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Ask the Owner Anything

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
For a Stegosaurus, it sure does lack its plates and the elongated bone thorns in the end of its tail. It looks more like a Camarasaurus lol
The thing with the Ask Me Anything, it's harder to find a good question and can be teddious at times. Speaking of questions :
What is your favourite version (it can be from movies, novels, videogames, cardgames, cartoon/animé etc.)? :D


Staff member
Resource Team
For a Stegosaurus, it sure does lack its plates and the elongated bone thorns in the end of its tail. It looks more like a Camarasaurus lol
The thing with the Ask Me Anything, it's harder to find a good question and can be teddious at times. Speaking of questions :
What is your favourite version (it can be from movies, novels, videogames, cardgames, cartoon/animé etc.)? :D
My favorite version of what? The dinosaur? If so, I only like the one from the asdf movie and yeah lol, I was almost positive it wasn't a stegosaurus lol.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Ahahahaha, I'm guessing it's an apatosaurus. xD

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you pick?


Staff member
Resource Team
Oh snap, I wrote too fast that I forgot to add "Phoenix" in my question XD
I honestly don't know. I've always thought my first tattoo would be of a dragon, but out of nowhere I got a tribal Phoenix on my right arm. From there, dragons went from my favorite mythological creature to phoenix'.


and I'd love to get a full sleeve on my other arm of this

So, I really don't have a favorite type, they're all absolutely amazing.

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
I honestly don't know. I've always thought my first tattoo would be of a dragon, but out of nowhere I got a tribal Phoenix on my right arm. From there, dragons went from my favorite mythological creature to phoenix'.

View attachment 654

and I'd love to get a full sleeve on my other arm of this

So, I really don't have a favorite type, they're all absolutely amazing.
Holycrap, so epiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic *_*


Staff member
Me too NBC recon leader, reaction leader, etc. It is sad when you whisper to your wife, or the person sitting next to you that 'Top' is about to get fragged,

@Xyphien Which branch, or if you wish not to classify air, sea, or land?


Dragon Goddess
have you ever made an RPG Maker game before Xyphien? I know you're working on Elderage but just wondering if there was any before that. if not, can you tell us about a game you started in the past or had an idea for? did it grow into Elderage? :D

when & why did you decide to make this forum (I think I saw your answer to that before)?

last question for now, favorite genre of music?


Staff member
Resource Team
have you ever made an RPG Maker game before Xyphien? I know you're working on Elderage but just wondering if there was any before that. if not, can you tell us about a game you started in the past or had an idea for? did it grow into Elderage? :D

when & why did you decide to make this forum (I think I saw your answer to that before)?

last question for now, favorite genre of music?
Didn't see this :O

I've been trying to make games since XP first came out, and I could never complete a game. I always start it, and either get discouraged, or have so much other stuff I need to do, I put it on the back burner, and forget about it. They were all similar concepts to Elderage. You can do countless skills, and have it simi open world.

Honest answer? I was on my other site GameHandout and someone was like "I doubt anyone will know what this is, or wants it, but RPG Maker is making a new program". I was like "SAY WUUUUHHHH" "BRUHHHH" so I looked into it, bought the game, and being a webmaster I decided to look into domain names to see if RPGMakerMV was taken. Well, of course .com .net .org was taken, I did see .co wasn't and that's my go-to when .com is taken as sometimes people miss type .com and type .co. I also so there wasn't a MV community made yet, and decided to jump on it. I honestly thought it was going to be like my other sites and just die out because I just can't seem to get members to come to the forums ;( However, I decided to give it a shot and advertise it, and BOOM before you know it 100 people joined. @Amysaurus was one that everyone seemed to be SUPER hyped for. I was like "wuuuuhhhht, a RPG Maker Celebrity is here?!" And then @PandaMaru joined, and I found out he was the one that made an AMAZING amusement park picture on RMW's forums. and was like "wuuuuhhhht, a RPG Maker Celebrity is here?!" and BOOM, here we are today!

TL;DR for this. It was a spare of the moment thing, and something I didn't think was going to take off, and it did.

Favorite Genre... I have a top 4 favorite honestly. I listen to everything besided country. So, my top four favorites are (Not in any specific order): Rap, Metal, Dubstep, 90's Alternative.


Staff member
Resource Team
How many forums have you ran?
What is your real name? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (Okay, this one is optional)
ooh man... Let's see... Throughout the time I've been running forums... I'm glad you said forums and not websites lol. That'd take forever to think about. Let's see... I have had... PivotXD, Pivetworld, a review forums, promotionhub, loneportal (@Sages favorite forum I've owned), GameHandout,,, AdvertizeSky, FalloutWargasm (First time I bought merchandise for a website), GraphicsHub (One of my all time favorites), a random runescape forum. And several others I can't remember. All of these were complete failures as they never gained any members at all. got like 5k members in a week and was super active and then died when the whole herobrine thing died. GameHandout is still up and running as well as FaceRig. I've made probably over 20 forums, most of which were like when you make some small games you never share just to get practice. I've used almost all free forum softwares, and websites, and messed around with several paid forum software, though my main software is Xenforo followed by MyBB.

My real name: Chaun (Pronounced Shawn)

Rap AND Metal? Quite a versatile taste in music! What are you favorite band(s) for rap/metal?
Like I said, I listen to everything besides country XD. It's the best when I'm at a stop light listening to rap with my 2 12's in my car, and everyone is judging me, then either classical piano comes on, or metal comes on. Then everyone gets all confused XD

As for my favorite bands/artists... uhhh... This is hard XD All that remains was my favorite for a while, but as of now I'd have to say Upon this Dawning is my favorite metal band. Rap... Young Dro or Tyler the creator honestly.


Haha I listen to anything besides Rap. xD I can barely BARELY handle country, and that's usually limited a pop/country mix like Lady Antebellum.

Are you a natural leader in real life? I can tell you have a knack for it in the forum. You actually remind me a lot of a few friends of mine who were also admins.

*Goes to check out that Metal band*