@Macro I tend to agree, but I
will intuitively back games that really jump out at me. One such game I backed almost from the beginning was
Tavern Simulator (really good game, but a little too "routine"). Still enjoy playing it too! Another one turned out to be such a disaster I stopped backing anything for a while.
I'd still prefer paying for games
after a demo is available or it's completed (even if it is buggy for updates). And, come to think about it, I like
@samorious 's idea of donations much better.
A lot of indie devs (especially when they're just starting) tend towards trying to get their first project crowdfunded and the game ends up being just plain crap! It would be better in my opinion to release maybe a shorter free game or two
first to become established before moving onto more ambitious projects. Donations first, then larger funding. It's what I'm doing with
Otherworld but without any donations.
I don't mind backing or crowdfunding games at all. I have money to invest, but to me it has to be GOOD. And, yes, if the project doesn't work out, I'd EXPECT to get it back. That'd be like investing in a new computer or car that turns out to be a complete non-refundable lemon.