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Questions and Concerns with the future of the site

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Staff member
Resource Team
Do you guys still care about RMMV though? Seems like all the effort is going into the crowdfunding site lately. :( I don't know I just get the feeling RMMV is taking a backseat because we have problems here like editing issues, mood setting being messed up, RT pack not being released after an entire day, etc. Kind of demotivating me to be honest that this Crowdfunding thing is getting so much priority when RMMV is barely off the ground.

@Macro I've been watching these changes in the forum for long enough now. Yeah, it was a bit more calm and laid back when ppl left in February but still kinda normal. The forum is changing right now and don't know whether i like it or not. Wish we could get that funny time and activity back though...

@Xyphien is it part of rmmv website then or not ? I mean if it allows all kind of games even board games and stuff if it even still makes sense...? It would look kinda weird, wouldn't it ?

Alright, so I know I keep using this 'excuse' and I will for another few months until I get back, but I've been extremely busy lately. I just got promoted "wooh" and haven't had any time to do anything, the crowdfunding site hasn't even been updated in the past few days as we've all been really busy. Yesterday was my first available day in a long time to be able to sit down and have some time to myself. Thus being why I went through yesterday and tried to post as much as possible. All I've had time to do was reply to PM's and you can ask those people that even then the reply time was sadly quite long.

As for the issues, I was only aware of the post issue, which I posted in yesterday and brought up the fact that we have a problem with that as we can either allow you to edit the posts, and delete the topics, which was causing a HUGE problem with specific members trying to delete ALL of their topics, thus causing problems with other peoples posts counts, removing badges from people, etc. So, we had to remove that. This being said we're kind of stuck on allowing you to edit posts, or disabling you from deleting topics. It's one of those things I'll be bringing up to the rest of the team and seeing if they can fix it. As for the mood issues, and everything else, I don't see anything about it in the feedback section at all. So, I wasn't tracking any of this to be honest. There's two sections I check even when I have almost no time to use the computer, and that's the announcements, and feedback sections. The only problem I see that's recent is the syntex post, which I explained about, as well as Hot.

To answer the second question Cunechan had, the site is kind of apart of this site in a since. It will be a section on the forum that says "Help Fund Your Project", as well as a link on the crowdfunding site saying "Create RPG styled games" or something along those lines. I haven't decided yet. Members and everything will be seperate, and other than those two, it won't be a direct part of the site. The CF site is hosted by myself and 3 other people, whilst this site is hosted by just me.

I'm terribly sorry you all think this way, and I'm trying my best, but with my situation, until I get back I won't be able to be as active. I said this when I first made the site, my personal life comes second. The mission comes first, always. It's the way it is, and I'm almost done with this, so I'll be back here shortly so once I'm back I'll be able to focus on this as much as humanly possible. I'll be able to interact, livestream, make youtube videos, and be more engaged with the community. My plan for this site was to create the best RM site out there, and provide everything for MV and I haven't lost that vision. This site is the biggest site I've owned, and get's over 300k views a month (As of today!!!). The community is the best I've ever had, the members are the most helpful, and caring I've ever seen. I want to help you all, and be more engaged however, I cannot until I get back. A lot of people said "Why make a site when you cannot manage it?!" To be honest, I never thought this was going to get big. I made this just for fun, and to mess around. However, it exploded. All of my sites other than like 4 haven't been successful or big. Even those 4 died down as they were with programs, etc. that went out of style. Such as Pivot Animation, Herobrine, etc. I never thought this would get big, and never thought it'd take so much time. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a mind spending time on this, or spending my only freetime on the site, upgrading, editing, and fixing it. I love it, it's my hobby, and something I love to spend all my time doing anyway. It's not like it's a hassle, or job. I just didn't think it'd take more time than I'd have available during this venture I'm currently on. The site is 5-6 months old, and has exploded with an amazing community, and people I love to interact with, however for the next 3-4 months I won't be able to dedicate my outside time to this as most of my outside time goes to my job still as I work 24/7 if I have to for this time.

