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For Grapes and Bow Ties! ~ Kaimen's Champagne

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Towns Guard
You say "focused on [a sensitive topic]" so you mean generally I presume...
Future Kaimen: "Stop presuming - he said 'generally' in the Skype chat."
[...]Well, call me crazy but last time I checked we were an RPG Maker focused forum and people are here to mainly discuss matters that are related to RM. If someone comes here to discuss about sensitive topics then I suggest they search for a different forum that focuses on the topics they want to talk about. [...] To keep this place here a friendly one and true to its purpose I would stop any bantering about sensitive topics that aren't actual civilized and relevant discussion. If you come here to proclaim your opinions about politics or religion I suggest you rather go to the nearest town square and do that there. Source: Rule #8. :D
So, I start a discussion about religion. I start this discussion to learn more about the different religion, faiths and beliefs in our world. I might occasionally even ask a rather critical question - intended to be respectful, but just to gather more information. I can then use this information to inspire me to write some fictional religions, faiths and beliefs for in my game or in the background information I like to have about the world I'm creating. Now, things turn out of hand and the posts starts to become more and more upsetting to people with strong beliefs. I try to keep things respectful, but without much effect.

What would you do?

More specifically, I'd like to know:
Would you tell me I was wrong to start the discussion publicly here on a (read: the) RM forum?


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
What is your daily schedule like?
At the moment I'm facing two days on which I actually have classes until noon. The rest of the week (and those two days) is pretty much free for me to decide what to do with. I'm already spending a lot of time on this forum as it is and that's not gonna change too dramatically in the near future. I don't know what the future's having in stock for me but I'll always make sure I have enough time to pursue my hobbies and hang out with you guys, mod or not. XD
What is the priority you have for your schedule?
Now if you become a moderator, how will you prioritize your schedule?
I wouldn't say it's random. I'd call it... flexible. As stated above, I have a lot of "free" time at the moment and I can afford to be flexible with how and when I do things. If there's a pressing matter on the forum and I have the time to resolve it, I'll do it. And if I don't have the time, I'm sure I can find it. *bends time* Flexible~ :)
Now for a bit of fun. I want to see a general PM you would make to a member. A rule has been broken, lets pick rule #1, it has been broken by a member and now you need to PM them letting them know the rule was broken. Let us see it (cheeky)
Kay-o! But I'm gonna be putting it in a spoiler so this post doesn't get so overloaded. :D
Hello [enter member name here],
I have noticed that you [broke rule #1; I would specifically state what was done here] and must inform you that it goes against the rules to do that. I would like to ask you to be more careful in the future so that this won't happen again. If you're uncertain about what the rules are, you can view them here. Just a little heads-up on the general etiquette here. Stick to the rules and I'm sure we'll get along quite nicely. :)
~ Kaimen, your friendly neighborhood spider-mod (I think I would change that title here every time I had to write such a PM - if I'm creative enough, that is :D)
Alright, now you. ^_^
There is a major issue in the forum; however, not many members have seemed to notice it yet. There are a few ways that could resolve the issue, but no one seems to take the issue seriously because it's not detrimental at the moment... but will cause a lot of problems later on. How would you bring about a way to resolve this issue that only a few people seemed to have noticed.
First off: message the other staff members and make them aware of that issue stating why it should be resolved as soon as possible. Now usually that should be enough. If not, I would try my damnedest to make the matter public and get it noticed so that word is spread around. Staff will work a little more efficiently with a little pressure from the community. If I am capable of resolving that issue myself however I would do that in consent with the rest of the staff.
More specifically, I'd like to know:
Would you tell me I was wrong to start the discussion publicly here on a (read: the) RM forum?
I would never resort to looking for a scapegoat to blame when there was a valid reason they started a topic. If the discussion in that topic get out of hand there is nobody to blame other than the ones being disrespectful and causing trouble. If something like that were to happen I would step in and try to calm things down, telling everyone to go back to discussing in a civilized and social manner and not offend other people. If the topic is becoming too hot I would consider (temporarily) closing it for the sake of it not derailing into a general offending topic. The people who violated the rules will be informed of their violation and, if necessary, action is taken against them.


