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Tileset Swamp tiles

Is it ready for upload?

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Global Moderator
Will you be making the stained glass partially mossy as well? I'm curious. Also...The rafflesia (I'm assuming that's the type of plant near the mud that's not in it, but I could be wrong)- will it be able to go in the mud too? :o


The large window don't have moss on them the small one you are talking about has moss on the top and bottom. that plant is in the demo. The screenshot would be too big to upload if i put every thing in it. I have plans for the rafflesia. Sence you know the real name you know it is a carnivorous plant. That should give you a clue on what i have planed. hehe evil grin. also that plant grows like a mushroom on living wood like at the trunk of trees. Oh if you see one in real life it can sting you so don't touch the center of the flower it is 3 feet wide from one side to the other. And it stinks because bugs die inside other name is a corpse flower.
[doublepost=1477111468,1477094797][/doublepost]Update 2: Made the demo smaller.

At this time i am working on more window and the tile settings.
[doublepost=1477183505][/doublepost]Update 3: Window's now on tile D, duplicates removed and tileset settings fixed.
[doublepost=1477195907][/doublepost]Update 4: More mossy windows.
Will you be making the stained glass partially mossy as well? I'm curious. Also...The rafflesia (I'm assuming that's the type of plant near the mud that's not in it, but I could be wrong)- will it be able to go in the mud too? :o
I added more mossy windows today for you. I plan on more. Enjoy hun.
Will you be making the stained glass partially mossy as well? I'm curious. Also...The rafflesia (I'm assuming that's the type of plant near the mud that's not in it, but I could be wrong)- will it be able to go in the mud too? :o
All the window I have planed for this set are done. Enjoy
[doublepost=1477315847][/doublepost]You are all welcome to ask for items. Or give input in any way.


You been working very hard on this. It's coming along very well. Trying to think what else you could add to it. Maybe cobwebs or other swamp plants?
[doublepost=1477368384,1477368290][/doublepost]That took me awhile to tap the right thing here damn phone made them tiny. lol creative one.


Something new then. What will make it different. Not sure if it's possible but you could make it something you can also walk through like the mud idea.


in the next update i have a vine bridge so that if people don't have it set to walk in the mud you can walk over it though people would want a bridge that looks more for the area. other than my rope one.


Ahh I see:p
thinking now on the cobwebs and a new ladder as well for tomorrows update.
[doublepost=1477370600,1477370091][/doublepost]Here is what i have for the new update for you.


oh almost forgot to ask you. on the "B" tile roof addon's do you want them strait like in my crop tiles or have a slight curve to them?
[doublepost=1477378586][/doublepost]Here is a shot of the spider web and new vine ladder.

[doublepost=1477412328][/doublepost]Tomorrows update will have LTN's core plugin. YA!!!!!!
[doublepost=1477449497][/doublepost]Need input on the swamp tiles I think it is good to upload still a wip. But you can now make usable maps with it.
[doublepost=1477456691][/doublepost]Added a poll to day.


Resident Dragon
If I said I didn't like it, I would be lying. This tileset looks absolutely amazing, and just what I've been looking for in relation to a swamp area in my game. Fantastic work @Jodis as always. Beautiful and brilliant like its creator. :D <3


when i was looking on line i saw so many different types that it was too hard to pick just one. So i tried to give you all a selection of different terrains to choose from. I liked the Mayan temples so i am trying to add that feeling of a wet jungle area with a temple as well as a town setting.


Praised Adventurer
The temple goes quite well with it actually. Heh, one more idea. Make one of those head statues the Mayans had everywhere, cover it with moss, break off a bit on the edges, and then I'd say this set is absolutely finished. xP It's perfect as it is too though heh.


Praised Adventurer
What i wish i had was teepee's, and native gen parts. That would be so cool. That would be Olmec.
I think this is what you are referring to.
Nah the tiki guy's face. It was an Aztec thingy found in their temples lol. But yeah it is similar to that, but it wasn't that. I have made a tribal gen outfit >.> it actually fits pretty well for tribal females. I can prolly get around to a male version eventually too heh since I'ma be needing one anyway. Teepee's would be pretty cool too xP I may have to make one of those too heh. I won't have use for it in my games but still would be cool to have xD


Praised Adventurer
Yeah Mayan/Aztec statues pretty much look the same for the most part lol. But yeah, those are actually exterior statues. The insides were more decorated with jewels and such. They also had unique animal statues (like that famous lounging monkey xP) and several other standing figure ones that would all work pretty well with that Temple, especially if you do an interior for it too later lol.

They'd look good with it either way, especially if covered with the moss giving it that overgrowth look to make it like some sorta hidden temple lol.