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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
LTN that actually looks like a pretty fun platformer lol xP
Thanks, it was never my intention to make it fun, I just wanted to whip something together real quick so I can get my hands dirty lol. Though I may make this a project to really focus on and make it even more fun than what you see now.
Finally figured out how to make autotiles! Made some water tiles, and tweaked them a little to suit different environments.
You are pumping out some really nice tiles my friend, I really like this style. I could totally use your skills sometime in the future, maybe we could collab on a game sometime (wink)

Anyway, all I got done so far today was optimizations, I want to make sure my test game gets a steady 55-60fps and the results of my optimization is a steady 60fps on chrome & firefox, in canvas mode, but for some odd reason firefox responds poorly to WebGL mode with a drop of at least 25-30fps
Yikes! what the heck is wrong Firefox, I thought you were a beast. Anyway I hope to be back with some more improvements in the future see you all again soon (cheeky)


Praised Adventurer
Not much, today. I'm about to try out a couple of ideas on text concatenation for a Journal of sorts. My Demo deliberately uses only standard MV components, so no scripting or plug-ins, although I'm certain something suitable exists. I could even create something, as I'm no neophyte when it comes to programming, but that would defeat somewhat the very reason for doing the game. I have allowed myself script calls, as long as they're part of the 'standard' MV package. It certainly makes one think differently when circumscribed by conditions, albeit self-imposed ones.
This may prove to be a dead end, as I already have a Diary in the game, where new goals are discovered and some background fleshing out is provided. I can't get my thought into any other way of having the game 'jotted down' without duplicating this Diary. Still, the text manipulation will be an exercise in itself, and will surely be useful elsewhere, anyway. I'll see what I can come up with...
Finally figured out how to make autotiles!
You're ahead of me. I still haven't quite mastered it. I'm attempting on making entirely custom-made graphics, which I've never really been good at, so there are still a few areas I'm not-so-proficient at.

Yikes! what the heck is wrong Firefox, I thought you were a beast.
Firefox has had persistent memory leak problems (notably with WebGL) since v36 ish. Apparently, fixed then present again after another update.

Have you tried the Avant browser? It allows you to switch IE, Chrome and Firefox. It uses far less memory as a whole than the other browsers, regardless of which one you're emulating. Best of all, it's free.
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Firefox has had persistent memory leak problems (notably with WebGL) since v36 ish. Apparently, fixed then present again after another update.

Have you tried the Avant browser? It allows you to switch IE, Chrome and Firefox. It uses far less memory as a whole than the other browsers, regardless of which one you're emulating. Best of all, it's free.
For a little while I was worried it was my code effecting firefox somehow, I was going to pack the game with a "Only Works In Chrome" headline lol It's good to know it's firefox and not my code specifically.
Thanks for the link to Avant Browser, I'm downloading right now and I expect it to be an ultimate testing browser for my games, I may even make it my official browser considering the option to I have choose which rendering engine to use. Should prove useful, thanks again.


Praised Adventurer
Yeah, that'd be a pretty neat little platformer if you did decide on making that a full project lol. I know many others who would play it too (some serious fans of the classic styles heh).

So for my project today, I fixed up some of the stuff in Chapter 3 and the end of Chapter 2. Found another transition error and fixed that. Got my rear end kicked by a horde of ratts o.o lol (I still beat them but Lucia kept dying on me). Finally I started working on a cliff tileset that will be featured in the next region just north of the Wisparya Forest. Didn't have much time for anything else, but I test played it through all of Chapter 2 and it transitions to the third chapter flawlessly now.
For a little while I was worried it was my code effecting firefox somehow, I was going to pack the game with a "Only Works In Chrome" headline lol It's good to know it's firefox and not my code specifically.
It's always a good idea to still check other browsers separately. I think you'll find the Avant browser invaluable. You can even use it to playtest your game (in Firefox mode) rather than downloading Firefox itself; IE and Chrome don't allow local files access as "servers". I'm planning on doing a video tutorial on this topic specifically soon.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I decided my goal today would be to make an "authentic" MV faceset, so I figured I'd give it a shot with MV-tan:

(Credit for the front-view sprite goes to Eien Nanashi.)

I'm pretty happy with it, but now I feel the need to make an emoset, lol.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I love the MV Tan faceset, I seen all the expression you made when you shared them on discord, so awesome.