[Insert Member Title]
Q: If you acted reasonably against a member (Gave the appropriate punishment) and then the user started complaining (wrongly) that they were being treated unfairly and that they didn't do anything wrong, what would you do?


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Q: If you acted reasonably against a member (Gave the appropriate punishment) and then the user started complaining (wrongly) that they were being treated unfairly and that they didn't do anything wrong, what would you do?
A: I would explain to them, in detail, why I took exactly the action I did and what was the reason for it. I would show proof of the violation against the rule and tell them that they were wrong in doing that. If they continued to insist that they didn't do anything wrong after being shown proof then I might assume that they're trying to provoke me and make me lose my temper. I think commonly that behavior is referred to as "trolling". If it came to that, I would take countermeasures and not lose my temper and not get angry but instead stay calm and professional and keep insisting on my point. If I have the proof and am in the right and stay calm and collected, they will give up eventually. And if they start a "mod hating" campaign after that, see above... somewhere. XD


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
> A member is obviously angry with you, but is very passive-aggressive about it over the forums. None of their posts look mean/angry to other users or staff members, however. What do you do to resolve this?

> Rank these in order of importance (as they apply to this forum), and explain your reasoning: greeting members, following rules, keeping active, participating in events. I won’t accept an answer of “all are equally important”, however, you can explain to me why you think they should or should not be.

> A member starts hijacking a thread with their own questions and ideas - what do you do, and how?

> A member goes off into an off-topic tangent, but makes one relevant comment at the bottom of their post. How do you respond to this?

> A member keeps typing in ALL CAPS or 1337 5p34k, and members are starting to complain. What do you do, and how?

> A member is obviously responding to several posts just to up their post count, but their posts aren’t technically spam. How do you respond to this?

> You find out that some members are saying nasty things about you over IM. What do you do about this?

> You notice that an RT member isn’t being very friendly, but is still submitting their work on time. At what point do you contact their team leader with your concerns?

> What do you do to help a member who speaks very little English?

> BONUS: What is my favorite dinosaur? Note: I honestly don’t remember if you can find this information on the forum.


Studious Dark Lord
A family emergency happens and you have to be away from the forums for awhile, what are the exact steps you'd take to let everyone know that you'll have to be away for awhile?

The family emergency takes longer than expected, but you only have a limited time online. Where is the one place you'd post?


I'm new and this kind of doesn't matter to me much, but I'm okay with you moderating me.

I should ask a question? Um, sure okay.

You mentioned being an unconventional thinker. I have a frisbee stuck on my roof. Unconventionally speaking, how would you get it down for me?


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
> A member is obviously angry with you, but is very passive-aggressive about it over the forums. None of their posts look mean/angry to other users or staff members, however. What do you do to resolve this?
Simple, really: settle things in private. There's no reason to do that in public if they're only holding a grudge towards me. Making a scene would only cast a shadow on me and, as a consequence, the entire staff. I would ask them why they are angry with me and listen to what they have to say and explain myself to them in an attempt to rectify what's wrong between them and I. And if we can't settle things 100% then the both of us will have to live with it. However, if they keep being passive-aggressive I would explain the situation in detail to the other staff members and counsel with them if any action can and should be taken against them.

> Rank these in order of importance (as they apply to this forum), and explain your reasoning: greeting members, following rules, keeping active, participating in events. I won’t accept an answer of “all are equally important”, however, you can explain to me why you think they should or should not be.
We all need to
> follow the rules to be able to
> keep the forum active so we can
> get and greet new members and have them
> participate in events in which they
> follow the rules so that we can
> keep the forum active which means we'll
> get and greet yada yada yada...
You get the idea. It's not a list. It's a circle. The freaking circle of life of this forum. XD

> A member starts hijacking a thread with their own questions and ideas - what do you do, and how?
If you have to hijack a thread to share your own questions and ideas, you might as well open a new one. Why stealing something when you can easily have your own? Simple as that - I'd tell them to put their stuff in a dedicated thread. ^_^

> A member goes off into an off-topic tangent, but makes one relevant comment at the bottom of their post. How do you respond to this?
I'd put the off-topic tangent into a spoiler and leave it there for further reference in case they want to open a dedicated thread about it. I'd also leave a little mod comment stating that I edited that post and that off-topic tangents should be taken to their own topics.