I hope this explained a bit, and brought light on some things, I also hope I didn't rant/get off topic too much as I have 6 roommates who are playing music, talking to their wife, talking to their other wife, and getting ready to work nightshift. If you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to post them below, and I will address them ASAP.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I can understand the limited amount of time you have, I myself am on the busy bandwagon and in my free time I'm either relaxing watching a bit of youtube or tv or I'm trying to cram in some game or plugin development. Last weekend I had quite a bit of free time but I dedicated it to my game and one plugin lol That all being said I can understand everyone's concern about the current activity or lack thereof as well as the absence of staff but things will improve, right now I know a lot of members are busy with school and jobs and with the spring coming soon, a lot of other members will be picking up summer jobs. So I believe the next few months will be up and down with activity, I myself hope to get more free time soon so I can dedicate more time here. Now that being said if there is anything the current members would like to see more of please don't hesitate to let the staff know about it. You can create a thread in the Feedback & Suggestion thread or PM any of the staff members( mainly moderators because admins are busy) with concerns or ideas you may have.
Re: the mood issue (as I'm the one meant to be fixing that!) Been busy as well. I work as a web dev, but I also had coursework to do prior to today as well as exams in about a month.


Staff member
Congrats on the promotion. Enjoy the increase in pay grade, and the new leadership opportunities. Thanks for creating this for us.


Staff member
It's just a busy time of the year.
I've got a bunch of midterms going on, and I'm sure a lot of other people around here do too.
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Dragon Goddess
I understand, it's just nice to hear from you and know that you guys still care. =) I'll probably be going on a bit of a hiatus soon too, but I'll check in from time to time.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
about the whole forum thing, I actually don't think it will ever be left behind. It's just a few sad things which happened here in February/March and it felt different after that. Suddenly, now, in mid-March more weird things are happening and the community doesn't feel as much alive as before. It's not beause one or two active members have a hard time and are busy, it's more like everyone seems to have. For me it's been the hardest time for the last two years. I just don't want these things to happen to the other members here but it seems like it is and everyone has a really difficult or busy time. When real life things are terrible it's hard to find motivation sometimes. What I want to say is just that I hope you're all fine and don't have to go through terrible things and that we'll soon be back to the old rmmv and can make funny events together ~ (or revive that community project everyone forgot about, that would be awesome) as for @Xyphien don't worry ;) you're doing your best even though you don't have that much time. Of course you have to take care of the forums but you're still human ? That's why you need some rest too sometimes XD
Thanks that you all still care and come back(heart)

Bizarre Monkey

Cune's ultimately right, my concern isn't that the forum will be left behind, just that it will recede into something ghastly, though uh-- I suppose February/March was the last chance you had to convince me that wouldn't happen.

You failed.

I rarely post here nowadays, feels like a waste of time, my input means nothing-- I know, because you've gone to every available effort to seal that reality.

I hoped that after all the people you betrayed with your stubborness to change a fairly simple thing, that maybe I would be the last straw, heh-- I guess beggars can't be choosers, huh?

Well, I wish you well, but I'm no longer making it my business to intervene or help this forum-- why? Well, heh... you oughta know, right?

I don't care anymore, that's your fault, isn't it?

Don't say I didn't warn ya.

Because I've warned you of everything, and it's all happened because you have a hard time listening-- I was optimistic and hoped maybe exceptions would be allowed to happen.

How foolish, any forum that goes this route is destined to recede into something completely indistinguishable.

Hm, the face of yours, the one I can't see right now, it tells me you're confused, maybe a little clarity wouldn't hurt.

1. You were going well, everything was going well, your first slip up was in recasting a vote, that's a quick way to show not only that you're weak, but that you'd allow democracy to ultimately be recast, which isn't a super good idea... I understand there were innocent reasons behind that, but a lot lost faith then, in their vote and the power it had.

2. Second slip up that you still stand by is enforcing limitations on warned members, I'm not going to repeat why this is bad, because you'll likely just not listen again. But this was the moment I warned you of what would happen.

3. This and several others followed, firstly you remained adamant that the rules wouldn't change, despite being so vague-- essentially I didn't mind that, I myself don't believe in rules-- they are for suckers, people who can't guide their own wisdom, or who cant accept that others would set out to disrupt it. I'm open to both realities, chaos means I'm not immune from judgement either, but I'm used to that, I get judged a lot.

