The large window don't have moss on them the small one you are talking about has moss on the top and bottom. that plant is in the demo. The screenshot would be too big to upload if i put every thing in it. I have plans for the rafflesia. Sence you know the real name you know it is a carnivorous plant. That should give you a clue on what i have planed. hehe evil grin. also that plant grows like a mushroom on living wood like at the trunk of trees. Oh if you see one in real life it can sting you so don't touch the center of the flower it is 3 feet wide from one side to the other. And it stinks because bugs die inside other name is a corpse flower.
[doublepost=1477111468,1477094797][/doublepost]Update 2: Made the demo smaller.
At this time i am working on more window and the tile settings.
[doublepost=1477183505][/doublepost]Update 3: Window's now on tile D, duplicates removed and tileset settings fixed.
[doublepost=1477195907][/doublepost]Update 4: More mossy windows.
Will you be making the stained glass partially mossy as well? I'm curious. Also...The rafflesia (I'm assuming that's the type of plant near the mud that's not in it, but I could be wrong)- will it be able to go in the mud too? :o
I added more mossy windows today for you. I plan on more. Enjoy hun.
Will you be making the stained glass partially mossy as well? I'm curious. Also...The rafflesia (I'm assuming that's the type of plant near the mud that's not in it, but I could be wrong)- will it be able to go in the mud too? :o
All the window I have planed for this set are done. Enjoy
[doublepost=1477315847][/doublepost]You are all welcome to ask for items. Or give input in any way.