OOh, one spot leeeeeft.
On one hand, I feel like I should go for it just because it'd be funny to watch everyone's surprise as I, the devilish lil' Biz, is now a part of the resource team, nyeh-heh-heh!
On the other hand, it means I'd have to write a PM and actually pretend to be responsible... ewww!
Also on the topic of off-topicness, it's easy for topics as topic-sore as this one to veer off topic as there's much to talk about but little substance in the absolute lines of topicality.
But I could be wrong I didn't see the post before it was deleted.
Am I going to apply? Well, i'm not sure, it's tempting, but there's a few big reasons I don't really want to.
1. I'd have to do something. Which isn't great 'cause I love doing nothing.
2. I'd unspokenly be a representative of the resource team and my taste is an acquired one.
3. I'd have to cooperate with you butts so hahaha no thanks! (This was a joke most of you are totally cool lmao)
4. I have TAFE starting in February so I don't know if I could be relied on.
5. My writing talents would be best used elsewhere, like in my games or whatever.
The upsides to being on the resource team are.
1. More stuff to do and I could feel like I'm giving something to the community. Even though i can do that anyway.
2. I could be friends with Iron Croc which would be cool.
3. I would be tougher to get rid of, but that doesn't really matter I suppose.
4. I could learn from other writers... well, okay-- that might be exciting if any of the writing team were actually better than me! (I'm joking, I'm joking, pls dont hurt me ;_;)
5. Death. =)
I'm not decided yet, and hell, I may be denied anyway! I sure have been rude and snippy lately! Personally I'd like to think we aren't so jaded that we'll let talent be ostracized over some petty matters that didn't really even hurt anybody but that's just my hopes and dreams speaking.
It's very possible I may! Mostly because it's fun to present my skills and stuff, also I'd like to be friends with iron croc because he is a really cool guy.