Alright now for an end of day report. So with feeling better usually comes more productivity, not much but enough. Anyway I ended up working on it for about an hour or so, mostly what I did was....sigh.... more optimizing, my reasoning behind optimizing is mainly to try new things and because while I'm coding I'm thinking of the future of the script.
Considering this plugin was not supposed to receive a ton of new features to begin with, it was scripted with simplicity in mind, now that I am adding more features and re-working current ones, ie: Queue system, window animation effects, & collection mode I need to make sure I script it to include all of those even if the next update does not have the queue system. that being said today I pretty much re-worked the item collection & some other basic functions for the window, made a static class to handle a chunk of functions, which should make it much easier to add the queue system and window effects.
I still have quite a bit of work to do, considering I have a lot more functions which I'm going to be optimizing for the upcoming features, but I should have an update fairly soon, I'm hoping by the end of the week.