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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


Praised Adventurer
Today I continued to add in the new weapons and their crafting recipes to the database for TOTL. As of now, all of the swords including the rare ones are in there and set with full recipes and such. Next up are staves. Aside from that, not much has gotten done just yet.

On other news, we have this month's pack for my resource calendar that's progressing quite well! I wanted to make some tiles fitted for a September Festival type thing (almost Octoberfest-y). So I came up with thsi so far: . It took awhile to get the exact wood texture I wanted the stalls to be in but I think it's turned out really nicely! The stalls can also work for an interior half wall pretty nicely too. So all in all it's looking pretty festive in my opinion. There's other unrelated bits with this one too but yeah.

So as of now, there's this tileset and my map creator PS tool that will be featured in this month's pack. xP I plan on a few festive BGM's to go with it and I think that should be enough to wrap it up with a nice little bow.
[doublepost=1474352149,1474019215][/doublepost]Today Tales of the Lumminai has made some great progress on the item database. I have all of the swords and staves put in there now each with their own special recipes for crafting. I've also added in the crafting books to make them and the parts needed to make them. That took a lot of time since my item ID's are so badly spread out (constant scrolling to keep track of each recipe ingredient lol). Aside from that not too much, but I've added in the amazing grid-free doodads plugin so you can see what's coming next xP.

I plan on recreating all of my tilesets to work with the Grid-Free Doodads plugin as well but that will take some time. I've also got several new interior items lined up for me to create in the same style I used for my stalls in the monthly pack xP (I really did enjoy that style's final look so I plan to keep it and use that with many many other doodads and a complete set of tilesets to match it). So there's some things to look forward to in the month to come and remainder of this month! (As for my projects, TOTL will be having a completely new Weshrain City created with extensive use of the GFD plugin since that will allow me the tools needed to make it look far better without increasing the filesize (since that's the major problem with parallaxing). )

Happy game making!
Today I began working on my battle sprites (I'm using part Pop! Horror and part custom tilesets) so I have to make. . . pixel art battlers. I was tempted to go first person battles but after so long with sideview, I can't go back!

They're kinda ugly, but they fit better with the rest of the game art than the painted style I usually use. These are still leaps and bounds better than some of my old pixel art...


I've also been working on making the battle UI different from most RPG Maker games, especially considering there is only one character and I, well, hate how windows in RPG Maker always take up the entire screen! So much empty space, especially with my higher resolution (heartbreak)
My love for Mog Hunter is biting me in the butt as well since I have to go in and fiddle with so much stuff to support my resolution to get the plugins to work properly (ouch)

I don't even think this is recognizable as the mog hud I started out with

ignore the MV style battler. I'm still in the process of making the one for the main character.

Screenshot (54).png
Screenshot (55).png

I still have to make the battle face and fix the cursor, HP/MP bars, and the HP/MP numbers.


Global Moderator
Added the first shop's items (well, what they have for now), added and edited a couple of item details, and made a partial library map. I might make it bigger though, 'cause it feels kinda cramped. Also started working on the 'help desk', which eventing is a pain for. But it should help somehow. I hope. It's not much, but it's something. I'll probably do more work in a bit.


Praised Adventurer
So lately I haven't gotten too much done heh. My gf fell at her work and hurt her arm lol so she's been home and I gotta game with her when she's home so not much time. But so far, I've got the idea for Weshrain's new look down and I think it'll look good but I have to put a lot of time into designing it with doodads since that's how I'm gonna get the desired look. Once it's done I'll decide if I like it or not that way lol.

Other than that, I'm working on an interior tileset/doodad set using the same wood textures as my stalls. This will include windows, furniture, shelving, etc. I may have a fireplace as well or something fitting for workshops since there aren't many out there for those yet. We'll see how inspired I get when making Weshrain's new look xP since that will pretty much determine how many doodads I need for the interiors.


Praised Adventurer
Not a lot on Rachdale Cheese these last few days, although I'm still going through some routines and cleaning them up, creating more Common Events for similar conversations (... and there's a lot of conversation..!), and improving the 'logic' of some specific coding; notably in the Workshops where repairs are carried out. T'will finish soon so that I can take up the reins again. The Demo on t'web is unaffected; that won't evolve much until the Game is finished, I don't think.
In between times, I've been testing a few Demos for others, and, in doing so, coming across a recurrent problem whereby the Demo crashes, ostensibly due to a rapid memory usage while playing the Demo. I've a couple of 'work-around' solutions, but it certainly slows down the testing (and the enjoyment, of course...). It's been reported to the Authorities; here's hoping for a definitive solution. It's not the Demo that's the cause, it's a known phenomenon with MV, and can be found in many Games. It affects different platforms differently; it's horrendous on mine.
On another front, I had the temerity to propose creating a Puzzle for a fellow Member. "Easy..!" I hear you say..? Maybe so, but I came up with an idea for a cracker of a Puzzle..! Easy enough to explain on paper (... but, no, I'm not going to do so, here..!), but I thought it best to turn the idea into practice, and so I'm busily building a Project based on it. I've a few Maps, and am working out the relevant tests that the Game has to realise to know how the Puzzle is progressing. Quite fun, going through permutations, translating into binary, working out unsuitable combinations, how to code 'em... It'll take a while, but should be amusing, if nothing else. I just hope the recipient likes Puzzles of the sort..!
I've been following this thread and just realised exactly how long it's been since I posted anything in it, let alone work on my projects. I've been so busy lately that there aren't enough hours in the day - even with time management - to do all of the things I'd planned to do for that day. With me working 3 nights out of the week, focusing on several writing projects (including a collection of my fantasy short stories), a full novel and kind of a skeleton idea for a screenplay called "Portals", time means nothing to me! This isn't including the commissioned work (writing and proof reading) I'm doing. And then there's updating my blogs...