4. Where you truly fucked up is in your refusal to change anything in the rules after it was insisted by over half of the moderation team, thereby blowing not only your pledge of democracy, but a valuable sect of contributors out the window...

There's probably been other things I'm not aware of, things I'm forgetting, etc.

But basically, if you had any confusion about why over half of the staff left, why they feel betrayed, why they aren't here-- I'm that reminder.

I warned you, you didn't listen-- you refused to change, now you're having a bad time. By betraying those on the moderation team, you've betrayed me as well, the majority of them were friends, still are friends.

But we?

We aren't friends anymore, the only reason I'm still here is to watch this place slowly rot, and to be an eternal reminder of all that you destroyed, and the eternal judgement hailing from a land beyond to watch.

I can't say you're entirely at fault, and hey... with how little you're online, I wonder how much of this shit manages to happen.

What I do know is that your treatment of the resource team and the staff sans the few who were misled to stick by you, was unacceptable.

I ain't one to hold a grudge, so it's not like I'm gonna make this a war between you and I, I don't deserve that kind of stress, and you don't deserve that much of my time.

You'll only be shadowed by eternal judgement-- this is the future you chose. It's too late to go back, too far gone to say your sorries, far beyond the point of redemption, and only receding deep, deeper, yet deeper.

The site does have a future, but it's not the sort of future you hear of in movies, it's not a promise land, it's an arid pit of hellfire, it's arbiter-- not me, but you.

And among the very limited spectators, will be I, with my smiling red eyes, piercing deeper into your soul to watch your conscience rot as my megalomania seals the fate you'd fostered.

Suffer well, dearie! =)


Staff member
We cannot blame Xyphien , for the decision he made to preserve the privileges our members have to not be under the tyranny of increased resource and discussion restrictions. We are to applaud him, instead. I fought and fought to protect our members' freedoms of creative expression, even before I ran for moderator. I fought during the campaign. The members spoke out that they did not want the fun and freedoms that were already associated with the forum to be removed. I was the one who fought against the proposed rules, even before Xyphien's eyes saw them. If there is a person to blame, blame me. I initiated the resistance against the removal of member resource and discussion freedoms.

As in any growing community, this community is still growing. Some familiar faces may have left, and that is normal. We will be be reaching 5,000 members shortly. There are new members making discussion and resource contributions. We will shortly have over 200 plugins. We already have over 600 Resources. I update the new resources very often, and it is growing quickly. This community is growing at a very fast rate, compared to its age.

Bizarre Monkey

We cannot blame Xyphien , for the decision he made to preserve the privileges our members have to not be under the tyranny of increased resource and discussion restrictions.
Speaking as a democrat, if half of the moderators you chose are saying your rules should be changed, doesn't it make you a tyrant to ignore that?

They had valid reasons for being concerned. If it wasn't valid, over half of the staff wouldn't be gone, and I know Amy well enough to know she isn't the sort who would seek to hamper freedom of creative expression.

We are to applaud him, instead. I fought and fought to protect our members' freedoms of creative expression, even before I ran for moderator. I fought during the campaign. The members spoke out that they did not want the fun and freedoms that were already associated with the forum to be removed. I was the one who fought against the proposed rules, even before Xyphien's eyes saw them. If there is a person to blame, blame me. I initiated the resistance against the removal of member resource and discussion freedoms.
Heh... and I thought I had megalomania...

They weren't asking for the suppression of creative expression, only that 5 second recolors of work they'd personally created not be able to be taken credit for by members who posted them in the resource section. That isn't very much to ask, this misled or twisted belief that they sought anything more malign than that is entirely farcical.

Had they been trying to subdue or suppress creative expression, I'd have been on your side, but that isn't the case. They are only asking for some very slight respect for resources they'd created not to be borderline plagiarized.

As in any growing community, this community is still growing. Some familiar faces may have left, and that is normal. We will be be reaching 5,000 members shortly. There are new members making discussion and resource contributions. We will shortly have over 200 plugins. We already have over 600 Resources. I update the new resources very often, and it is growing quickly. This community is growing at a very fast rate, compared to its age.
It's growing effectively into a mass of knotted shit.

