Indie Dev

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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


Towns Guard
I started a completly new Project for the Birthday-Event and paused my "Big Project" for a month or so :) The basic system is up and a lot of PlugIns are configured ;) I done so much... A really productive day


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I made this one here and just realized it's too small to use. Actually I was just procrastinating and thought bout the designs in game... Since normal ones consume too much time creating because I draw them myself I convinced myself using something like this here now XD


Praised Adventurer
Today I added in a series of enemies, updated some events that weren't working like they should have been, and finished developing the remaining main characters of the story (all 8 Grand Heralds are now done). In addition to that, added in several new loot types, 1 new crafting materials, and 5 new icons for use with the project's unique weapons. I'm been a bit busy heh. I plan to have 3 new maps made as well! Onward to the 3rd demo release in full force!
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Did some modifications to ability sets that needed buffing, tightened up the dialogue in my intro sequence on a friend's advice, and added several new maps to my latest "dungeon"!


Praised Adventurer
This time I've been working on a galore of resource gen parts and recolors that I'll be releasing with my February pack. While not entirely related to my project, it should open some doors to make some creative characters in the future! (Currently have 3 female hair recolors and like 3 or 4 facial markings for both male and female with one specific for V-Day that I didn't make the deadline for but meh it will still be fun).
Finally managed to finish the Title Screen animation (notwithstanding the bugs still in the menu). Started reworking the intro and finished the first few maps, including a rather cool-looking Stonehenge. (I started painstakingly placing all the dolmens and sarsens in place, got halfway through and realised the program I use already had a template!!)
Added a float/blur effect to the main character on the Title Screen and also "truly" randomized which character appears each load (I just can't seem to leave it alone). Also converted the Map/Compass HUD I did for previous RPG Makers, plus added a few extra features that only MV can afford. No doubt I'll do a lot more updates today though. (When I've playtested enough I'll make it publicly available here for anyone who'd be interested.)


Added a float/blur effect to the main character on the Title Screen and also "truly" randomized which character appears each load (I just can't seem to leave it alone). Also converted the Map/Compass HUD I did for previous RPG Makers, plus added a few extra features that only MV can afford. No doubt I'll do a lot more updates today though. (When I've playtested enough I'll make it publicly available here for anyone who'd be interested.)
True random? How did you manage that? Did you make customized formulas?
True random? How did you manage that? Did you make customized formulas?
Yeah, kinda. There's no such thing as TRUE random, hence "truly" was in quotes. I have to add more "sample" images to test it out more, but it seems to work adequately enough. This particular formula is loosely based on a RNG for something else entirely. Computers are deterministic and will follow the same algorithm within their programming parameters, and as standard only pseudo-random numbers occur, so my grandfather has come up with a theory that I'm working on.
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