> A member keeps typing in ALL CAPS or 1337 5p34k, and members are starting to complain. What do you do, and how?
I wonder... I 1337 5p34k considered another language than English? If so, that would fall under the spamming rule and I would message the respective user to refrain from doing that since it's putting off the other members and it's against the rules. Same with the ALL CAPS thing.

> A member is obviously responding to several posts just to up their post count, but their posts aren’t technically spam. How do you respond to this?
If they're not spam I'd have to check and see if the posts are of actual value to a discussion or topic. If they are not I would message the respective member and tell them to try and make more valuable posts and contribute to the community.

> You find out that some members are saying nasty things about you over IM. What do you do about this?
As long as they don't do that "openly in public" or on the forums, I really shouldn't care about that. If their nasty behavior does carry over to here eventually, I would take necessary actions against that. This does not only apply for the case that it's me people are talking about. This goes for everyone who are being insulted.

> You notice that an RT member isn’t being very friendly, but is still submitting their work on time. At what point do you contact their team leader with your concerns?
I'm sure I would contact myself as soon as I realize it. XD
I guess I have to adapt this question a little. As a team leader I consider everyone getting along to be far more important than getting stuff done. And I would have the same views if I was a "normal" RT member. I'd say, I'd inform the team leader as soon as I realize that the person's being unfriendly. Having a functioning team is more important in the long run.

> What do you do to help a member who speaks very little English?
Depends on their native language. I have already directed an Austrian who wasn't very good with English to a German-speaking forum where they can get support a little easier than on here. I would try to do the same for any other language or ask around if someone would be willing to interpret if necessary. :)

> BONUS: What is my favorite dinosaur? Note: I honestly don’t remember if you can find this information on the forum.
I have checked every little nook and cranny on this forum and could not find the answer to this question. So what I'm gonna do is... I'm gonna say "Steakosaurus" 'cause no-one can resist a good steak. However, I'll add in a little pic of a dino for consolation. :)

A family emergency happens and you have to be away from the forums for awhile, what are the exact steps you'd take to let everyone know that you'll have to be away for awhile?

The family emergency takes longer than expected, but you only have a limited time online. Where is the one place you'd post?
I would post there where it's the most likely to be seen. And quickly, too. So I guess that would be Skype. I also use Skype on mobile so I can easily check if they saw that message and responded to it. If I have the time I'd also PM the staff members on the forum to make extra sure they know what's going on.

You mentioned being an unconventional thinker. I have a frisbee stuck on my roof. Unconventionally speaking, how would you get it down for me?
Telekinesis. ;)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
What? You thought I was done with just one list?

> Under what circumstances would you ban a member instantly?

> You’re unsure of how many warning points to assign a member. What do you do?

> Do you think you will have any problems giving out a warn or ban? It’s easy to say you’ll do it, but will you have any hesitation?

> You realize you’ve given out an undeserved punishment. What steps would you take to resolve this?

> You notice an issue on the forum, but neither of the admins are available to fix it. What do you do?

> You and another staff member disagree on how to interpret a rule. How and where do you discuss this?

> How will you prioritize looking through the forum? Will you look at everything, or try and focus on one section?

> You ask 2 members to take a discussion into PM, but they refuse, and direct their anger at you. What happens next?

> You find that a banned member comes back with an alternate account, but they’re following the rules now. What do you do?

> BONUS: Name 3 of my 5 favorite animals. :)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
What? You thought I was done with just one list?
Umm... no. No, not at all. *sighs* Awrite, let's do this!

> Under what circumstances would you ban a member instantly?
That would have to be a very severe offense to cause a ban. Something like someone stealing resources and claiming them as their own. However, I am a very fair and considerate person and would always give any member an opportunity to explain and prove themselves before outright banning them.

