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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


Praised Adventurer
While TOTL is going through it's 3 chapter testing phase, I've gotten some time to think of some more ideas for the next big update on it. xD not any progress on my projects, but I've got some good ideas on where I want to take both of them. I'm also gonna start toying with some animation programs to see if I can get my "historical intro" to TOTL started. I plan on a calm little animation for it heh. And it won't be such a long drag on of dialogue.

On a side note, I'm trying to get something into this month's pack but it prolly won't be much nor too detailed in the design of it. But I'll think of something.


Praised Adventurer
Not so much on my on-going Demo (although it's really a full Game, now, so I'll try to stop calling it a Demo...). I did a few 'one-off', throw-away Projects to try out a few specific points, such as how to change from a Vehicle to a Map and back again, or how to leave a Map from any border using just one Event. I also came across a strange memory leak issue, which seems to be critical on some platforms (my own Win 10, 64-bit...), but is much reduced (although still present...) when using Vista compatibility mode. I sent off a Bug Report to the official folks dealing with such stuff; goodness knows what will become of it. Meanwhile, I'll just carry on, but in this Vista mode. I've some more music on the boil, but have other forum duties, too, and so have been sharing a bit of time there, too. Maybe a bit more calm this coming week; we'll see...


Towns Guard
Several Yanfly scripts, including a premade notetag for the attack skill to move the characters, even though two of them are slightly bugged and attack facing the wrong way. Modified the light template of MOGHunter's battle hud script. Graphics on that are now mostly my own, minus some template things still remaining and the icons from the RTP.

Started working on the map for one of the opening cities for the opening cutscene and prologue. Probably will work on the animated title screen. Previous project I had a skip title script and evented the buttons onto a map. I'll probably do the same with this one but the background image will need some altering.

Working out how to do seemless map transitions (think Pokemon). I could use a massive map but that affects loading time.


Praised Adventurer
So today I got around to the first huge group of feedback for TOTL and have whittled my way through the complaints and errors that were pointed out slowly fixing each issue. Now before the game begins after starting a new game, you'll be given the option to do a few things to alter the game's mechanics a bit. Among these are: Skipping the historical intro, hiding NPC labelling, and hiding the arrow guides. There were several people who thought the defaults on these were problematic and not in tuned to their playstyle. (Even though the arrow guides are actually very in tune with the lore of the game, I went ahead and added the option to remove those too for all those hardcore RPG players who want to find things on their own!) So now, you can switch all of those to off and be able to play it much like the classic RPGs that never had such things heh. (There's also an option to turn them back on by simply visiting an inn or HQ (guild type) building and activating the red orb.)

Along with that, I've fixed many dialogue errors that were pointed out and some scenes where Lumi wasn't in the party but spoke as if she were. (Still haven't figured out what causes the black bordering that covers the Kawajack Ranch map in certain areas when you're not close to them though). Many other "grammatical" errors that were pointed out are actually intended heh. Magik is not Magic in this game, Tekniques aren't Techniques, and Artz aren't Arts xP. Those are intentional (for anyone about to report those as errors lol). They're like that to fit in with the lore of the game. Magik has come from the Lumminai which are mysterious in nature, and the people of Oricai have come to believe they hold Tek (Technology) that's able to create the magik effects (thus Magi-K instead of magic). Same goes for Tekniques (they believe these abilities are Tek enhanced abilities and not normal for physical people to do alone, so not Techniques, but Tekniques xP). Artz are just Artz cause I like that route better lol.

In addition, I've added icons to each of the elements and "types" in the game so these should show up on anything relating to those now. I've also fixed the "free tools" bug ( this was something I fixed before the corruption issue) and changed the name of a couple of those currencies that will be used in certain things later.

Finally, I've taken the advice of Drifty, and added in the plugin that will stop events from moving when an event is activated by the player (to prevent the player from being ambushed immediately after triggering a dialogue simply because they can't move away from the encounter). I also added in the item to skip the "random" encounters in the 100 so far....). This item is an equip so if they use it, they'll not have any "random encounters" but the "on map" encounters will not be effected by it, and they'll also be using up an equip slot that can hinder their gameplay later so it balances it out some. NOTE: by making use of this, your party will be extremely likely to become underlevelled and have difficulties at bosses and elite enemies. I refuse to scale those enemies to the players who will use this item as it's not how I intend for the game to be played myself, but I allow the option to skip them because so many have requested it so it's now possible.