Ughhh today I did more optimizations with the physics, it's almost good enough, a few more tweaks and I'll be able to move on but can it ever be tiresome constantly tweaking the code to get good results, it's worth it in the end. Aside from that though I added in some physics and collision for the baddies, I went with jumping on top of them to damage them and so far it's working on quite well. If you get hit from the side the player will get hurt, now all I need to add in is some sounds for the damage and a nice GUI to keep track of the health as well as a death animation for the baddie and of course a variety of enemies including flying enemies because why not.
A have a few ideas I'm unsure I will go through with but I kind of want to have something that player can shoot, fish perhaps? Either way, it will be a new mechanic I should learn so I can make other games with bullets and guns lol. I also want to add in lighting effects but like I said these ideas I am unsure if I want to do or not, I guess we'll find out soon enough.
No worries I won't leave you hanging, I have a small GIF showing you the new baddie collision :D You can see I need to make some more tweaks with the way the damage is detected, you can see that hitting the baddie from the side and jumping does damage to both parties, I may keep it this way or change it, who knows.


Praised Adventurer
In my primitive Rachdale Cheese Demo, I've food Items which are found or given by NPC's, and Recipes, discovered in bookcases and kitchens (where else..? ;-) ), which combine these elements. Triggered by a remark seen elsewhere concerning herbs and spices, I had a re-think of my system. My food give a percentage of HP and a boost to Max HP; the different foods give more, progressively. The recipes combine the powers of the two foods, but double the effect of the lesser food. I decided to alter this, and introduced a new Item, Seasoning, also found at random in the game. I took away the Max HP increase of the basic food, and re-calculated the HP gain of each, and its associated Recipes. I then added the Max HP gain, if there is seasoning consumed with the ingredients.
I also modified the mechanism for deciding which foods to distribute, based on Actor Level. At first, only the three lesser foods are to be found, but as the Level rises, more can become available for a random choice function, up to twelve foods if the Level climbs into the 90's. The Seasoning, too, is easier to find at first, but rarely given by NPC's. As the Level increases, the opposite occurs; the NPC's give more (if you talk to them...), but one finds less 'in the wild'.
There we have it; yet another slight improvement, which, I hope, will give a better balance to the game. I've tested it, and it works, but I won't really know until I've had a bit of feedback, or go through the game again, myself.
Next task will be to create the Hot Plains Maps, and disperse a few surprises around in the World Map and Houses recently added. I'll update the Web Demo version first (to v0.4.5...), then get on with that, then...


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I decided there weren't enough generic RPG protagonists available, so I made a Ralph to use. I think I'm gonna try and crank out a few more characters over the weekend. :D



Praised Adventurer
So today I've worked on one of the special skills you can get from equipment xD Galouran's Bull Rush skill. This animation now features the white bull who will rush into the enemy (jumping in the process) and drop a light on them (since it's a light element skill) which will then shine upward and bring down bomb like shells onto the enemy that will explode after dealing a good amount of damage. This is a skill granted to anyone wearing the ring, but if Esra wears the ring, she'll get a better version of this skill among several others.

For other parts of TOTL, I've added in 3 new side quests, different currencies that will be used for other items and equipment, and gathering tools! You can now purchase gathering tools from the general merchant. These cost special currencies that you'll get from doing the storyline missions at certain points (but you should have enough to get the hatchet and pick before chapter 4). You'll now have to have these items in order to gather materials to use in the crafting systems introduced in Chapter 4 and 5. I've also added in the recipe books and the first few craftable items for Chapter 4's storyline (which will also have you craft a special sword for Fardin or anyone who can wield them to use). In other parts for TOTL, I've started the canyon map which will have a broken bridge (also a side quest you'll have to do to fix it) and the dojo of a samurai who has retired from warfare to teach younger generations the way of the samurai. This dojo belongs to Drifty, a middle aged samurai who has retreated to this canyon to make something good out of it, and he's willing to teach anyone who is a Bladesman (special class for Lucia) and above lvl 15. He'll tutor you in ways to train up dexterity, strength, courage, willpower, and honor (none of these reflect any stats lol it's just a bunch of side quests that give small item rewards such as clothing and such for a samurai). Once you complete all of his tasks, you'll have to fight him in one on one combat. If you can beat him, you'll be granted the "Writ of Completion" which will teach one character a new skill that utilizes the teachings of Drifty. (If you lose, you can always try again so no worries!) Phew...there's a bunch that will be on that canyon/cliff map other than those two major features as well (things like cavern entrances, hidden treasures, animals to commune with, and even a fishing hole to catch fish in!)

In addition to all of that I'm working on another tutorial to show off how to make a bridge you can go under as well as on top of xP. I finally figured out a complex way of doing it (since there seems to be no other way that I can find) so I'll share my way heh. I have the explanation of my other tutorial finished I just have to upload it (took forever because my old headset broke so had no mic to record it with lol, got a new one now so should be solid for future tutorials too!) I'll also upload one for how to export games to mobile (since that was requested lol)


Praised Adventurer to make a bridge you can go under as well as on top of...
A bit of a hi-jack, and not directly on topic, but I thought it might be useful to show how I made 'walk-through' walls in my Maze; the same principle could serve for walk-under bridges..? Here's a screen shot (Click on 'Spoiler to see it...) ...

