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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


@Cosmette isn't it possible to erase the outline graphics in the windowskin data/pic ? Does it not work?
I've tried that, but it's still got the soft edges for some reason.
I'm trying to get the top effect, but I'm not sure if MV is anti-aliased by default.


Staff member
Working on opening scene of The Wisperings, a Marked Up game. Here is Wava, the main character, at the bottom, getting ready to tell a story to six wisplings (very young wisps), and friend I. Bai is next to Tilt, who prefers to move tilted, compared to others. Many wisps have not earned their names yet. The group of wisps can be seen waiting under The Tree of Comfort.

Is it possible to completely remove the outline from text? I don't really like the anti-aliasing.
The Bitmap class draws outlines when it renders the text, which is then used in Window_Base. You can essentially disable it by setting the outlineWidth to zero. I don't know if you can actually do that in the windowskin itself (or at least I don't know about it).

Project-wise, it seems that the OWEngine is being completely rewritten from its RMVXA port-over. This is taking much more time than I anticipated, but it's become necessary for Otherworld to better integrate certain functions and features into the game. Right now, I'm trying to implement a "phase animation" for the Title Screen.


Praised Adventurer
I asked for comments from anyone testing my web version of Rachdale Cheese Demo, and have had some fine feedback already. The principal remarks have already been incorporated, concerning punctuation of some of my dialogues, and the positioning of the enemies in my 'side view' battle screens, and other useful hints and suggestions. There's still room in the Credits screen for anyone else testing the Demo. All comments welcome, praise or brickbats; bring 'em on..!
I asked for comments from anyone testing my web version of Rachdale Cheese Demo, and have had some fine feedback already. The principal remarks have already been incorporated, concerning punctuation of some of my dialogues, and the positioning of the enemies in my 'side view' battle screens, and other useful hints and suggestions. There's still room in the Credits screen for anyone else testing the Demo. All comments welcome, praise or brickbats; bring 'em on..!
I'm playing and playtesting 4 games at the moment. Will download and play soon. Been quite intigued by it for a while.


Praised Adventurer
So today I've been busy again with TOTL's progression! Every map now has on screen enemies that will chase the player if they get too close. These same enemies can be sneaked up to for the advantage in battle as well (if you're quick enough heh). All the exterior maps can be dashed on now as well, while the interiors don't allow it (No running in doors!). All the dialogue through the first three chapters now have been fitted with name tags on all NPC's and events that take place. Enemies have been 100% balanced and the battles difficulty scales with the party's level so there's never a dull moment during battle! Many of the skills have been changed to work better with the scaling and CTB battle system (I.E. effecting turn order and such). I've added in augmenting options for the weapons and armor where you can now physically attach any collected Lumminai's crystal to those objects for an additional skill that is based on their element and personality. I've worked a bit more on the relationship system (which now has all of the current characters who can be befriended listed as variables that everything (literally) can influence).

In addition, I've updated several of the ideas I had initially went with so they are more diverse and interactive! Maybe you didn't want to use a staff after obtaining Laguis...well, now you have the choice to change that "stick" into a staff or a SWORD! (Hurray for options!) With all the changes to skills, actions, etc. I've also started to map out each individual action sequence for those so everything will be unique in its own way. And finally, I've test played through the entire first chapter with the new setup and it has only taken roughly 45 minutes to complete (this is for gathering all the loot and talking to all the NPC's etc.) and get to level 8 across the party. This is pretty much exactly how I wanted it so I'm quite satisfied with the results of the new setup so far!

So far, everything seems to be fixed through the entire first chapter, so I think I've got that one solid and perfected now (but it may require more balancing and such still heh). Anyhow, enough work on it for today, I need a break after all that head-aching database and event construction (OI!)


Praised Adventurer
A bit of 'housekeeping', today, for a change. I've a system of sorts for creating idle chat from npc's, based on random permutations from a couple of lists. It works pretty smoothly, but needs feeding with short, pertinent phrases which can be mixed and matched (it's no good having a conversation which starts with 'Goodbye' ad ends in 'Hello', is it..?). I've a (growing...) set for general folks, but have a specific set for Guards on duty, and another for Soldiers in barracks. This evening, then, was spent inventing things for these characters to say, dropping tiny hints into the game as they go. I can extend the system very easily, as the lists are in groups of ten; I have a first random to pick the group, then another for the phrase in that group. Repeated for a second phrase and that's it. Yes, I'm very simple-minded in these matters.
My next task will be to introduce the third Actor into the Party; I still haven't decided whether a Warrior or a Priest would be best, as the next stages of the game become quite considerably more harmful. I think I'll go with a Warrior, and see how I fare in testing.
The Web version of the Demo is up to date, of course; I'll upload new 'zip' files for the other platforms, maybe tomorrow. I don't know if anyone is using them, though. It seems daft to update them if the Web version is a better medium for testing. I'll see about that tomorrow...