Size isn't everything, and the reason they doth dwell on the community is because size kills community.

And this is true of anything, look at a city like new york, do you think of it as a community?

Nope, it's loads of people completely unaware of each other.

Now take a town like say, okay any town from a Harvest Moon game, anything where the mayor is on the same block as the citizens, that's a community town.

We were once a community town, the reason concerns like this:

the community doesn't feel as much alive as before. It's not beause one or two active members have a hard time and are busy, it's more like everyone seems to have. For me it's been the hardest time for the last two years. I just don't want these things to happen to the other members here but it seems like it is and everyone has a really difficult or busy time.
We're getting too many people to be a collective community now, and that's what will come of this site's growth, ultimately, I know it has to go one way or the other, I personally prefer communities of a smaller scale, easier to manage, easier to get along in, but you're right Jay, this site is becoming big. But you're a fool if you think the community is growing anywhere but downwards to the pits of hell.

Let's use some local examples, does RMW have a community?

hahahaha no, no it doesn't. It's a corporate shitpit. is closer to community, but this site in its young days was the community, it was at that point where we could all love and live, but it's too late now, we're never going to go back to that, because stupid people are being encouraged to stay, and smart people, people who can be depended on, are being pushed out, because that's how it works. It's why most of RMW's talent don't even have accounts on the forum with more than a few posts, it's why most of it's talent are childish spoilt children who stay butthurt about things for three years.

And this site... heh.

It's headed in the same direction, I've seen it-- megalomania will guide any places that grow big to the greatness of RMW, the pawn may even replace the king, but then the king will stand atop a throne and be all that which it once strived to avoid becoming. It's a vicious cycle. was the king, before that it was planetindie, then it was rmwebs, then just maybe, will follow. It would probably be a better king, but you'll have no less tyranny, trust me.
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Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
Speaking as a democrat, if half of the moderators you chose are saying your rules should be changed, doesn't it make you a tyrant to ignore that?

They had valid reasons for being concerned. If it wasn't valid, over half of the staff wouldn't be gone, and I know Amy well enough to know she isn't the sort who would seek to hamper freedom of creative expression.

Heh... and I thought I had megalomania...

They weren't asking for the suppression of creative expression, only that 5 second recolors of work they'd personally created not be able to be taken credit for by members who posted them in the resource section. That isn't very much to ask, this misled or twisted belief that they sought anything more malign than that is entirely farcical.

Had they been trying to subdue or suppress creative expression, I'd have been on your side, but that isn't the case. They are only asking for some very slight respect for resources they'd created not to be borderline plagiarized.

It's growing effectively into a mass of knotted shit.

Size isn't everything, and the reason they doth dwell on the community is because size kills community.

And this is true of anything, look at a city like new york, do you think of it as a community?

Nope, it's loads of people completely unaware of each other.

Now take a town like say, okay any town from a Harvest Moon game, anything where the mayor is on the same block as the citizens, that's a community town.

We were once a community town, the reason concerns like this:

We're getting too many people to be a collective community now, and that's what will come of this site's growth, ultimately, I know it has to go one way or the other, I personally prefer communities of a smaller scale, easier to manage, easier to get along in, but you're right Jay, this site is becoming big. But you're a fool if you think the community is growing anywhere but downwards to the pits of hell.

Let's use some local examples, does RMW have a community?

hahahaha no, no it doesn't. It's a corporate shitpit. is closer to community, but this site in its young days was the community, it was at that point where we could all love and live, but it's too late now, we're never going to go back to that, because stupid people are being encouraged to stay, and smart people, people who can be depended on, are being pushed out, because that's how it works. It's why most of RMW's talent don't even have accounts on the forum with more than a few posts, it's why most of it's talent are childish spoilt children who stay butthurt about things for three years.

And this site... heh.

