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Window Pop

Window Pop Version 2.4

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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Awesome!!! Very nicely done. ✩(jolly)
Thanks again for helping with everything. I just posted a review for the plugin on the site (cute) (5 Stars of course (wink)(thumbsup))

While playing around with the item text color I thought of a few more things.
...could you maybe add a way to change the sound played via notetag for certain items and such? (eg. <WPOP_Sound: 1>)
...perhaps an option of having only the item name the chosen text color without the "(s)"?
Thanks for the review and feedback. I like your suggestions and you can expect an update either later today or tomorrow. I will include the sound notetag and an option to change the (s), I'll put it in the Plugin manager. I also have a few more ideas but don't have enough time at the moment to implement it. I plan on adding a queue system, so all messages will queue and display one after another instead of using a wait command. I also want to include different window effects, like slide in from top, left, bottom, or right of the screen. Again thanks for the feedback and I'm always open to suggestions so don't be afraid to let me know.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
LTN Games updated Window Pop with a new update entry:

Sound notetag & chnage plural string.

View attachment 2228
  • I added the ability to change the plural string for collection mode, by default it was (s) and corresponded with the color code of the item. You can now change the entire string & include message code to whatever you'd like. Eg: \C[0](s)​
  • Added a notetag to change sound effect according to item being gained. <WPOP_Sound:Attack1> will change the sound effect for that item only.​
Read the rest of this update entry...


Global Moderator
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Resource Team
Very awesome thanks a bunch! (cheeky)(thumbsup)
So since we are determined to make this the best plugin ever ((wink)(jolly)) for auto gain/loss pop-ups I do have another suggestion...

Totally just tossing around ideas now but...

Common events could be used for the item note tags, the possibilities seem endless. (cute)
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Hey, all is working well in my script demo, give me a few minutes to take a look at everything on my side. Is it possible for you to pack a demo? Maybe there is a conflict with something else that I can't produce without seeing it. Either way, I'm in the process of making a demo project for window pop and including it in the resource thread, I'll let you know when I update it.


Global Moderator
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Resource Team
I fixed it... don't really know what happened but I re-downloaded and deleted the other one (which was also 1.06). (confused)
and viola it works again. (hella)

Thank you again for this! (joyful)(thumbsup)

...any thoughts on the common event item notetag? Pretty sure it's quite possible. (cute)

I plan on adding a queue system, so all messages will queue and display one after another instead of using a wait command. I also want to include different window effects, like slide in from top, left, bottom, or right of the screen.
Can't wait for these features also. Especially the sequential queue feature (glad)(right)

...since we're at it perhaps an optional way to display all item/gold gain in one window.
Something like this:
Items Found:
  • Potion x2
  • Apple x5
  • Sword x1
  • Gold x500
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I fixed it... don't really know what happened but I re-downloaded and deleted the other one (which was also 1.06). (confused)
and viola it works again. (hella)

Thank you again for this! (joyful)(thumbsup)

...any thoughts on the common event item notetag? Pretty sure it's quite possible. (cute)

Can't wait for these features also. Especially the sequential queue feature (glad)(right)

...since we're at it perhaps an optional way to display all item/gold gain in one window.
Something like this:
I'm glad its working for you now. I'll have some free time this weekend so I should be able to at least start the queue system but I found a few bugs with the notetags. I will be working on fixing the current bugs I found and improving what I do have. I plan on making everything more customizable by the user. I will look into your suggestions this weekend as well. Thanks for your input and feedback, this should be quite an epic Plugin when I'm complete it.


Global Moderator
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Resource Team
Well it seems I have found a bug related to the collection mode part...
When I use the item I have a collection variable set to this increases the collection variable where it should remain the same.

...another couple suggestions for this...

Instead of "on/off" options use a switch ID so it can be turned on and off though out the game.
Item Notetag: Do not activate pop-up (eg. <WPOP_OFF>)

I've made a demo for collecting apples that uses your plugin: click here to view

Thanks again for all your work (cool)(thumbsup)
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Well it seems I have found a bug related to the collection mode part...
When I use the item I have a collection variable set to this increases the collection variable where it should remain the same.
Good catch, I really did not think the collection mode through all the way lol. I have fixed this problem. I also found another bug for setting up the variables to the items, setting up a potion for collection mode set the game variable to the first slot in items, armor & wepaons lol. Right now my current solution is to change the plugin command from the item id to the item name, so instead of 1 it will be Potion. new plugin command command will be WPOP 1 15 Potion, which will set potion item to variable 1 with a max of 15 to collect. My current issue with this way is worrying if someone has the same name for armour and wepaons, if they do it will conflict and add to the same game variable.

