you hated me), sleep, it's better the next day and I write a comment. I'm really bad at taking, lol.

Let's stay on topic; I have made some designs for my friends game idea, we played games together and she showed me some progress she made. Was too distracted with drama today than getting something done.
lol OH! I know people like that too lmao. I don't think those guys have ever said anything positive about my game, but they're not like...."Don't continue it cause it's shit" either though. They just point out things that they think sucks and how it should improve and I listen xD. (But I know how those guys are lol so I don't take their words as being absolutely rude but more as "more experienced" than myself so they know where I'm going wrong and I should listen).

Negative criticism is the worst to deal with, especially on new projects or if you're just starting out because it can ruin one's inspiration in the blink of an eye. But if the critic knows how to critic properly, it can be an extremely good help to improving the project or content for the better. I would prolly be more hurt by negative criticism if I haven't already dealt with so much of it lol (college experience....having to redo a project I spent weeks on all because the instructor didn't like my idea (after approving it in the beginning of the week and again later in the middle of the week) as well as many people saying my work sucks in general lol often times I believe it to be trolling, but yeah some are pretty serious about it). Takes a neutral mindset to take all criticism as good criticism xP and that takes time to get used to for sure.

That's a pretty interesting character lol. A little hard to tell it's a "he" though, but interesting nonetheless xP


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I always tend to draw my male characters more feminine xD (but I kind of only draw males rip) and I noticed I didn't show the full body reference xD
This is still not full body but pshhhh no one has to notice xD (and man I love these lips, this sounds weird xD) and if you're asking why he looks so weird, it's about an AU or crossover with Steven Universe, they all kind of look like this in that show xD

As for the criticism part, I totally agree. It is important and the critic knows what he/she is doing (mostly xD) and it should be seen and is meant to be a help, a chance and idea for improvement though it can be quite difficult to word it correctly and make it not sound harsh.


Praised Adventurer
I always tend to draw my male characters more feminine xD (but I kind of only draw males rip) and I noticed I didn't show the full body reference xD
View attachment 4885
This is still not full body but pshhhh no one has to notice xD (and man I love these lips, this sounds weird xD) and if you're asking why he looks so weird, it's about an AU or crossover with Steven Universe, they all kind of look like this in that show xD

As for the criticism part, I totally agree. It is important and the critic knows what he/she is doing (mostly xD) and it should be seen and is meant to be a help, a chance and idea for improvement though it can be quite difficult to word it correctly and make it not sound harsh.
lol ok that makes it a little bit more obvious it's a male but yeah heh feminine xD those anime traps <.< Still a pretty unique character xD I don't think I've seen very many have more than two arms lately heh. His outfit is pretty cool.
[doublepost=1475400245,1475276180][/doublepost]So today I've finished up the first of my unique roofs tileset/doodads set xP. I still am a bit iffy about the edges....but I'm not sure how to make those more ya know....rounded....They "look" like they're uneven but it's actually identical on both sides....This roof is a 4x4 tile version, but I need to make it bigger for my own lol or at least expand on it with a flat edged top which isn't a far stretch. I may have to add the "end" parts for the tiles to make it look complete...but yeah something is lacking on the edges and I'm too tired to figure it out lol.

Lemme know what you guys think of this roof. For my building, I'ma have to add a 1 tile center flat edged part too since my building is actually 7 tiles wide. The curved part extends the entire 2 tiles width so it should align perfectly in terms of RTP format. Once I finish all of my unique roofs, I'll likely upload the final versions as my October resource pack (with spooky related stuff too of course xP cause ya know....) Anyhow, just figured I'd drop this in here for some feedback on how I can improve it some....(I'm still a bit clueless on the more advanced photoshop tools that may do what I spent like 3 hours trying to do....making that curve was a pain >.<)

Check it out:

It'll be going on a building with that stone wall so I may have to adjust the texture a little to blend better but it's supposed to be a wooden roof though heh. The uploaded version with my monthly pack won't actually have a wall texture attatched so that it can be used with any wall xP as with all the other roofs I have to make for Weshrain's new look lol.

Also, there's this crazy little thing I made when trying to create the curve on that roof lol.
This will likely go in the church's bell tower, but yeah if you guys actually know what a good bell shape looks like offhand to compare to that, I'm happy to hear how I can improve it lol. I didn't actually plan on making that particular one but meh, warping the edge of the roof turned out like that and I do need a bell for the belltower lol so figured I'd make it work somehow.


Staff member
Created new skills for The Bobbles. Since they are a traditional non-violent race, the first few skills are primarily defensive in manner.


I got the TOU translated right this time looks like the stuff i was going to use like the bees and the dragon got to go sorry all.


She was able to kill the hive that killed him with her new friends. Find out next time who that was.


Praised Adventurer
I got the TOU translated right this time looks like the stuff i was going to use like the bees and the dragon got to go sorry all.

View attachment 4903

She was able to kill the hive that killed him with her new friends. Find out next time who that was.
*sob* Poor Lit Dude....he will be missed....*sob*

lol, that does suck though. He was a cool little critter. Hopefully you find another unique pet for her xD can't have her fighting hordes of critters alone right?


This little story I am going to use as my intro. But I will finish the intro here in screenshots. In game it will be a book you are reading.

1 Letter.png

2 King.png

3 End.png

Ya i just saw the spelling errors. It will be fixed in game. This is just for us. lol It was fun to do this and it helped me out. Thank you for this thread.

Happy BDay.
Last edited:


Praised Adventurer
I've spent the 2 days drawing some tiles. This is the (still unfinished) result of *sigh* ONE map:
That's pretty good for making it from scratch. The worst part about creating stuff xP it takes soooo much time! >.< but the end result is all that matters, and if the appearance is greatly improved, then it was well worth it!
[doublepost=1475554533,1475554319][/doublepost]@Jodis sounds like a pretty good start to the plot of your game xP. What a chaotic journey it was for poor Jodis and Lit Dude. Now it leaves us the question: "What happens next?" lol


Praised Adventurer
You will have to wait now tell the game come out. Or a bata ver.
yeah heh xP

So today for TOTL's progress, I did this to that rounded roof. I think it's good enough now to put into the city, but I'm still not a fan of the edges. Currently however, any further improvement is above me sadly =(. It will work for what I intend to use it for though so it should fit alright.
Final Wood Version

Stone Version

Any ideas on how to improve the stone version would be awesome, but I think I'm satisfied with the wooden one currently.


the only thing i can see is a problem with the wall there are lines in it. Other than shadowing but that is last you know that.


Praised Adventurer
the only thing i can see is a problem with the wall there are lines in it. Other than shadowing but that is last you know that.
It's a tile roof lol. So it has like, beams, that form the shape of it. The stone one is also supposed to have those. There's shadowing at the bottom of it, but yeah idk how I would shade the rest of it tbh, that's above my thinking process.