It's headed in the same direction, I've seen it-- megalomania will guide any places that grow big to the greatness of RMW, the pawn may even replace the king, but then the king will stand atop a throne and be all that which it once strived to avoid becoming. It's a vicious cycle. was the king, before that it was planetindie, then it was rmwebs, then just maybe, will follow. It would probably be a better king, but you'll have no less tyranny, trust me.
This is the best response I've ever seen. Well executed, sir. *applauds*


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
This is the best response I've ever seen. Well executed, sir. *applauds*
Exactly. Well, biz can say what most of us are (more or less) thinking. Thanks for pointing out by the way. But what do we do now? Is this problem even solvable? Where the hell is this all leading us and is there a way to prevent it ending up like most predict?


Towns Guard
@Cunechan I personally think that it might be too late for a solution of keeping a community, its hard to just throw people out. As I am watching this site slowly fade away I am still hoping fir a small miracle to happen XD I doubt that is gonna happen though, there is a bigger history wich I don't know about misunderstanding and betrayal if I believe @Bizarre Monkey. So yeah, not a real solution I think, maybe someone creates another community to continue with what was started here. I'll keep my fingers crossed


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
@Cunechan I personally think that it might be too late for a solution of keeping a community, its hard to just throw people out. As I am watching this site slowly fade away I am still hoping fir a small miracle to happen XD I doubt that is gonna happen though, there is a bigger history wich I don't know about misunderstanding and betrayal if I believe @Bizarre Monkey. So yeah, not a real solution I think, maybe someone creates another community to continue with what was started here. I'll keep my fingers crossed
Oh, most things what happened that changed this placed are explained and showed here Not a pretty thing but you should know about it...

Bizarre Monkey


Amy and myself saw it from the start, and I've already explained why. The only miracle that could have saved this place is Xyphien showing some willingness to at least discuss the rules and what changes would be made, I've personally talked to him of it over skype, dude is like a brick wall. If he wasn't going to make compromises for the good of everyone, he shouldn't have made a forum in the first place.

The forum as is stands split between Xyphien's faction, which has very few loyal followers, and the much larger sect who follows Amy.

The adminship is idiotic... did they not piece together that half of the original RT knew Amy on good terms? LTN himself is one of Amy's friends.

And still here we are, using a background that Amy created, a background that had her signature conveniently cropped out of it when used as the background image, and even the one thing she requested on her leave, deleting that thread which scapegoated her so that the admins could try to act like it wasn't their fault, still remains there.

Amy doesn't claim ownership of the character, as MVtan was Lulu's idea and design, just the art itself.

Luckily, they didn't get away with any of that, as I'm not afraid to speak my mind on these matters. MinisterJay is misled if he thinks Xyphien is the sort to cherish freedom, the only person Xyphien cherishes freedom for is himself, it's clear I was a fool to place faith in such a pitiful creature.

His punishment is watching his empire crumble and his reputation diminish, and the best part is no one can truthfully be blamed but him. I did all in my power to prevent it, until now. We were all on his side until he made it clear he was little more than a child with a perverse power fantasy.

I myself, can get away with much, as I am a member, but I'm a member people listen to, and I suppose that's because despite how rude and ruthless I can be, I am genuine, I've stated such from the beginning.

@samorious: There is indeed a large political eruption that happened, I don't feel it'd do much good to go into that further than I have already. It's also not one I was entirely present for, but I do have many informants who were there.

@Cunechan: There's nothing that stops anyone from saying what I have assuming their knowledge is the same, beyond fear. I personally don't give a damn what Xyphien or Sage think of me or what I do or say now, if they ban me in frustration or delete my posts, it only proves my point, and they recognize this, that is why I am still here, and why this thread still exists.

They are more aware than anyone of how desperate it's become, the posting contest just served to make it transparent as day, I already was aware this site was losing members as soon as it gained them.

Blinded by absolute autocrisy, Xyphien lost the respect and presence of all but two staff members, and the newest one was only elected a week ago. It goes back to what I said earlier, doesn't it? The website may be owned by him, but it is made by it's members and staff.

This shows just how spot on I was, doesn't it? He betrayed several staff blindly, and many members... now oh look, his site is falling into ruin.

It's all so transparent, really. He's like a child, when he doesn't get his own way, he is reckless.

