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Ask Amy Anything


Digital Artist
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My favorites, hmm? Well, bearing in mind I'm a weirdo that usually judges how much she likes a game based on its art style:

Jade Cocoon, Okami, Ni no Kuni, the Professor Layton series, Mother 2 and 3, the Ace Attorney series, and the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker are my favorites.

Bizarre Monkey

My favorites, hmm? Well, bearing in mind I'm a weirdo that usually judges how much she likes a game based on its art style:

Jade Cocoon, Okami, Ni no Kuni, the Professor Layton series, Mother 2 and 3, the Ace Attorney series, and the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker are my favorites.
That's better taste than everyone else I know.

Did you see "The Good Dinosaur" yet?
Ahahahaha oh my god.

Weren't we just talking about it the other day, Amy?

New question! If Santa Saurs could give you any gift, which would you pick?

Also completely out of the blue one, who the fuck said you could give me presents??
(psst ill totally play it today, have a guest over but I'll play it the moment I can)

(this better not be the next-coming of bad rats)


Studious Dark Lord
@Amysaurus I love to parallax, and this is one I posted before... Do you think the map is fairly good, or too cluttered. I've had problems in the past of making my maps look CRAZY with all sorts of things everywhere!



Digital Artist
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@Macro: I took my little brother to see it, yup! It certainly wasn't my favorite Pixar movie by a long shot, but it's worth seeing purely for the visuals, I'd say.

@Cunechan: Thanks! I'm super excited for the next Ni no Kuni (heart)

@Bizarre Monkey Ahahaha yes we were.

I'm still waiting for Santa Saurs to deliver on my industrial-sized blender, tbh. I want my giant smoothies.

I said I could give you presents. Also I played that game when I was 8. It has dinosaurs in it.

@DarcHiro: I don't think it looks cluttered - it's more like the cloud tiles you have are too thin-looking. Maybe you could try giving them some more depth in an editing program?


Digital Artist
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Waaaaay older, yes!

And... I'm tempted to say no to that, because I'm kind of terrified of what you would suggest for me. I have a feeling it veers somewhere into either horrific violence, or so much sex. So much.


Digital Artist
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Resource Team
@Bizarre Monkey: Noped out of that before I made it past the intro. You do you, man. I'm not judging. Okay I'm judging.

@DarcHiro: I'm a sucker for animated movies, lol! I don't think I have an absolute favorite, but I could pretty much have Wall-E, Spirited Away, or The Great Mouse Detective looping for the rest of my life and be perfectly content.


Studious Dark Lord
@Amysaurus Omg I love Spirited Away! My favorite movie though is Jumanji... So many childhood memories! *sigh*

Okay what is your favorite holiday since I was asked this one too lol!


Digital Artist
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@DarcHiro: Y'know, I'm not sure if I've ever sat down and watched Jumanji start to finish... I really should sometime. *plans a movie night for her little brother*

My favorite holiday, hands down, is Halloween. Excuse to dress all spooky? Check. Excuse to scare kids? Check. Excuse to give out candy all day? My wallet doesn't like it, but check.

Bizarre Monkey

And... I'm tempted to say no to that, because I'm kind of terrified of what you would suggest for me. I have a feeling it veers somewhere into either horrific violence, or so much sex. So much.
Ruh roh! She's onto me!

@Bizarre Monkey: Noped out of that before I made it past the intro. You do you, man. I'm not judging. Okay I'm judging.
I didn't say it was good.

I just said you should definitely watch it for as long as you can manage.

I think that's the first time someone has fallen for that when it's been me who's suggested it.

It's a rite of passage.

You pass if either things happen.
A.) You watch it, be it all of it or enough to catch on what's happening.
B.) You know enough about dumb weaboo culture to rightfully abjure it.

@DarcHiro: Y'know, I'm not sure if I've ever sat down and watched Jumanji start to finish... I really should sometime. *plans a movie night for her little brother*

My favorite holiday, hands down, is Halloween. Excuse to dress all spooky? Check. Excuse to scare kids? Check. Excuse to give out candy all day? My wallet doesn't like it, but check.
Also you don't have to pretend you appreciate or even have to tolerate being in the same room as your family like you do on Christmas or Thanksgagging.

Just a shame it isn't wildly celebrated here.

New question: Have you plans to see the new star wars?

I haven't yet, but I do want to.

Christmas says fuk u though no money for your leisure.
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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Lol! Fair enough. It was an experience. I'll give you that.

I was never way into Star Wars, but I'll probably end up seeing it with one of my older brothers sometime next week. I've heard good things, so it's worth a shot.


Digital Artist
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@DarcHiro: I haven't played nearly as many as I'd like, but I think my favorite so far has been Ib. I really loved the art style of both the characters and sprites, and the art gallery setting was a really neat idea, imo. Also it was spooky, without being outright scary. (cheeky)

Tales of the Drunken Paladin was another favorite of mine. The gameplay was tedious, but it was ridiculously funny.