Zombies and mummy's are getting old for me lol I want something new.lol yeah Aztec and spider galore. So much possibility for a swampy/wetland tileset set <.< xP
Plenty of scope left for new inspirations, without even delving into the realms of fantasy..! Australian aborigines..? A Pygmy tribe, or Zulus..? Eskimos..? Tibetan monastery and associated monks..? Bedouins..? Cossacks..? I'm lousy at graphics, of any type, but made a couple of double-height (ie: non-chibi...) Characters which turned out rather well. I'll do some more, later on, but I would not be able to stretch to a whole Battler sheet. Getting the walking motion was hard enough. Still, as far as variety for fitting many new story lines, the field seems to be wide open..!...
Zombies and mummy's are getting old for me lol I want something new.
lol well it IS in South America xP and that's kinda where your set is headed it would seemGlad i could inspire you all to be different.
[doublepost=1477531981,1477527574][/doublepost]Did some looking on the internet and found that the biggest spider in the world is in south america it is as big as a dinner plate. It is call the Goliath Birdeater. Be warned it is BIG.
Lol i needed that. I'm stuck on this bed all day. Only good i get is hear. Long time a go when i had vx i made a lean to that you could build. I might remake it for mv.one more can't hurt xP lol a circle Teepee that is o.o (It is something I was working on a long time ago, trying to make the hovels and teepee's of Native Americans. But I veered off in the Viking direction lol made the knarr and my roof set actually finished that idea off since most of their buildings had the curved roofs like the one I made xP)
Yeah. Its awesome. ^^ Still need to learn how to map better but will come over time.nice work with the world map too xD