Although my focus has been on SGB, I'm still unable to commit fully to any kind of game development. And, of course, this is very frustrating. Otherworld and Gaia's Dream have been developed tricklingly, but nothing of note to show for it. I think things will start calming down again by the end of the year. Fingers and toes crossed for that one!

I really like reading others' project updates, though I don't always respond. It's interesting to see the diversity of ideas, genres and creations.


I was looking at the jap rpgmaker mv site and found a good download. This is what i found.

click to see a screenshot of what Jodis found
my new pet.png


Today I added some tutorials. I've been stumped for a while now. I need to make some dungeons, but I'm lacking ideas for puzzles =[


Praised Adventurer
The overhaul of Weshrain continues! Today I've wrapped up the rest of the town center (exterior) except for some roofing and my two reverse stalls I have yet to design. Those have to be done in doodad style so it will work the way I need them to. Other than that, I've got one of the last few female characters concept put down too. xD Things are pulling together quite well and I'm loving how the doodads plugin is making things look much better.

I prolly won't be remaking ALL of my maps that I already have finished, but the two cities will likely be overhauled even if by a small amount. Weshrain is the biggest city in the early game and sort of the HUB for awhile, so it needs to reflect that. Venfey is a smaller port town but it currently doesn't have any boats/harbor look to it other than some docks. So that will likely be fixed up too before I progress further into Chapter 4.

So that about sums up what I've been working on this week. xD Busy busy bee!

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
@Jodis You have a lot of mapping issues. That rock wall doesn't look very good with the grass; it clashes pretty badly.
The columns just jut out from nowhere and seem to end just as randomly.
Also, why are some characters "standing" on wall and others simply on level ground?

And then you have what looks like random stairs... but the perspective looks weird on it. The hedge wall is three tiles tall both on the lower and upper levels and that also creates some perspective issues.

@Sinnistar show us some pics! That sounds good, but showing rather than telling will give us more to give feedback on! :)


they are bees look at them the are flying bees fly not walk oh and rocks do what ever they want when ever they want you should visit Valhalla Oregon

here google this it might inspire you
Valhalla Oregon canyon

I would not go there unless you are a master rock climber at lest that is what i have heard

You are just trying to make others mad go bark up someone else tree.

I now will ignore you.
PS my game is fantasy i can do to the land what i want even have a floating city and now i think i will just to make you mad. Oh and i will make my orc's good not evil. The protectors of nature.

Game name: Kulodar The Orc's Secret
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Praised Adventurer
@Jodis You have a lot of mapping issues. That rock wall doesn't look very good with the grass; it clashes pretty badly.
The columns just jut out from nowhere and seem to end just as randomly.
Also, why are some characters "standing" on wall and others simply on level ground?

And then you have what looks like random stairs... but the perspective looks weird on it. The hedge wall is three tiles tall both on the lower and upper levels and that also creates some perspective issues.

@Sinnistar show us some pics! That sounds good, but showing rather than telling will give us more to give feedback on! :)
Heh I'll get a full scale screenshot set up sometime later this week for ya. I'm not entirely finished just yet but you can kinda picture my idea (but I need to design the building roofs yet lol so it'd look terrible). Once the roofs are set and finished up that section will be completed. Then it's just a matter of merging all the events from the old version map and removing the old one xP. It should add much more variety to the town since that was one of the biggest complaints I got with version .58. I just can't work for too long of a time period on it since it causes issues with my eyes (light sensitivity and such while working with pixel art sucks...)

@Jodis hey lol don't take critiques too harshly (I don't think he meant to offend you, it's actually how he is with normal feedback (speaking from experience on a "harsh" critique he gave me long long ago that someone else explained why it sounded harsh)). All feedback can be positive xP. I think they're misunderstanding the way you have your maps. I think they're not seeing the trees as trees but instead as "hedges" and are trying to view it as such and that would definitely throw off the perspective of how it's viewed. About your grassy "stairs" things, they do appear to be missing a second dimension. By that, I mean they look like they're a top down only view on those. While it could be how you've intended it to be, those can look odd to others because they are missing the second dimension (I.E. the front side). But I already knew about your tree thing so I don't see that as a hedge lol so it doesn't throw off the view for me. What he means by that is if it were physically connected to the cliff there (which it can appear to be if they're unaware of it being a tree lol), it's one tile higher than the size of the cliff. But since it's a tree, you shouldn't sweat it since countless trees are taller than cliffs xP. But yeah, don't feel too harshly about feedback. Not everyone will know your ideas offhand heh. Your style is certainly a unique one and it fits you so that's what really matters.


