have you ever made an RPG Maker game before Xyphien? I know you're working on Elderage but just wondering if there was any before that. if not, can you tell us about a game you started in the past or had an idea for? did it grow into Elderage? :D
when & why did you decide to make this forum (I think I saw your answer to that before)?
last question for now, favorite genre of music?
Didn't see this :O
I've been trying to make games since XP first came out, and I could never complete a game. I always start it, and either get discouraged, or have so much other stuff I need to do, I put it on the back burner, and forget about it. They were all similar concepts to Elderage. You can do countless skills, and have it simi open world.
Honest answer? I was on my other site GameHandout and someone was like "I doubt anyone will know what this is, or wants it, but RPG Maker is making a new program". I was like "SAY WUUUUHHHH" "BRUHHHH" so I looked into it, bought the game, and being a webmaster I decided to look into domain names to see if RPGMakerMV was taken. Well, of course .com .net .org was taken, I did see .co wasn't and that's my go-to when .com is taken as sometimes people miss type .com and type .co. I also so there wasn't a MV community made yet, and decided to jump on it. I honestly thought it was going to be like my other sites and just die out because I just can't seem to get members to come to the forums ;( However, I decided to give it a shot and advertise it, and BOOM before you know it 100 people joined.
@Amysaurus was one that everyone seemed to be SUPER hyped for. I was like "wuuuuhhhht, a RPG Maker Celebrity is here?!" And then
@PandaMaru joined, and I found out he was the one that made an AMAZING amusement park picture on RMW's forums. and was like "wuuuuhhhht, a RPG Maker Celebrity is here?!" and BOOM, here we are today!
TL;DR for this. It was a spare of the moment thing, and something I didn't think was going to take off, and it did.
Favorite Genre... I have a top 4 favorite honestly. I listen to everything besided country. So, my top four favorites are (Not in any specific order): Rap, Metal, Dubstep, 90's Alternative.