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Window Pop

Window Pop Version 2.4

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LTN Games updated Window Pop with a new update entryBugFix
YAY! Thanks for fixing this so quicky. (jolly)(icecream)
It's working great now! Very nicely done with this plugin, it has grown so much already since I've started here. Keep up the great work! (glad)
I'll take some of these into consideration when I first started this plugin I was going to include most of these but thought that some are unnecessary, like gaining a party member, changing nickname & even class can easily be reflected with the plugin command. I'll give it more thought for the next update and I may include more, but I'm unsure right now.
Yeah I had the same thoughts. Probably don't need all of them but anything we can "auto popup" is nice. (glad)
Ah yes, I do plan on adding in multiple line popups or as I like to call it stacking. I'm assuming what you mean is when an item pops up and is fading if you gain another item the previous one moves down while the newest popup appears above it, correct? If this is what you mean the next update will include this.
Exactly, you nailed it bro. (hella)(thumbsup)

More notetag ideas...
  • <WPOP_ON: true>
  • <WPOP_Alignment: left>
  • <WPOP_Gain_String: \C[5] Gained \C[0]x\C[5]>
  • <WPOP_Loss_String: \C[3]Lost \C[0]x\C[5]>
  • <WPOP_Collection_String: Collected>
  • <WPOP_Plural_String: \C[0](s)>
  • <WPOP_SE_Pitch: 100>
  • <WPOP_SE_Volume: 100>
  • <WPOP_Animation: none>
  • <WPOP_Fade_Speed: 20>
  • <WPOP_Slide_Speed: .75>
  • <WPOP_Window_X_Position: 0>
  • <WPOP_Window_Y_Position: 0>
  • <WPOP_WindowBG_Type: Gradient>
  • <WPOP_WindowBG_Gradient1: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)>
  • <WPOP_WindowBG_Gradient2: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)>
  • <WPOP_WindowBG_Image: wpop_bg2>
  • <WPOP_WindowBG_XOffset: 0>
  • <WPOP_WindowBG_YOffset: 0>
Basically the default global parameters but adding note tags with this would give even more customization for pop-ups.
Last edited:

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
LTN Games updated Window Pop with a new update entry:

Bugfixes & YEP Item Core Compatability

As the title says, I noticed while working on my game the item core was conflicting with window pop due to item core's independent items system. I believe I fixed it as well as a few other bugs.
Read the rest of this update entry...
More notetag ideas...
I may add some of these, it;s a pretty good idea.

So in my free time I been slowly adding and adjusting Window Pop and I'm having fun :) So far I got the on off parameter removed and added the option to use a switch instead, I believe it will be much easier to just turn it off and on with a game switch. Then when working on my game I had a really cool idea so I went with it and got a prototype working. What do you think? It's a history window, press a button of your choosing and slides down, a window of previous pops (cool) Still early stages as I said and lots of things I need to think about with it, including which parameters I should have for the user. Oh, and I still never got around to doing the stack pop animation but I will soon, promise.
EarlyStage History.png

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Hi, i've a question... is it possible to turn off and on the auto pop item, with a command?
Hey, sorry for the late reply ive been busy this weekend with Easter and all. I will be updating this Plugin soon and that will be an option, for now though I believe you can use this as a script call
LTN.Param.autoPop = 'off'
Let me double check this snippet when I get to my laptop its been awhile since I used that parameter because the new version its redundant.
[doublepost=1459655984,1459241890][/doublepost]I know it's been a long time since I have been able to work on this plugin but finally, I've found some. I've worked on it about an hour this weekend and expect to work on it some more tomorrow and if all goes well I should have the update ready for download tomorrow. The update will include turning the auto pop off and on with an in-game switch as well as the new history feature, which will allow you to open a sperate customizable window which shows a list of recent pop-ups. As well as a bit of improved code and now all parameters will use the true/false instead of on/off, so you may have to update your parameters if you're currently using Window Pop. The next update I promise will include the pop-up stack animation and I'm aiming for an improved notetag system so I can include numerous amount of note tags to customize each individual item pop.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
LTN Games updated Window Pop with a new update entry:

New History Window & Improved Code

Newest feature is the history window. You can now view your most recent pop-ups in a separate customizable window.
View attachment 2918
Other features include changing font type, font size & setting the Auto Pop to an in-game switch. All of these are parameters in the plugin manager. Enjoy!

Known bugs: Map display name in the history window will indent 32pixels due to missing icon. Even though it's a bug it's not a huge deal right now, it actually looks okay like that.
Read the rest of this update entry...



used this plugin first time and don't know if it's a bug or plugin incompatiblity or what else,
but after i configured it, when i play it shows the popups and when i have for example more itemtypes in a chest, it displays only the last item i've got.

Have to say i use Yanfly Engine and some other Plugins and tried to move yor script around, but without success.

Btw it's an awesome plugin (least what i've saw xD)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Sounds like it may be some of the parameters were changed and it caused a bad effect, have you tried the plugin without changing any parameters first?. Also, your current setup may have the below settings too low, try setting the pop animation setting like mine below. Glad you like what you seen of it, but hopefully you can get the whole thing working.



I saw on your screenshot what's wrong (when i reopened my pluginmanager). I got V.1.05 when i downloaded it today (why ever). Downloaded it again now and see it works perfectly. That's what I need.

Thanks for help and this plugin. (smile)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Hi LTN, a little thing. Can you add the possibility to show the EXP gained in popup? In the same easy way?
It's been awhile since I've updated the Plugin but I don't see why not. Give me a day or two and I'll get around to adding this for you, just need some free time.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Nope, it's not possible in battle. I am in the process of re-writing this plugin and optimizing a few other plugins. I will see if I can easily implement battle pops during my development. Stay up to date on my website


I love this plugin. But there's something I've been trying to hack in for a while. Maybe you could give me some direction. I hate that the popup seems to begin fading as soon as it appears. I've set the pop fade speed pretty high (250), otherwise I wouldn't be able to read the messages.

I'd love it if there was a way to add in a delay before the fade out begins. To say like, display the message, wait for 180 frames, then begin the fade. Does anyone have any input on how to make something like this work?