Indie Dev

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Ask the Owner Anything


Staff member
Resource Team
Are you a natural leader in real life? I can tell you have a knack for it in the forum. You actually remind me a lot of a few friends of mine who were also admins.
When I was a kid I use to do a lot of leader type stuff, mostly 'run a business' being a little kid I would sell cards individually to people and make bank. I'd also have my cousins 'work' for me and pay them in crappy cards (I was a super tool as a kid I noticed). I would also have them do just about everything I wanted and pay them in some terrible way lol. I also use to go to stores and sell people items from the store because I always thought it was fun. Idk if this counts as being a leader or not rofl. As of now though, I feel I lost a lot of leadership being in the military as I'm just a PFC and have no say over everything, so I literally just do whatever someone says as that's all I can do lol.


Staff member
Resource Team
Seeing as a lot of things are heating up here on the forums. Why not bring this back up :) Feel free to ask me anything you'd like and I'll answer it <3


Staff member
Resource Team
On a scale of one to ten, how strong would you say your willpower is?
All depends on what it is :) Mostly pretty high, however a few things I have no willpower. Such as not eating something when it's in front of me. I have absolutely no willpower when it comes to that XD


Staff member
Resource Team
who is your favorite video game character of all time? (sorry if it's been asked already)
ooh my, this is a tough one... Most games I play I create my own character XD Cecil from Final Fantasy II/IV on the SNES (Final Fantasy 2 in the US, 4 in japan)
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Dragon Goddess
Cecil was awesome!! I think Kain was my favorite from FFIV though~ man I love that game. I finally played it last year when it came out on Steam

hmmm, what is your ideal/favorite breakfast?


Staff member
Resource Team
Cecil was awesome!! I think Kain was my favorite from FFIV though~ man I love that game. I finally played it last year when it came out on Steam

hmmm, what is your ideal/favorite breakfast?
I never beat it, sadly. I'm buying it again for my SNES when I get back to the states though. I got to the part where you
fight the light version of you before you turn into a white mage.
and from that,
Kain left you, and then tried to kill you. So in my eyes he's kind of a dick

My favorite breakfast is actually what I eat every day. A Ham and cheese omelette cut in half on an english muffin with 2 pieces of cheese on the top and bottom with bacon on top. Followed by 2-3 sprinkled doughnuts. (Or glazed if they don't have sprinkled. Which often times they don't). And french toast sticks!


Dragon Goddess
Ohh yea, it kinda makes sense later why
Kain was being a jerk
can't wait till you get to see the rest of the game!

when do you get to come back home?


Staff member
Resource Team
Are you a light sleeper or a deep sleeper?
When I'm first going to bed I am a really light sleeper. However, when I'm asleep, nothing can wake me up XD

Ohh yea, it kinda makes sense later why
Kain was being a jerk
can't wait till you get to see the rest of the game!

when do you get to come back home?
A few more months :D #SoExcited!

What is your favorite activity during PT?
[doublepost=1458099965,1456369701][/doublepost]Hey everyone, so I haven't been as active as I should be, so to any new members here that'd like to get to know me a bit feel free to ask anything :)


Staff member
Resource Team
Do you actually like being called Xiffy XD? What do you think about nicknames?
I don't have a problem with it at all :D I never had any nicknames growing up (Though now everyone called me chawoon (Chow-oooon) because my name is spelled Chaun instead of Shawn or Sean) so I don't mind nicknames :D


Global Moderator
Hurray, I now know your actual name! I feel sneaky. Do you have any idea where your name originates from? At least that spelling. In the UK it's usually Shaun, so it's close to that. Or at least, the one person there I know that's got the name is spelled that way.

How did you come up with Xyphien? (I'm sorry if this is a repeat.)


Staff member
Resource Team
Hurray, I now know your actual name! I feel sneaky. Do you have any idea where your name originates from? At least that spelling. In the UK it's usually Shaun, so it's close to that. Or at least, the one person there I know that's got the name is spelled that way.

How did you come up with Xyphien? (I'm sorry if this is a repeat.)
The name Chaun was just something my mom did. She also named my sister Cierra instead of Sierra. So, it was a little theme she decided to do.

As for Xyphien, I made it up. I use to go by the name Pivetor, and then decided I wanted something more unique as I was getting away from Pivot, and animation software. I wanted something unique, and knew X was always neglected, and was the loner of the alphabet. So I decided on Xyphien after randomly putting it in and liking it. :D


Global Moderator
Do you consider yourself a random person in general?
How do you feel about the idea of your handle being used as a first/last name for a story character?
What made you stop with animation software?


Staff member
Resource Team
Do you consider yourself a random person in general?
How do you feel about the idea of your handle being used as a first/last name for a story character?
What made you stop with animation software?
I like to be random to the point that I'm as surprised at myself with what I do, with everyone else. (Been drinking, hopefully this makes since... Idk how to word it right now)

I don't mind too much, as long as and I am credited for it XD

I don't even remember honestly. It was just one of those things that seemed to die for everyone at the same time. Everyone was really into it for like 2 years and then boom, done.


Global Moderator
What did you drink? (I'm curious what others like, to learn of things I might actually enjoy xD)
Do you hold your liquor well?
Why do you want credited in a novel if I use your name specifically? Why not one of your other sites (or just you as a person)? Not sure why, I feel like it'd be a neat character name still.
Do you tend to follow trends a lot?
What got you into website work?