Praised Adventurer
I didn't do much today, but I altered some of the ideas involving the relationship system. Turns out there will be 2 same gender romance partner possibilities in TOTL (mostly because I am trying to depict a certain mood with 2 specific characters and it wouldn't be fair for there to be two female/female options and only one male/male option so there is now 2 of both). I've gone in and created all the variables needed to make this system work and have it all initialized from the start. As time progresses in the game, those in your party most will grow to like or hate you depending on what you are fighting. There are 10 positive ranks (1 every 100 relationship points) and only 1 character can hit the 11th rank of Romance Partner. In total there should amount to like at least 16 different choices for romance partners in the game (each effecting one of the Twelve Stars in the middle of the game in some way or another). Certain events can sway the characters oppinions of your actions (since choice is a big factor in this game's story xP). If one reaches the third negative rank they will fight randomly in battle and refuse to leave the party (unless by an event forcing it) and act as your "Rival" of sorts. Only one character can reach the third negative rank much like the 11th positive one. Having a character hate you will cause penalties, but it will also grant the involved characters a new skill and passive state that allows use of it. This skill will vary depending on the characters involved (and will most likely be pretty strong since the penalties are harsh for having a character hate you). The same goes for each of the relationship ranks, but they won't all give skills, instead most will give small bonuses to stats to show that teamwork is important and can easily give an edge in battle if everyone is on good terms. That's all I did today heh....sounds like a lot but it wasn't much...I'm just too tired to focus on the other stuff right now lol.
[doublepost=1465565127,1465437654][/doublepost]Today I have managed to entirely revamp how the guild contracts work! Instead of using the very confusing shop setup I had before, it is now entirely choice based and you can only accept 1 request of each of the 3 types of guild tasks. There's a 4th type but those are one time only and most of them are tied into characters stories or the main plot of the game, so doing those will influence how the game is down the line.

Because it's all revamped now, common quests don't have a fee to take on, but the more rewarding ones will. And these are all now able to be done since there are several types of new enemies that are also fully animated and multicolored based on a random appearance of that species. I have added a whole new level of experience with this creation for the guild system. Later you'll also gain reputation for completing these quests as well as being able to spend that reputation for items, gear, or even classes and skills that you can use to make things more tuned to your playstyle.

Aside from the first step in the guild system being completed and playable, I have finished the edits through Chapter 2 and things progress flawlessly now (no more getting stuck on a fade out screen or time resetting/issues with the time system not triggering the story quest). Things are going pretty well for TOTL now, and I'm quite satisfied with the way it's turning out now too!


Praised Adventurer
Our youngest had a full session last night, going through my Demo from scratch, and for the first time at this level of completion. As usual (and as expected...) he came across several detail points which I, being too close to it, had not considered. Nothing dramatic, I hasten to add, but his, very much more experienced, way of playing has shown up some aspects of ergonomy which are very relevant. I've spent the afternoon, then, incorporating these improvements, using for the very first time a script call (I didn't even know they existed for the 'native' game...) to set a self-switch on an adjacent event. The behaviour of the Hero is much more instinctive, now.
Last night (and early morning...) was spent creating what I have come to realise constitutes a 'cutscene'. At a certain moment, I want the fort canteen to suddenly fill with a host of hungry Patrollers all rushing in. Once I'd found the method, it's just a case of being meticulous in the editing of their fourteen separate custom routes. Not quite finished; that's for this evening. Onward and upwards...
[doublepost=1465772906,1465576734][/doublepost]'Done' for the canteen rush mentioned above, and also the mechanism for the joining of the third party member. More detail additions on-going, adding Spells (OK, they're really Skills, but I use 'em as Spells, so there..!) to be found in suitable locations. One thing I like to do is to have a Event with a torn poster, which gives half of an incantation; the other half is needed for the Spell to be learnt, and is found elsewhere. It matters not which half is read first; it works either way round. Adds a touch of spice (I hope..!).
Some reflection still ongoing trying to come up with a Journal system. I may just bite the bullet and write out the pertinent steps and tie that into an interface of sorts. It's definitely a cerebral work in progress; may take a short while to come up with something. Maybe I should look at an example or two; any suggestions of where I might find inspiration as to how this should work, somewhere in the Demos and the like on this forum..? Thanks in advance for clues, hints, tips etc...


