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Ask Amy Anything

Bizarre Monkey

So, Lilith; when Satan gave you a narrow passage to squeeze into the mortal world did he by chance ask you to achieve entire dominion over the internet with wickedly adorable images that others would use to identify themselves by?

Because if this is true, then his plan is working far better than I could possibly hazard to guess and my real question underlying this rant is if you were to become the ultimate ruler of Earth, what would be your first dark decree. Help me to prepare for your imminent takeover so I can enjoy the hell you are actively bringing to Earth.

If you're bringing the other three Angels of prostitution with you please do give me their number, as well.
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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
He sure did!

My first dark decree, hmmm... It would probably be to make sure everyone on the planet owns a dinosaur costume for every day of the week.

And yeah, I'll hook you up with those numbers ;D

Bizarre Monkey

He sure did!
I knew it!

Consider me an ally, God's an asshole, made me go to Church on Sunday! D:<

My first dark decree, hmmm... It would probably be to make sure everyone on the planet owns a dinosaur costume for every day of the week.
Yessss, I already approve of this hell.

And yeah, I'll hook you up with those numbers ;D
Bless ye Mahlat.

New question, this'll probably be the last for a while as I'm running out of ideas on how to interrogate Hellspawn.
Which one are you?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Well, I mean, you already referred to me as Lilith. I think I've gotta go with Lilith xD
[doublepost=1448592765,1446434154][/doublepost]Well, no questions from you guys, but I did have to ask myself "Will you eat that pumpkin pie?" today. "Will you conquer those mashed potatoes?"

And I said yes.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Yessir! I got those out of the way in the spring this year. I enjoy math, but I didn't want to wind up taking several courses at once. :D


Dragon Goddess
this has probably been asked but, what kind of dinosaur are you?

do you have a picture of you in all your glorious dinosaur-y-ness?

if not, you should totally draw one. with sparkles and shades!


Okay I'm try out this AMA stuffz..

Is there a story behind your name?
Coke or Pepsi?
Coffee or tea?
About how many times a day do you check the forum?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
- An Amysaurus, of course!
- I do, but it's pretty old - I'll see if I can find it uploaded somewhere. I'll draw a new one if I can't find it! (cheeky)

- Ummm... yes and no! My name is Amy, and I like dinosaurs. My username on forums used to be something else, but after a long debate with a friend, he and I decided I needed something else. (snicker)
- I don't drink many soft drinks, but I'd have to go with Coke!
- Tea!
- Well, uh, err, I'm basically checking it all day, so I don't know if I can narrow it down to a number. (snicker)

Bizarre Monkey

@Micro:- Well, uh, err, I'm basically checking it all day, so I don't know if I can narrow it down to a number. (snicker)
The Demon never sleeps.

- I do, but it's pretty old - I'll see if I can find it uploaded somewhere. I'll draw a new one if I can't find it!
Is that the one with you grinning like a devil with a big devilsaur in the background.

Coz' that's how I tend to imagine you.

Here's a question: How many style of digital drawing do you have? I myself have several, and you may too! Do you name them?

Because I do mine. Makes it easy to keep track.

this has probably been asked but, what kind of dinosaur are you?
Amy's an Amysaurus, of the Dinomorph genus. To most she appears a sweet brown haired white female in her late teens/early twenties, but she can transform all Malificient style but into a dinosaur instead, she also cackles in a similarly maniacal fashion.

Also she has command over the land of dinosaurs, to the point of necrotic revival, basically-- if she willed, Jurassic park would be a reality, but instead of being the work of some idiot scientists who had no idea of how stupid it was to bring back the closest known living thing resemblance to dragons, it would be one evil little devil-girl with red eyes summoning them en-masse.

If she and my monkey army ever went to war, well. It's large predatory reptiles against shit throwing mammals, so unless dinosaurs have a severe reaction to monkey shit, I wouldn't bet against her.
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Studious Dark Lord
I actually have a few questions, you didn't say I couldn't ask more than one so here I go:

Okay first off do you have any tips on parallax mapping?

Which program do you like the best XP, VX Ace, or MV?

And any tips for us newbies who haven't actually finished a game yet?
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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@Bizarre Monkey: Ah, nope! That one was actually a Christmas present from a friend! It's still my favorite depiction of me, lol!

How many styles, mmmm..... I can't say I really keep track per se. I more or less draw my artwork in sudden waves of productivity. If I had to count the ones in my art thread, for example, I'd have to say there are roughly 15 different "waves" of drawings, and that's not including some of my older work. So, I'll go with the generic answer: A LOT.

Also that backstory is canon now.

@DarcHiro: My best tip is: tutorials are your friend. I've played around with parallaxing for a while now, but mapping has never really been my strong point, unfortunately. I haven't tried it in MV yet, so I'm hoping it will go a little smoother for me now!

I've been leaning towards MV lately, but I'll always have a soft spot for VX. That's the engine I primarily used while I was learning to sprite, and it's the one that first introduced me to the RM communities. (smile)

My advice is to take a very simple premise, and get a short, quality game out. That'll get you used to the style of feedback you'll receive on your bigger projects, and hopefully give you some insight onto things you can fix for your bigger projects. If you start with the project you've dreamed of making, it's very easy to be crushed by beginner mistakes.

Coconuts are my favorite in baking, and pineapple is my favorite to eat once it's freshly cut!

Ummm... welllllll........ absolutely, way too many to count. I couldn't even guess how many I've made myself, let alone for everyone else. (snicker)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Ahahaha, it's quite alright! I've always enjoyed tropical fruits (love)

It's fun to try out other people's styles, yeah? It's a really good way of learning new techniques! (smile)