> You’re unsure of how many warning points to assign a member. What do you do?
Having access to the staff forums I know that there's a rough guideline about how many warning points to assign. However, if I still was unsure I would ask a fellow mod or admin for advice. The staff is a team after all. :)

> Do you think you will have any problems giving out a warn or ban? It’s easy to say you’ll do it, but will you have any hesitation?
I'm infamous for obsessively correcting people all the time so I know how it's like to go on other people's nerves and cause them to kinda dislike me. I am annoying sometimes and I have been told that numerous times already. If I couldn't handle it, I wouldn't be answering all those questions now. Kaimen the mod and Kaimen the person would be two different guys anyway. :D

> You realize you’ve given out an undeserved punishment. What steps would you take to resolve this?
First of all I would apologize to the punished member and tell them where I was wrong. I would also lift or ease the punishment (depending on how severe the mistakes I made and they made were) and settle things with the respective member in private. I'd always stand to my mistakes and admit I made one when I did. False pride is unbecoming of a mod. :)

> You notice an issue on the forum, but neither of the admins are available to fix it. What do you do?
Depends on how severe the issue is. If I am perfectly able to fix that issue by myself I would do that in consent with at least one of the admins. If I'm not able to I'm constantly gonna pester the admins until it's finally done. I mean, that's what they're there for, right? XD

> You and another staff member disagree on how to interpret a rule. How and where do you discuss this?
That would be something to discuss in a dedicated topic in the staff section of the forum. In there we (and possibly other staff members) can discuss our views and interpretations of the rule in question.

> How will you prioritize looking through the forum? Will you look at everything, or try and focus on one section?
I'll just keep on doing what I've been doing up until now and try to at least have a quick glance over everything. Surely, I won't ever be able to check everything equally thoroughly but having a general overview can't hurt.

> You ask 2 members to take a discussion into PM, but they refuse, and direct their anger at you. What happens next?
I suggest to them settling things in private and not via an off-topic rant in a random thread. If they still refuse I would have to count that as a breach of rules #2 and #5 and take necessary actions against them. That would include issuing warning points, if appropriate, and getting the thread that went off-topic back on track. After that, I'd still suggest resolving any open issues in private or in a dedicated topic.

> You find that a banned member comes back with an alternate account, but they’re following the rules now. What do you do?
I'd definitely always keep an eye on them. Them being banned means that they would've had to severely violate the rules and thus a little suspicion is only appropriate. Depending on what the reason of their ban was I would consider banning their alternate account as well but as I've stated above, I am a very fair and considerate person and I'd let them have their second chance. However, I would inform them that they're being closely monitored and in constant danger of being banned. I'd also inform the other staff members about this so they can help keeping an eye on them. If the fellow staff members think any differently I'd be more than happy to discuss this. :)
There really should be a rule about this... XD

> BONUS: Name 3 of my 5 favorite animals. :)
Dinosaur, whale, turtle. In exactly that order. ;)


Dragon Goddess
Hey Kaimen, good luck on the campaign!

Here is a question from me: As a mod, what will you do to make the forum a livelier and more fun place to be?


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Hey Kaimen, good luck on the campaign!

Here is a question from me: As a mod, what will you do to make the forum a livelier and more fun place to be?
Why thank you Micro. :3
Alright, let's see... first of all I'd set a good example by being active and generally courteous around these parts hoping that I can motivate members to do the same or at least react to my posts. From my experience most people will react the same way that you act towards them.
We could also come up with a few more interactive events other than contests. Let's say for example... "[this popular forum member] will play your game - come and join the action". This forum and RMMV are still new and there's still a lot of potential. We're already offering a broad variety of actions and interactions, i.e. the RT-hosted workshops or the already mentioned contests or votes. There will always be that group of members that can't and don't want to be activated but for those who actually care I'm sure we can come up with some great activities. :)
I say "we" because I can't really think of anything off-hand... Sorry. ._.


