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Window Pop

Window Pop Version 2.4

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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
LTN Games submitted a new resource:

Window Pop - A window that displays a short message, either custom or an auto pop with each item gained, in game.

Window Pop
This plugin allows the user to use a simple plugin command which will pop up a small window during gameplay to inform the player with your own custom message & icon or to automatically pop up for each item gained or lost. You may use messages codes to stylize the text. The plugin has a few parameters to change the window to how you see fit, you can increase the width, change the gradient, or use a bg image, as well as change the x...
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Local Hero
Looks very nice! =)

do i need to have wpop_bg.png for it to work?
[doublepost=1450743593,1450743545][/doublepost]NWM, found it in the description ;)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team


Towns Guard
heya! i'm here with a feature request! yay!

i'd love a plugin parameter that would let me customize how item pops are presented to the player. for instance, i prefer the format "[amount]x[icon][name]" which would come out to something like 1x[icon]Tattered Quilted Gloves.

i saw today's update, and its not time sensitive, as it's totally cosmetic and im not trying to ship until end of Q1 2016, so no rush at all on this one. just wondering if its possible :)

thanks for your time!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I can do this for sure. Though I'm curious about when you lose an item, do you want that to be an option to change as well? How about being able to change the color of the gain and lose text as well? Let me know and I'll get working on this soon.


Towns Guard
wow an engineer that comes back and not only says yes, but asks how i would like to see it implemented? awesome dude. hadnt thought about losing item! Definitely would like to manage that as well, will likely go with a 'found 1x[[]]itemname' and 'lost 1x[[]]itemname' messaging. with the color, ill explain my old system, and you tell me if its possible in the pop.

before i switched, i was manually showing 'found 1x[[]]weapon' via text message. i have manually put identifiers in the item descriptions like \C[12]Unique\C[0] \C[15]Rare\C[0]. I would then just present the name of the item(manually) with the colour of the rarity, ie the message is 'Found 1x\C[12]Sharp Dagger\C[0].' if i could set a notetag in the item/weapon/armour denoting the colour, ie 'windowpopcolow : 12' i would be totally blown away. if thats not possible no worries! thanks again for your awesome work dude :)
[doublepost=1451598109,1451597997][/doublepost]but to elaborate, i would -just- want the item name to be a color. the Found 1x, and the period after the item name, would be white. I love the effect this has in highlighting important drops, and i can use it as a mechanic to direct player to check inventory if i need to get them into the menu for whatever reason.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I'm really glad you like the plugin so far, and considering I'm a new plugin developer I want to take the time with the people using them so I can personally develop better skills and make my plugins better.
How about I do this one thing at a time, for now, I'll stick with an option for Gain String like 'Found' or ' Lost' an option for the Increment symbol like (-) and (x) . So with what you've written above, I'm assuming it would be a much better to not be able to set the color of the string for the item , as you have mentioned but I can add in the option to change the color of the gain string, so making 'Lose' in the color red, or 'Found' in green. Then because you mentioned note tags in the database for changing colors of each item, I will definitely look into this, this is a very unique way of doing it and it gives me a challenge for my scripting. Thank you for the feedback and suggestions, if you'd like when I'm done each feature I can PM you the new script and you can test it out for me.

David FoxFire

Downloading the complete thing from Megadownload requires a decryption key. Do you have that?

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I thought I fixed that link, sorry. As soon as the next update is ready I will change the link. For now though here is the full link.


Towns Guard
nice! like i said, i'm totally happy with the plugin as is, so i totally support your proposed workflow. feel free to hit me up when you have new versions, i spent 3 years as a QA tester so it's no extra effort to be on the lookout for bugs ;) take care!


Towns Guard
So I feel like there's something I am missing here, but I disabled the auto pop feature, and no matter what I do the Gold does not increase for the party. Does anyone know a way around this? Please help. Thank you!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Hello @Jobin , if you can wait until tomorrow after I'm done a few more tests, I will be releasing a new update, the new update has fixed this issue, as well as adds a couple new features for the auto pop, and improved code in general. Thank you for reporting the bug.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
LTN Games updated Window Pop with a new update entry:

Bug fix & features added

-You can now use a note tag in the items section of the database to change the colors of the items, when they auto pop up.

-You can change the gain item & lose item string.

-Also fixed a bug stopping the player from gaining gold if auto pop was turned off.
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Towns Guard
Hello @Jobin , if you can wait until tomorrow after I'm done a few more tests, I will be releasing a new update, the new update has fixed this issue, as well as adds a couple new features for the auto pop, and improved code in general. Thank you for reporting the bug.
I just updated the script, and it works perfectly! Thank you and great work!!!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
LTN Games updated Window Pop with a new update entry:

New Addition(s) & Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Reg-Ex Bug.
  • Added more map display name options, you can now choose to use sound effects for the map name pop up and set the timer for how it stays open.
  • Added a timer setting for auto item pop, you can now set the amount of time before window fades for item pop ups.
  • Added Collector Mode, allowing you to setup in-game variables which will keep track of the items your collecting & display in the popup.
View attachment 2184
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Global Moderator
Staff member
Resource Team
Awesome!!! Very nicely done. ✩(jolly)
Thanks again for helping with everything. I just posted a review for the plugin on the site (cute) (5 Stars of course (wink)(thumbsup))

While playing around with the item text color I thought of a few more things.
...could you maybe add a way to change the sound played via notetag for certain items and such? (eg. <WPOP_Sound: 1>)
...perhaps an option of having only the item name the chosen text color without the "(s)"?