I'm drinking Soju (Mixed with Coolaid), as well as Angry Orchard, Crisp Apple.What did you drink? (I'm curious what others like, to learn of things I might actually enjoy xD)
Do you hold your liquor well?
Why do you want RPGMakerMV.co credited in a novel if I use your name specifically? Why not one of your other sites (or just you as a person)? Not sure why, I feel like it'd be a neat character name still.
Do you tend to follow trends a lot?
What got you into website work?
I'd like to think so lol.
I thought it was for a game. If it's just my name in a novel, I'd like Xyphien.com credited :)
Not really, though I like to download and have the latest mixtapes before everyone else. idk why, It's just one thing I like to do, that way I always have new music.
When I first got into Pivot I saw one of my favorite animators made a forum, and I asked him how I do it, and he showed me it. That ways in 2009, and every since I got hooked on it.