First of all, I duplicated the tileset 'Dungeon', and made the tiles that I needed walk-able in the copy. In my map, I placed Events which switch to my 'doctored' tileset (the Events in red...), and others that switch back to the original tileset (in green...) the blue Events are simply empty, blocking Events to prevent walking off in any direction; the yellow tiles trigger an animation 'flash' as the Hero walks through the wall.
Simple enough, and uses no scripting or such, that being one of the criteria of my Demo. It works well enough; the Player has to discover how to move around in the Maze, and learn that some walls are not as they seem..! Mhahaha..! (it's actually signalled by some 'crazing' in the floor...)


Praised Adventurer
A bit of a hi-jack, and not directly on topic, but I thought it might be useful to show how I made 'walk-through' walls in my Maze; the same principle could serve for walk-under bridges..? Here's a screen shot (Click on 'Spoiler to see it...) ...

Yeah I think that's basically the idea. What do those colors mean? (I've never seen colored outlines like that lol). But yeah the idea is "when player touches area A then flip switch (if switch is on then player goes under, if it's off then player goes above) and when they touch area B then flip same switch off". Something like that lol I've still yet to test it...but if yours works a different way I'd love to hear how you did it xP

Edit: lol made that before I noticed the rest of it >.> I see, that way would prolly work just as well yeah. I'm trying to avoid more images though since those increase the file size pretty rapidly with a large game like Tales of the Lumminai is going to be heh xP Good way of doing it though!


Praised Adventurer
...What do those colors mean?...
The colours were added to the screen shot using Paint, just to simply the explanation. 'A picture is worth a thousand words', and all that..?
I do have a switch on/off in the Events, which serves to 'freeze' the mice NPC's in the Maze that could otherwise move into the 'transparent' walls whilst going through. Not that mice can't climb up and down walls, but it did look odd.
As for the extra graphics, that's one of the penalties I have to support if not using optimised scripting and plug-ins. It makes one think of other ways to achieve one's ends, and after all, mine is only for fun and self-education. To that end, it's working very well indeed, as it's great fun, and I learn a lot..!


Praised Adventurer
The colours were added to the screen shot using Paint, just to simply the explanation. 'A picture is worth a thousand words', and all that..?
I do have a switch on/off in the Events, which serves to 'freeze' the mice NPC's in the Maze that could otherwise move into the 'transparent' walls whilst going through. Not that mice can't climb up and down walls, but it did look odd.
As for the extra graphics, that's one of the penalties I have to support if not using optimised scripting and plug-ins. It makes one think of other ways to achieve one's ends, and after all, mine is only for fun and self-education. To that end, it's working very well indeed, as it's great fun, and I learn a lot..!
Why not use Yanfly's restrict movements so events can't pass those? lol, then you wouldn't need to "freeze" them. But cool cool, pro painter xD they literally look identical to the outline in the engine itself. Always good to learn more heh (I'm still trying to wrap my head around all these plugins I want to use...without breaking them's been a conquest to say the least....). I have changed up graphics too that way lol, like my enchanted forest xP and in one of my earlier games I changed the entire map by using an event to swap tilesets to a modified one (I.E. you flood the region to put out fires and and you get stuck between a bunch of rivers heh).

I'm thinking I'll have to do something similar for my ship mission in Chapter 4 of TOTL where you'll have to manipulate the water levels of the ship's lower deck in order to progress further through it. Not really sure how to make that work just yet heh...still got a bunch of other things that need finished first xP


Praised Adventurer
Because it's the weekend don't really have much time to work on my project heh, but I did put this together to show off my cannon firing animation I've come up with. While it's still a bit rough, it does appear pretty accurate for a cannon that recoils and shoots the cannon ball forward heh. Lemme know what you guys think I can do to improve this animation design! (I'll have this same thing for all directions as well, but currently only have this one done).

(My little sister designed the title screen for my Tutorials project's very girly because of that but meh it's neat xP)


Praised Adventurer
Nice little animation, and I think I detected some sly humour in the 'dialogue'. Good stuff. Not too convinced by the example set with such a 'Gung-Ho' attitude to innocent villages, though ;-\
lol well she didn't know what was there as well...the map doesn't go up that far xP (that was the primary humor behind it, blindly firing into the unknown only to hit the worst possible outcome). My little sister comes up with the dialogue for the demonstrations, so she puts some of her own character into it. Poor village though o.o, piracy....never a good thing but OH SO FUN in games! lol