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Apply to be apart of the Resource Team!


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Come on Amy, lemme join the team now. I've posted over 19 resources, at least 14 of them completely original works. It's also been over 2 weeks <.<. Do I qualify now? haha.

Either way, I can fill out the template if you really need me to again, but yeah I did it once heh. Also, I have another cool character design to show too if needed. I haven't made it a public piece yet though. But yeah, I'm still very interesting in joining the RT, and you could always use another Graphic artist, especially one suited for gen parts!
Begging gets you nowhere, mister! (right)

I haven't been able to look through all of your newer stuff yet (my generator is acting wonky), so that's the only reason why I can't give definitive yes or no at the moment. I'll try and either get it tested myself, or have someone screenshare with me.

This is more suited for a PM, by the way. I'll need an updated application, or portfolio at the very least. (smile)

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
Come on Amy, lemme join the team now. I've posted over 19 resources, at least 14 of them completely original works. It's also been over 2 weeks <.<. Do I qualify now?

Part of being on the RT is having a humble attitude. You have to have the right attitude, as well as being PATIENT. If you whine about not being accepted when you haven't even been selected, IF you get selected, you're far less likely to get selected...

My salty two cents. :)


Praised Adventurer
Part of being on the RT is having a humble attitude. You have to have the right attitude, as well as being PATIENT. If you whine about not being accepted when you haven't even been selected, IF you get selected, you're far less likely to get selected...

My salty two cents. :)
That can be read wrong and that way yeah. I apologize, but that wasn't the intention. I was joking around lol. But no I've been working hard for it and I am quite patient about it too xP. I just hear a lot "There's only one in the graphics RT" lol. But yep, it's my goal to become another and that won't be changing.

Begging gets you nowhere, mister! (right)

I haven't been able to look through all of your newer stuff yet (my generator is acting wonky), so that's the only reason why I can't give definitive yes or no at the moment. I'll try and either get it tested myself, or have someone screenshare with me.

This is more suited for a PM, by the way. I'll need an updated application, or portfolio at the very least. (smile)
No worries Amy, I know as you said that recently lol. And yeah, I'll keep it to pms since that is where it belongs heh. But no, I didn't wanna sound that way and wasn't begging lol even though it did sound that way. I was just teasing. I'll update everything in that pm when I finish the next big piece xP that way I'll have 3 good ones to show what I can do with.


Staff member
How to handle a 'No'
1. View it as a 'Not Now.' No matter what position, you are applying for, on a forum resource team, or for a job interview. Sometimes, there is currently not a fit. The interviewer, and you are not looking for the same thing. it does not mean that you do not have talent. The interviewer may be looking for very specific qualifications and traits.

2. Thank them for looking at your portfolio and application. Courtesy and good manners go a long ways. The leader of the department will remember this when their department expands. In large organizations, the interviewer may see something within your application, that lets them think of another department, you may also qualify for.

3. Keep doing what you DO. If you are a writer, write. If you are an artist, create. If you are a composer, compose. If you are a plugin-er, then make plugins. Do not stop what you are doing. This will increase your skill levels. Keep on making resource contributions. Something may catch the team leader's eyes, and they give you that desired PM.

4. In sales, I had a saying, "He who gets the most no's wins." What that means is, do not give up. It does not mean asking the same person, or same people over and over again. Keep on, and do NOT give up.

I hope these 36 years, in the work-force advice helps out those who receive a 'No.'


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I agree, it's good advice, but we need to be staying on topic, guys. This topic is for discussing the RT and its application process, and that is all. (cheeks)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I'm super excited to say we have yet another member that joined the graphics team! Welcome, @Macro! That means there's only one spot left~

In case anyone hasn't checked the top post, we have spots open for all teams still, but they're dwindling!:
Music team: 3 spots
Plugin team: 2 spots
Graphics team: 1 spot
Writing team: 1 spot

Bizarre Monkey

OOh, one spot leeeeeft.

On one hand, I feel like I should go for it just because it'd be funny to watch everyone's surprise as I, the devilish lil' Biz, is now a part of the resource team, nyeh-heh-heh!

On the other hand, it means I'd have to write a PM and actually pretend to be responsible... ewww!

Also on the topic of off-topicness, it's easy for topics as topic-sore as this one to veer off topic as there's much to talk about but little substance in the absolute lines of topicality.

But I could be wrong I didn't see the post before it was deleted.

Am I going to apply? Well, i'm not sure, it's tempting, but there's a few big reasons I don't really want to.

1. I'd have to do something. Which isn't great 'cause I love doing nothing.
2. I'd unspokenly be a representative of the resource team and my taste is an acquired one.
3. I'd have to cooperate with you butts so hahaha no thanks! (This was a joke most of you are totally cool lmao)
4. I have TAFE starting in February so I don't know if I could be relied on.
5. My writing talents would be best used elsewhere, like in my games or whatever.

The upsides to being on the resource team are.
1. More stuff to do and I could feel like I'm giving something to the community. Even though i can do that anyway.
2. I could be friends with Iron Croc which would be cool.
3. I would be tougher to get rid of, but that doesn't really matter I suppose.
4. I could learn from other writers... well, okay-- that might be exciting if any of the writing team were actually better than me! (I'm joking, I'm joking, pls dont hurt me ;_;)
5. Death. =)

I'm not decided yet, and hell, I may be denied anyway! I sure have been rude and snippy lately! Personally I'd like to think we aren't so jaded that we'll let talent be ostracized over some petty matters that didn't really even hurt anybody but that's just my hopes and dreams speaking.

It's very possible I may! Mostly because it's fun to present my skills and stuff, also I'd like to be friends with iron croc because he is a really cool guy.
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Bizarre Monkey

So the M_cro twins are in the big game together nao!

That's so cute! ^.^

I've sent two applications, one for the writing team and a backup for the arty team.

I don't want both, and I've already told Amy that unless the two other applicants have lost interest, to give it to one of them, I primarily would be best suited for the Writing Team.

If I get in I'll be enthusiastic, I'm playing the 'eww responsibility' card right now because I'll admit I don't have high hopes, even if these are my hopes and dreams of the present.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I still have interest in being a member of the graphic team but it'll probably take me a bit. I actually want to survive school stress first and improve my art skills before i join. And Im shy. And I stress myself a lot. And Im not sure if my art is even good. And i need to get used to pixel stuff for mv bc i still stick to ace but still one day I will send my application...

Bizarre Monkey

I still have interest in being a member of the graphic team but it'll probably take me a bit. I actually want to survive school stress first and improve my art skills before i join. And Im shy. And I stress myself a lot. And Im not sure if my art is even good. And i need to get used to pixel stuff for mv bc i still stick to ace but still one day I will send my application...
I suck at pixel art.

And the resource team is already chock full of pixel artists.

You could try what I did, volunteering for everything but.

A little bird tells me I'm being highly considered, since my artistic talents in other areas are so honed.

I told little bird that they can choose anyone who wants it a lot over me, like for me it's just an application I made because "might as well".


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Currently we need the following:
Musicians: 3
*cries in the distance*
What do I have to do to get even one application? Seriously guys, have musicians become such a rare breed that we don't have any on here wanting to join our ranks? I know you're there, musicians! I know you're hiding somewhere! And I will find you! And I will recruit you!
... or you could write me an application as intended - that would be sweet of you...


Praised Adventurer
*cries in the distance*
What do I have to do to get even one application? Seriously guys, have musicians become such a rare breed that we don't have any on here wanting to join our ranks?
I would apply, but since all I make are covers of older game music I don't think that's quite what the RT is looking for.