Staff member
A seldom noticed forum member has gone beyond the call of duty. Please give us an example PM of what you might send them.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
A seldom noticed forum member has gone beyond the call of duty. Please give us an example PM of what you might send them.
Uh... this might be due to the late hour or maybe I'm just having a stupid moment but... What do you want me to do? Could you reword that for tired non-native speakers? XD


Staff member
This person has done much more than what is expected from a typical member. An example is that they helped many people solve RM challenges, showing easy to understand instructions, screenshots, etc. This person is usually quiet and unheard from. Hope that helps a little. :)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
This person has done much more than what is expected from a typical member. An example is that they helped many people solve RM challenges, showing easy to understand instructions, screenshots, etc. This person is usually quiet and unheard from. Hope that helps a little. :)
Ah there we go. I wasn't too sure what you meant by "going beyond the call of duty". That certainly helps. :)

Hello, [enter username here]
I have noticed that you have been extremely avid in Kaimen's music thread offering him not only feedback to his work but also pointing out ways how he can improve even further. You even offered him introducing you to a professional who can aid him even further.
Unfortunately you don't seem to be very active on here which saddens me to see as your helpful and cheery nature would certainly be something that would brighten the days of many members. I would like to encourage you to share your insights and cheeriness further on the forum since members like you are what this forum needs.
~ Kaimen

I would like to add that it's a very unlikely situation for me to write people a PM commending them for a good post. Personally I would see this as weird if it happened to me and I wouldn't be more likely to post more just because someone gave me a pat on the back and a handshake in the form of a PM, no matter how encouraging it may sound. I think that the reactions and gratitude of the forum members will be rewarding and motivating enough. Once they realize what they can do they will repeat it. No PM necessary. :)

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
A member starts to act like a mini mod. (Telling people what to do) It starts to annoy other people but nobody's complained about her. It's clear she's being out of line but no rules are broken. What do you do?


Staff member
How familiar are you with the Report link, and how often do you use it?
[doublepost=1454394270,1454385019][/doublepost]FUN FORUM KNOWLEDGE TIME EXERCISE ONE

1. Who has the 4th most messages?
2. Who has the 3rd most positive ratings?
3. Who has the 11th most resources?
4. Who has the 2nd most Wiki contributions?
5. What is your current positive ratings positions rank? If rank is greater than 20, put 20+.
6. How many people are currently at 9th Level?


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
A member starts to act like a mini mod. (Telling people what to do) It starts to annoy other people but nobody's complained about her. It's clear she's being out of line but no rules are broken. What do you do?
Clearly out of line but no rules broken, huh? If that member is clearly annoying people to the point where it shows I'd consider this a breach of rule #2. Anyway, I'd talk to the member in question asking them to please refrain from doing that because that's what the guys with the blue names are there for and tell them that if they see any violation of the rules they are welcome to report that post, send a PM to one of the mods or tag one of them in the topic where that violation was witnessed. We appreciate members being watchful but they should also stay courteous around the forums.
How familiar are you with the Report link, and how often do you use it?
I know that it exists and on this forum I've not even used it once. Now that I think of it, I have only ever used the report link one time overall and that was on another RM forum where I reported a "review" that was outright insulting to the person being reviewed.
1. Who has the 4th most messages?
2. Who has the 3rd most positive ratings?
3. Who has the 11th most resources?
4. Who has the 2nd most Wiki contributions?
5. What is your current positive ratings positions rank? If rank is greater than 20, put 20+.
6. How many people are currently at 9th Level?
Oh, a trivia quiz! Let's see here...
1. @Xyphien
2. @Xyphien (as well)
3. @Xyphien (this is starting to get fun...)
4. @Amysaurus (yay, someone else for a change!)
5. Solid 4th place
6. That's four people


Staff member
1. Being a moderator, a leadership position for the forum, you have been put in charge of helping raise funds for the forum. What are some of your ideas?

2. A new members submits, in your opinion, a subpar resource. How would you handle this?

3. In the following screenshot, if there are any, name the Rules that are violated. In addition what else may be improper procedurally, but not against the rules.

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