Instead of "on/off" options use a switch ID so it can be turned on and off though out the game.
Item Notetag: Do not activate pop-up (eg. <WPOP_OFF>)
This is also a good idea, I will setup all on off parameters to their own in game switch, and as for the notetag I don't see why not, sounds like a good idea.
[doublepost=1455552216,1455380329][/doublepost]Unfortunately, I was not able to work on Window Pop this weekend, but now that I'm feeling 100 times better I should be able to get some work in. I did have time to go through and do some testing and as of now the Collection mode is extremely buggy, I may come up with a quick fix for the current bugs until I can work out a better version of it. I'll keep you updated as I continue to work through it all.


Global Moderator
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Resource Team
Good catch, I really did not think the collection mode through all the way lol. I have fixed this problem. I also found another bug for setting up the variables to the items, setting up a potion for collection mode set the game variable to the first slot in items, armor & wepaons lol. Right now my current solution is to change the plugin command from the item id to the item name, so instead of 1 it will be Potion. new plugin command command will be WPOP 1 15 Potion, which will set potion item to variable 1 with a max of 15 to collect. My current issue with this way is worrying if someone has the same name for armour and wepaons, if they do it will conflict and add to the same game variable.
Hmm... interesting approach, however couldn't you just add another parameter to WPOPCSET 5 30 25 such as this:

WPOPCSET item_type, slot_id, variable_id, max_collect

item_type options:
item = 1
weapon = 2
armor = 3

eg. WPOPCSET 1, 5 30 25

...then just run checks for the item_type and do each accordingly?
I really haven't fully examined the script so not sure if this would work but it seems like it would in theory. (smile)

This is also a good idea, I will setup all on off parameters to their own in game switch, and as for the notetag I don't see why not, sounds like a good idea.
Yay! Awesome! (glad)

Unfortunately, I was not able to work on Window Pop this weekend, but now that I'm feeling 100 times better I should be able to get some work in. I did have time to go through and do some testing and as of now the Collection mode is extremely buggy, I may come up with a quick fix for the current bugs until I can work out a better version of it. I'll keep you updated as I continue to work through it all.
Glad to hear you're back at full strength! (hella)(thumbsup)

Sounds good, looking forward to it. (cool)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
WPOPCSET item_type, slot_id, variable_id, max_collect

item_type options:
item = 1
weapon = 2
armor = 3
This is what I have in mind, good suggestion BTW. I fixed quite a few bugs, and cleaned my code some more, I swear you can never stop cleaning and optimizing code, its never ending. Anyways I got all other bugs fixed now I'm going to work on the collection mode item type implemented as well as the queue system. Then I'll implement a few more Plugin commands and notetags to have things more customizable. I have other features in mind but I want to focus on the collection mode and queue system.
Oh quick question with collection mode should using the collected item take away from total amount collected or should it remain the same? Either way I'll probably include a Plugin command to change it on the fly just curious.


Global Moderator
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Resource Team
This is what I have in mind, good suggestion BTW. I fixed quite a few bugs, and cleaned my code some more, I swear you can never stop cleaning and optimizing code, its never ending.
So very true. (cute)(perplexed)
Anyways I got all other bugs fixed now I'm going to work on the collection mode item type implemented as well as the queue system. Then I'll implement a few more Plugin commands and notetags to have things more customizable. I have other features in mind but I want to focus on the collection mode and queue system.
Awesome can't wait to see the results...
Hope you don't mind but I've also took a crack at modifying the code a little just playing around with the item type part...
I have it sort of working but I'm sure you'll do better. My code is very sloppy. (cute)

Here is what I've done... Demo: Click here to view has worked out decent so far but I still ran into a few issues

For the most part it is just a small re-write to the add to variable collection section:
  // Add +1 to gamevariables from the array of variables for collection mode.
  Game_Party.prototype.addArrayVar = function(item) {
    if(WPOP._collectMode === 'true') {
      var curItemId     = String(WPOP._itemId);
      var curItemArrPos = $gameSystem.itemNameArray().indexOf(curItemId);
      var itemType = ''
      var itemTypeArray     = $gameSystem.itemTypeArray();
      var itemTypePicked    = itemTypeArray[curItemArrPos];

      if (DataManager.isItem(item)) {
        itemType = 'item';
      } else if (DataManager.isWeapon(item)) {
        itemType = 'weapon';
      } else if (DataManager.isArmor(item)) {
        itemType = 'armor';
      } else {
        itemType = '';

      if (itemType == itemTypePicked){
        var itemArray     = $gameSystem.itemVarArray();
        var arrVar        = itemArray[curItemArrPos];
        var oldValue      = $gameVariables.value(arrVar);
        $gameVariables.setValue(arrVar, oldValue + 1);

As well as adding the extra variables/functions.
Sorry if I totally butchered this. I was just playing around really is all.

Oh quick question with collection mode should using the collected item take away from total amount collected or should it remain the same? Either way I'll probably include a Plugin command to change it on the fly just curious.
I was thinking it would not take away from the collection variable since it had been collected and we could always just see how many of the item the player had if we wanted to check for that instead.