Heh I'll get a full scale screenshot set up sometime later this week for ya. I'm not entirely finished just yet but you can kinda picture my idea (but I need to design the building roofs yet lol so it'd look terrible). Once the roofs are set and finished up that section will be completed. Then it's just a matter of merging all the events from the old version map and removing the old one xP. It should add much more variety to the town since that was one of the biggest complaints I got with version .58. I just can't work for too long of a time period on it since it causes issues with my eyes (light sensitivity and such while working with pixel art sucks...)

@Jodis hey lol don't take critiques too harshly (I don't think he meant to offend you, it's actually how he is with normal feedback (speaking from experience on a "harsh" critique he gave me long long ago that someone else explained why it sounded harsh)). All feedback can be positive xP. I think they're misunderstanding the way you have your maps. I think they're not seeing the trees as trees but instead as "hedges" and are trying to view it as such and that would definitely throw off the perspective of how it's viewed. About your grassy "stairs" things, they do appear to be missing a second dimension. By that, I mean they look like they're a top down only view on those. While it could be how you've intended it to be, those can look odd to others because they are missing the second dimension (I.E. the front side). But I already knew about your tree thing so I don't see that as a hedge lol so it doesn't throw off the view for me. What he means by that is if it were physically connected to the cliff there (which it can appear to be if they're unaware of it being a tree lol), it's one tile higher than the size of the cliff. But since it's a tree, you shouldn't sweat it since countless trees are taller than cliffs xP. But yeah, don't feel too harshly about feedback. Not everyone will know your ideas offhand heh. Your style is certainly a unique one and it fits you so that's what really matters.

The way I take him is that if someone don't go by his logic it is wrong and he has the right to stifle creativity. Even if i don't like an art work I WOULD NEVER try to make someone feel as if there creativity is being stifled. I am not one to like the cartoony look of some art but it is still good. I know the hard work and time they took to get it in the style they like. Just because i don't like the style i can still like the art.

It is like a tattoo I don't like them but there have been times when i saw one and had to give a good comment. Like one a man had his kids pic on him i found out that kid had died he said i wanted her next to my heart forever. I cried. A nether one was a vet who had one in honer of a man that died trying to save him. I cried then too. This is the time when i make an exception.

Croc to me seems like someone who can not except in life there will be times of exception. He sees it one way, his way.

That is how i took him. it has nothing to do with him liking or disliking it was the way he had put it.

PS I have uploaded this tree set so it is not like he didn't know and if he didn't he could have looked at my profile and found it there as well. He did not to his research. Be for he opened mouth and inserted foot.

So instead of having another long drawn out argument i ignored him. Problem solved before it began.

your point on the stairs: they are plant stairs they are never going to look like wood stairs because they grow if there is no one to keep them from growing the wrong way so they will look off at this view point just because they grow. that is the problem when you shape plants you need to keep it up or they look off. In this area I wanted it to look off for the feel of an over grown look but still have places so you can move around. If any one has a better way I would love to see it. Oh and match the tree look of the texture.

For some real world inspiration google. "shaped trees"
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Praised Adventurer
@Jodis yeah I know the feeling trust me lol. It's all in your own style, not everyone will see it the same as the artist behind it, BUT there are many who will so it makes little difference if a few can't catch on to it. Croc is known for....harsh be honest. I'm not sure why his words always seem that way but yeah I don't think I've seen them not appear judgmental before when commenting on others' work (not trying to offend anyone by this, but that's my opinion). Even if they mean well, it always sounds very harsh and almost rude at times.

You are right about the tree set though, and that's also why I mentioned I already knew what it was lol because you did upload that set before. The stairs work as they're supposed to. They do look very overgrown lol. If you're looking for a way to add the second dimension on those, simply add a 1-2 pixel high darker colored row where those edges are and it should do the trick on that and they wouldn't appear as flat (and others can't be confused by that). The default grassy stairs has that ledge but it's rocky/dirt like. By having it in the same plant style but slightly darker to depict shade, you'll create the second dimension making it appear more believable as stairs. (Don't take any of this as me saying "You have to change it to this or it sucks!" because that's not me heh. It's just a way to do it if you want it to look less confusing to those who can't think in the same mindset as you). The rest of the stuff in your maps I don't ever see any issues with xP as they're quite neatly done in the style you've created.

I can see how one would wonder about the critters since they do have some small wings, but they are still visible lol. I myself would've just guessed those were flying based purely on their placements since there's absolutely no way that could be an unintentional placement. xP but yeah that poor Jodis...getting swarmed by bees o.o oh man...she's in deep trouble now! lol I actually look forward to what you come up with next on that, been pretty chaotic fun so far.