There's another thing too. Each of the equipment types will now have a set specific role to play in the characters' development, and they will effect the majority of the stats including elemental specific resistances. Some will only give skills, others will only have special effects tied to them such as anti-ailments or double drop rates, etc. I want each piece of equipment to be unique in every way and that is exactly how it will be from here out! Begin the phase of revamping all items to fit the initial idea I want to go with!


Global Moderator
I didn't do a lot (yet) but I added at least some basic skills to each character class in my MV project and I feel pretty good with one of the maps I finally feel "finished" with for it. I'm still unhappy with an interior sadly, but...I'll figure it out somehow. It just looks so...boring right now. But I did start another map too...Which is good. I'm off to go add some new skills to the database because it's kind of...lacking. And maybe make a few more character sets for NPCs I need.


Praised Adventurer
So I haven't gotten to do too much with TOTL today, but I did start working on the Weshrain map with the new idea for it. I also went ahead and added in my two first OST tracks for the game's bgm. Other than that, just continued doing some bug fixes, adding elemental icons, and some other small stuff like brainstorming for the armor/weapon remakes too.

What I did moreso than that though was create this xP
A World Map generator for anyone to use in Photoshop or another editor that can open psd files for editting. I felt there were too few of these and they are pretty simple to make after I watched a tutorial on YT for how to do it. (Shoutout to the one who made that video "Xbara"). This can be used to make a bunch of different types of maps with quite some detail in the finalized appearance. The icons in the screenshot there are literally just resized tilesets from various content creators (pretty sure those are all free use both commercial and non projects.). If anyone uses those, they'll have to credit the creators behind them (I don't know their names off hand other than Pandamaru. There are also several just ripped and resized from the MV world map B and C tilesets as well.)

But yeah, I plan to release this with this month's pack, and it will prolly be the center point for it to be honest because I don't really have a lot of time recently due to real life health problems and just being busy in general. But here are an example of a map that can be created by using this.
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Praised Adventurer
A Word Map generator...
Just what I need for creating NPC dialogues..! I can't wait.

I've been busy elsewhere these last few days, but have advanced a little on my Farm Map, and have more compositions on the way. It'll be a bit busy for a few more days, too, but I have to do at least a little, so as not to forget where I'd got to..! Yes, I do take notes and stuff, but forget I'd done'em..! Old age, eh..? Who'd have it..?


Global Moderator
I made 3 spritesheets worth of NPC sprites for the school- one with 8 different female students, one with 8 different male students, and one with four each of male and female teachers. This way the school will look eclectic. Though...I might edit them later to make them even more eclectic. Somehow, doing 3 sheets worth tired me out. x-o


Praised Adventurer
Just what I need for creating NPC dialogues..! I can't wait.

I've been busy elsewhere these last few days, but have advanced a little on my Farm Map, and have more compositions on the way. It'll be a bit busy for a few more days, too, but I have to do at least a little, so as not to forget where I'd got to..! Yes, I do take notes and stuff, but forget I'd done'em..! Old age, eh..? Who'd have it..?
lol funny indeed. Nice catch xD totally missed that....BUT, if you want a word map generator....pfft I AM one. I created that journey like....15 years ago? O.o (but no really, I'm not that good at dialogue heh but I can make some hella cool ideas xP)


Praised Adventurer
Today TOTL got another small round of bug fixes. The black covering tiles issue still persists....I'm honestly not sure what could even cause such a thing. I've also gone through and set up the weapons for every sword in the game (common swords, not rare/legendaries). With this, I've gone ahead and added the crafting recipes for each so they can now be crafted properly. (This is one of the bigger features introduced in Chapter 4-5 so it's important to get it out of the way now). I'll be adding the rest of the weapons prolly this week, depending on if I have time or not of course.