And he's supposed to be older than me? Heh-- for all the tough talk about how age merits him experience, his maturity in this situation doesn't show it.
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Staff member
I see no reason why the crowdfunding site will interfere with @Xyphien administering this site, eventhough, we are getting closer to having 5,000 members. We have @sage (icecream) , an administrator, and we two moderators, @LTN Games (thumbsup) and myself, to work with Xyphien, as well as other staff members (heart). The crowdfunding site will complement this site, as well as other possible sites, including distribution of RPG Maker MV games.

I love what the new members are bringing to the site. We are seeing a lot of original content from them. This is by in no means not appreciating what seasoned forum members continue to contribute.

Let's have a positive outlook, and look forward to our forum community growing.

Thanks to all that work at making this a fun positive growing community.

Bizarre Monkey

I see no reason why the crowdfunding site will interfere with @Xyphien
This topic has not been about the crowdfunding in a long time, and frankly no one fucking cares about it. It's another one of those things that's sure to backfire.

administering this site, eventhough, we are getting closer to having 5,000 members. We have @sage (icecream) , an administrator, and we two moderators, @LTN Games (thumbsup) and myself, to work with Xyphien, as well as other staff members (heart). The crowdfunding site will complement this site, as well as other possible sites, including distribution of RPG Maker MV games.
5000 Members that have left the day after they signed up, it's not exactly an achievement if every member who joins is going to be a ghost the next day. You can celebrate on the useless number vapor all you want, but this site isn't vry lively for one that boasts 5,000 members, is it? Hell, the fucking 29 member community I'm a part of gets more posts a day than here. Member count is meaningless, and this crowdfunding is a waste of time and probably funding too.

I love what the new members are bringing to the site.
Unless you're referring to the background competition submissions which were old members remastering the background we already have to be as wonderfully hideous as possible, then I see very little of quality, mostly because members aren't staying to post stuff. Half of the time i wonder if you're just posting off of template rather than using your own human intuition.

Let's have a positive outlook, and look forward to our forum community growing
Oh sure, why don't we all try to enjoy the site with admins who are borderline plagiarists and who's selfish disregard for people's needs lost them most of their own staff overnight.

What a brilliant idea, let's act like nothing happened so we can continue to be extorted and betrayed further!

Thanks to all that work at making this a fun positive growing community.
Are you just reading shit off of a sheet or is this legitimately a response you formulated from the latest posts?

This almost seems like a desperate attempt to make light of a very severe issue. Like you were sent here to say things that you yourself don't fully believe in or support.

I suppose Xyphien hiding behind the staff is nothing new, especially with how much people are becoming privy to his true nature.

I am just assuming, ofcourse.


Staff member
This topic has not been about the crowdfunding in a long time
It is the first topic talked about, therefore it is on topic.

I was talking about the Resources and entire forum, not just a single thread, in regards to New Member contributions.

It does not take someone with a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Psychology, which I have, nor...
teaching experience with students with exceptionalities, which I have, to see...
that you need a big hug.

Now everyone give him a big hug. He really needs the attention.
@MinisterJay Bite your tongue hold your temper. Not a lot of people like biz, and especially want to argue with him no matter if he is making sense or not. All you are doing now is over-positively looking at your forum and trying to ignore biz. I'm not saying he's entirely right with everything he's said, but he has a lot of points you should evaluate before replying.

I think this community can get a good recharge and stay going if it's done right, I've seen some of what the other members have to offer and how a few members act with one another, and not all of it is bad, but the site needs new rules and new direction.


Staff member
@MinisterJay Not a lot of people like biz, and especially want to argue with him no matter if he is making sense or not.
That is why he needs a big hug. When you hug someone, even if initially forced to, it increases the chance of liking the person, irregardless of personally feelings towards them. This is done to show love for a fellow person, not having a temper with them.

BM and I agree on a lot of things, and we disagree on a lot of things.

We both want to see the forum get better, but we may have different opinions on how to get there. When it comes to new rules, I am totally against the restrictions of creative artistry and discussion, which can be read in the moderator campaign threads. My concern with the future of this site is to fight for the members to have the freedoms, that the current rules, actually allow.
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