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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Hey good job on the re-write, looks good, the only thing I would do differently is making a separate function check the item type, I ty to keep all my functions(epmphasise on the "try") short and if It seems like it can be a separate block I'll do that. That being said I already have a function for checking the item type(for the note tags) and I'll probably use it with a bit of modification for the collection variable. I love the demo you made, it really shows the possibilities with the collection mode, thank you it really inspires me. Considering this is my very first plugin It makes me really happy so many people are giving it good reviews and using it. Thanks again!


Global Moderator
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Resource Team
Hey good job on the re-write, looks good
Oh thank you I've only actually been dealing with JavaScript for a few days so I'm just kind of winging it. lol (glad)
the only thing I would do differently is making a separate function check the item type, I ty to keep all my functions(epmphasise on the "try") short and if It seems like it can be a separate block I'll do that. That being said I already have a function for checking the item type(for the note tags) and I'll probably use it with a bit of modification for the collection variable.
Ahh yes I was thinking that also. Just a very rough start to see what was possible.
I'm really looking forward to seeing how you implement this. (jolly)
I love the demo you made, it really shows the possibilities with the collection mode, thank you it really inspires me.
Aww thanks a bunch! (cute) Yes indeed many great possibilities with this script! Love it! (hella)
Considering this is my very first plugin It makes me really happy so many people are giving it good reviews and using it. Thanks again!
Oh you are most certainly welcome good sir. (cheeky) You deserve many kudos for this. (thumbsup)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Alright now for an end of day report. So with feeling better usually comes more productivity, not much but enough. Anyway I ended up working on it for about an hour or so, mostly what I did was....sigh.... more optimizing, my reasoning behind optimizing is mainly to try new things and because while I'm coding I'm thinking of the future of the script.
Considering this plugin was not supposed to receive a ton of new features to begin with, it was scripted with simplicity in mind, now that I am adding more features and re-working current ones, ie: Queue system, window animation effects, & collection mode I need to make sure I script it to include all of those even if the next update does not have the queue system. that being said today I pretty much re-worked the item collection & some other basic functions for the window, made a static class to handle a chunk of functions, which should make it much easier to add the queue system and window effects.
I still have quite a bit of work to do, considering I have a lot more functions which I'm going to be optimizing for the upcoming features, but I should have an update fairly soon, I'm hoping by the end of the week.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Phew.. Window Pop has gotten a huge re-write, I believe it's ready for the queue system & animations now. The collection mode I believe works flawlessly( but bugs are prone to shwo up), I only added about 8 new functions to handle everything from the plugin command to the checking for item matches. Totally unsure if it's the most efficient way but hey I'm still learning, only been learning JS , off and on for about 3months now. I feel like Window Pop is more diverse now though, I can literally call my functions anywhere in my script, no matter which class, which helps me think outside the box. Well, from here on out should be fun, not sure when I'll have it complete but things are looking good.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
LTN Games updated Window Pop with a new update entry:

Queue System & Bug Fixes

  • The queue system is now implemented, you no longer have to use wait commands in between your gain item events.
  • Collection mode got a rework and it fixed many bugs, & you can now use items in all categories
  • With the new queue system you can change the fade speed of the popup and if you want the window to slide down you can do that also.
What to expect in the next version
  • Turn off popups for individual items
  • Setup switches for auto pop up. Turn it on and...
Read the rest of this update entry...


Global Moderator
Staff member
Resource Team
LTN Games updated Window Pop with a new update entry:Queue System & Bug Fixes
Very awesome work with this new update! (cool)(thumbsup)

However with this new update gold gain/loss throws a ReferenceError. I'm guessing it shouldn't be too hard to fix. (cute) (hopefully (slanty))
I've attached a demo of the error. (cool) Demo: Click Here to View
Everything else is working pretty nice so far from what I can tell. (jolly)(icecream)(jolly)

As usual I come with more ideas for this...

Add more auto-pop up options when the following change:
  • Game Variable
  • Party Member
  • HP
  • MP
  • TP
  • State
  • EXP
  • Level
  • Skill
  • Equipment
  • Class
  • Nickname
Display multiple line popups:
  1. User sets Multi Line parameter to 3
  2. Player gains item
  3. Display current popup
  4. Start to fade
  5. Player gains another item while popup #1 is still fading
  6. Display old popup down a set number of pixels (font size * popup_index perhaps) & finish fading
  7. Goto step 3


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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
LTN Games updated Window Pop with a new update entry:


  • Fixed gain gold throwing reference error due to redundant code.
Read the rest of this update entry...
Add more auto-pop-up options when the following change:
I'll take some of these into consideration when I first started this plugin I was going to include most of these but thought that some are unnecessary, like gaining a party member, changing nickname & even class can easily be reflected with the plugin command. I'll give it more thought for the next update and I may include more, but I'm unsure right now.

Display multiple line popups:
Ah yes, I do plan on adding in multiple line popups or as I like to call it stacking. I'm assuming what you mean is when an item pops up and is fading if you gain another item the previous one moves down while the newest popup appears above it, correct? If this is what you mean the next update will include this.