In addition to the first set of weapons, I've created the interior maps for Venfey. So it's no longer just an inn as the interior lol. All buildings can be entered as they should now. I also added the second map for the Aurora Peaks maps. This map includes Drifty's Dojo, the Gaia Lumminau Granduer (snorlax reference but it's a giant crab xP). You'll need a specific item to wake the lazy Lumminai up lol. As well, there's a bunch of other fun stuff and puzzles in this map since it's mostly a maze filled cavern. Who knows what treaure may be hidden inside it!?


Praised Adventurer
Any chance of a screen shot (or video, if it's dynamic...) to see if someone recognises the phenomenon..? Just a thought...
Well someone did have a video linked showing the issue. I've seen it myself and actually had put that in the "Things to Note" section of the demo's page lol. But I can't seem to find that video again so I'll make one this week and link it to ya. Maybe you'll know what's causing it. Could be something simple, but I've never seen this occur ever before for me so it's new and idk how to fix it but it is an annoying problem (not game breaking as you can still go to the areas it's blocking out and they will appear once you're closer to them, but it's horribly annoying and destroys the appeal for those maps that have it x.x)
Yeah ouo maybe we might be able to help you killing this issue o3o
Yeah hopefully someone will be able to notice what it is and why it's happening lol.

Lord Zezrel

today I added an App system that can be used to strengthening armor and weapons, still deciding whether to add an App system that also controls Classes

also added 2 pages of students for the school and a bit of back story


Praised Adventurer
So I've gotten a little more done with TOTL's new item database but it's not enough to be relevant or mentioned in detail yet lol. I've created a nice rounded town square type thing for Weshrain's new look. The city will contain 4 districts (Center, Village, Noble District, and the Market Districts) and it will look much better and bigger. With this upgrade will also come several new *Day Specific* events that are one time only so if the day passes they're gone forever. The purpose of these events is to give some rep points for various characters you'll have in your party at these points. There will also be new quests that come into play from Chapter 3 to Chapter 5. Some will involve crafting and others will involve hunting and such much like the Guild Tasks. There will also be an official Guild building in Weshrain with the new upgrade so a bunch of new things will be possible with this alone. (You won't be able to do much with it in the beginning, but as you progress you'll have access to many more guild tasks and other fun things like the merc system!)

And now on to what I've spent today doing. I'm working on my September resource pack and it will include a few things other than my map creator Photoshop tool. I'm going to make a tileset with a sort of "Fall Festival" type appeal to it (but that won't be the only parts on it of course). So here's a little bit of a taste of what will be in it.

I've created a neat little Chicken Coop for those wanting to have one for their farm games or game regions (goes perfect with my Ranch tileset since I used the same wood texturing). There's also the festive looking arches that can be placed along a forest path or so to give that "You're going to a festival!" look. I also made the square stone path into a curved corner one so it will fit better for what I have planned (fountain in the middle and that curving around it). I'll have more added over the week, but that's the start of what I have so far.

Some of the things I plan to add are: Keg with tap, Banquet of food on a festive table with matching seating, a couple of parallaxed buildings set for a competition design and such (eating competition, hottest pepper, etc.) and also have one or two set for animal competitions (largest pig, best horse, etc.). So, pretty much, I'ma be looking for some fall festival ideas. If you guys have any, feel free to share em and I'll see what I can do with those!


Global Moderator
Just made some NPCs to be main characters' families. One also got a battler, because he's a special grandpa. The rest just got a basic face, sprite and damage to be safe.


Praised Adventurer
One step forward, two steps back...
Not really, but it certainly feels like it, now and again. I'm going over some old ground, changing a few details in the way some conditions are arranged. The functionality is identical, but it's a bit more tidy, and simplifies upkeep at any later date. It's also more in line with my present way of doing things, and so more uniform. It wouldn't matter so much with a 'jotting down' Project, or a quick-fire Map or two, but this is quite a chunk of an ever-growing edifice, which I want to keep control of as it grows. Nothing radical, in fact (simply removing a load of nested 'if' statements that don't need to be, and eliminating a duplicate piece of code which needed updating to stay in synch, which could be a source of errors if ever I overlooked that...).
Routine stuff, really, and, frankly, a bit of a chore, but, once done, I'll be rid of these niggles for ever.
I'll get the kettle on, break open a packet of Digestive biscuits and get stuck in again. Not that I ever need an excuse for a cuppa, eh..?