Praised Adventurer
Today I've wrapped up everything that I added into the second chapter and tested it and that works smoothly now. I didn't feel it was too easy or too difficult, had to actually use the Hopa Vials sometimes, and had to res my party members at other times. Most battles are optional but if you choose not to do them before a boss fight you may regret it lol since bosses are scaled to be like a certain level in order to provide a steady challenge curve. There are several more side quests and guild tasks that are all doable now as well! I only have 1 more chapter to go through with editing and then I can reupload the new version and move on to Chapters 4-7.


Prefer the new so much more. I've added a little more focus on items so that's why there's other UI on there, I have no idea how I would integrate items in to the old one it'd have to be somewhere else and I'm not big on taking up real estate. Instead considering you know who you're playing with the sprite threw that away and used the space more wisely. The first was a little rushed and made in more collaboration with my sister and knew it needed changing, put a little time in and it seems to have come out well.

Any thoughts?


Praised Adventurer
Today I set up another step in my game's guild task level where you now have the option of getting an animal to break a tree to cross over certain parts of the stream that divides one of the maps. There are secrets beyond the stream xP

That's pretty much it for me...yeah have been too overheated (113 degree heatwave here) to do much of anything that requires thinking lol.
Had to call in sick yesterday, bad flu. (Gross miscommunication meant my manager wasn't informed and had to call me. Bloody incompetent idiots!) 5 weeks before I have 2 weeks holiday. Can't wait!

Anyhow, I took the opportunity to finally start rework on Otherworld's animated title screen sequence - that's outside of the OWEngine - because, well, I pretty much couldn't focus on anything else LOL.

It's only partly finished, doesn't include the menu (which is being completely customized) or music, but I finally got the timing just about right.

EDIT: Almost forgot: the background is Iavra's excellent Video Title plugin.


Praised Adventurer
Finished and tested the addition of the 'Raise' spell, to be found, in two parts, each in a separate Mystic's home. Extra complication as it has to be attributed to one of three party members now. Some patience, an appropriate copy/paste; only one tiny mistake which I caught in testing. On to the next part. Still thinking 'Journal', but nothing yet...
Hmm... Now I come to think of it, I'll have to return to my 'Mirror', which 'mirrors' Spells to all the Party. Currently it only takes in to consideration two members, and knows not the Raise Spell. OK, I'll do that now, before I forget (again...)...
Edit: There, that's done. Now then, where was I..? Ah yes, Journals. Hmm... Now let's just see where we are...
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I been working on a game, well more like a test game. I'm doing it so I can test out all the features of a javascript game framework I am using called Phaser. I decided to start off with a platformer, probably not the wisest choices for a test game but I figured I was ready for it. So far I have quite a bit done, I have some baddies walking around that patrol the area with a basic line of sight checking tiles in front of them and if no tiles are in front they turn around and walk the other way, some goes with walls being in front of them, they'll turn around if they hit a wall. I have crates that are movable to help you jump to another platform, I also have gems that you can collect.
So far it's a pretty average platformer game but that's because I need to test all mechanics of this framework to get the hang of it all, anyway here is a gif of what I been working on, all art assets are free from various websites, thank goodness for the internet because using a JS framework requires you to find art that is not MV RTP!!
What I need to work on is better collision, I get a bit of issues once in a while with it, also, the baddies don't hurt the player yet so that will need to be added in. I need to setup the players health & GUI, and a couple more levels, as of right now I only have 1 level, all made with TileD. It's a fairly big learning curve but this framework is extremely easy to use and I can finally make games that are not RPG. As soon as I'm done with this test game I will be converting my Fruit Basket game from MV over to Phaser framework , which should be heck of a lot easier than this platform test game lol. I also plan on stripping down the Fruit Basket game I have created in MV, to it's bare bones and making it a plugin that I will share with the community so that they can put itt in their own projects.

gif is a bit slow.
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