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Questions and Concerns with the future of the site

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Bizarre Monkey

It is the first topic talked about, therefore it is on topic.

Well yeah, my point was that you seemed to be distracting from the current issues with issues no one is talking about anymore, that that any rules were being broken.
I was talking about the Resources and entire forum, not just a single thread, in regards to New Member contributions.
I know that.

It does not take someone with a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Psychology, which I have, nor...
teaching experience with students with exceptionalities, which I have, to see...
that you need a big hug.

Now everyone give him a big hug. He really needs the attention.
What a childish way to subvert every point I made, what a transparent dodge, you really are pathetic.

I'm not doing these posts just to be nasty, I just think your short-sighted optimism is as annoying as it is useless.

That is why he needs a big hug. When you hug someone, even if initially forced to, it increases the chance of liking the person, irregardless of personally feelings towards them. This is done to show love for a fellow person, not having a temper with them.

BM and I agree on a lot of things, and we disagree on a lot of things.

We both want to see the forum get better
You are mistaken. I once did want to see it get better, and went to every effect to see it happened, now though-- I just don't care.

but we may have different opinions on how to get there. When it comes to new rules, I am totally against the restrictions of creative artistry and discussion
Oh my god! Did you even read or take in a single fucking thing I said? You're just as bad with Xyphien is with selective ignorance. No one was trying to impede creative expression, people were only concerned about art theft. Which is not okay to be 'freedom' about!

This is a democracy (or supposed to be), not a socialism, and any chances at that were lost the day we catered to an engine we don't have the legal rights to claim as our own, so please stop using this pathetic WAFER-THIN justification of 'freedom of creative expression' for borderline plagiarism, if you really can't see that is what's happening here, you're not worth my time, either. I myself am an artist, I wouldn't want people taking my art and hue-shifting it and calling it their own, maybe you don't understand this as a writer, since writing is more of a free realm, but you need to be aware that complete creative freedom is still what you have, and artists with ANY sense of pride won't plagiarize, the rules are a loophole for plagiarist to worm around, and plagiarism is sometimes accidental, but it should always be against the rules.

Alright, let me put this in a way you may be able to understand.

Our background image was made by Amy, she's requested it be taken down due to the terms of service, however it hasn't, and that has been a conscious decision by Xyphien. The fact her signature has been conveniently cropped out is further fuel to this fire, you don't need a pair of glasses to see that Xyphien is borderline plagiarizing by continually refusing to take it down. And you're supporting that by supporting him, stop being such a sheep unless you're the sort who also support companies like Zynga.

which can be read in the moderator campaign threads. My concern with the future of this site is to fight for the members to have the freedoms, that the current rules, actually allow.
First, your shtick of FREEDOM is fine at a base level, but the freedom to steal is where I'd draw the line. No where in the RM community allows this, not even more underground sites like RMRK and RMN. The absolute freedom you speak of is something I've thought about, and it's a very stupid concept in practicality. The last time we had anything close to that was when we were Apes, our society is built on rules and some form of conduct. You can choose to ignore and not believe in them for a greater good, but Art theft is NOT a greater good, it's a crime that exhibits laziness and a lack of honor.
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