Indie Dev

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Apply to be apart of the Resource Team!

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
*cries in the distance*
What do I have to do to get even one application? Seriously guys, have musicians become such a rare breed that we don't have any on here wanting to join our ranks? I know you're there, musicians! I know you're hiding somewhere! And I will find you! And I will recruit you!
... or you could write me an application as intended - that would be sweet of you...
They're simply overwhelmed by our epicness, bruh.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Oh, Jackus One word posts are against the rules, tisk tisk.

1. No spamming.

- Posting short 1-2 word responses that do not add to the discussion.


Staff member
For those looking to apply to the Music RT, do they have to know various music theory concepts, how to read sheet music, etc. ?


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
For those looking to apply to the Music RT, do they have to know various music theory concepts, how to read sheet music, etc. ?
I would mostly judge about the applicants based on the samples they send me with their portfolio. Surely, theoretical knowledge can help but it's not necessarily an entry requirement. However, a little bit of musical knowledge is required. I don't want to teach team members about keys, modes and chords.


Melodies can be pretty inspiring for making a new song.

Would a person that has a song sample consisting of all melody and no knowledge of chords be disqualified, even if they created effective music for a certain kind of game?
So simple, but so creepy.

Oh, Jackus One word posts are against the rules, tisk tisk.
1. No spamming.
- Posting short 1-2 word responses that do not add to the discussion.
I see that happening all the time in the intro area, so now you have me curious- does that rule apply there?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Music is a difficult subject to judge based on much beyond portfolio, tbh. A lot of great musicians are self-taught, so judging them based on knowledge of chords, reading sheet music, etc. isn't necessarily an accurate representation of their skill. It'd be the same thing if I was asking the pixel artists whether they're working in 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, etc. Just because they don't know doesn't mean they can't do it~

That said. Musicians~ We'd like you to join us, if you're out there (cat)

@Macro: (Kind of off topic, but eh, solid question.) I'm usually okay with one word responses as introductions, just because plenty of the people making them just wanted to have their account be "completed". I tend to send them a little welcome message and let them know about the rule, though.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Would a person that has a song sample consisting of all melody and no knowledge of chords be disqualified, even if they created effective music for a certain kind of game?
It is as Amy says, it's really hard to make general statements about what a musician has to be able to do. Just because one doesn't know about chords doesn't mean they can't use them. But let me tell you this: the example you picked is a bad one. If you gave me something as simple and repetitive as that, your other sample songs must be kickass if you wanted to join RT. Besides, that track hardly qualifies as "song" anyway. It's more like ambiance, I'd say. We're looking for a certain skill level and if you have that or not will be decided by the samples you send.


A child humming random notes thinks they are singing a song. A man playing classical music calls it a song. I hum some of my favorite tunes with just my nose, no chords required! xD

Well yeah, we could get extremely technical about the ambiguity and personal subjectivity of what a song could be defined as. However, that would just prove that the music team may be perceived as too specific (maybe even a bit "elitist"?) with little room to expand on and work with.

You do make a good point though, perhaps you could expand on to the Music Team into an all encompassing "Sound Team" (which could include what you call, ambiance, along with other sounds) instead of specifically focusing on music and limiting what the group has to offer?
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Dragon Goddess
I really like the idea of changing Music Team to Sound Team. we could surely use more awesome sounds to use in our games! I think it might even motivate some people to join the team as well--having a broad range of talents in each team would be very beneficial to everyone here on the forum.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
However, that would just prove that the music team may be perceived as too specific (maybe even a bit "elitist"?) with little room to expand on and work with.
Well, music is complicated, I think that's well known - just as with art there's a lot to take into consideration. The only thing I expect from an applicant is "make decent music". I don't think that's too hard with a little experience and practice. ^_^

I really like the idea of changing Music Team to Sound Team.
To be honest, I wouldn't reject sound designers. Sound effects are a great thing to have in resource packs and we should definitely consider that. However, let's not discuss that here. First I have to even get an application. XD


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
The Music team is already intended to encompass sound design as a whole. To be perfectly honest, Music team just sounds better than Sound team, lol.

The Music Team
Members: @Kaimen (leader), @Iron Croc
The music team is in charge of creating quality musical resources for MV, as well as guides to help users import, use, and possibly create music themselves. The music team can provide resources such as: various musical tracks (battle themes, title themes, etc.), ambient sounds, sound effects, dialogue (voice acting).

Now, whether members who create certain kinds of audio are accepted or not is left up to Kaimen's judgement. But, like he said, we'd need some applicants before we fret too much about details.


Bizarre Monkey

Oh, Jackus One word posts are against the rules, tisk tisk.
1. No spamming.
- Posting short 1-2 word responses that do not add to the discussion.
@Jackus: At least you have a like button now! And in so many flavors!

We have status updates too. :0

The Music team is already intended to encompass sound design as a whole. To be perfectly honest, Music team just sounds better than Sound team, lol.
Audio Team??

No, no it's not as catchy.

Well my RT application for the time being-- is void since I've been a naughty little biz lately. Assuming by about a month from now a spot is still open I'll happily volunteer again.


Dragon Goddess
The Music team is already intended to encompass sound design as a whole. To be perfectly honest, Music team just sounds better than Sound team, lol.
Now, whether members who create certain kinds of audio are accepted or not is left up to Kaimen's judgement. But, like he said, we'd need some applicants before we fret too much about details.
I honestly didn't know, since I wasn't interested in joining that team in general haha. But yeah, at a glance, I wouldn't know that Music Team encompasses those things, and I'm sure there are others who didn't know that as well.

I was just trying to join the discussion for ideas, how we could get people interested in signing up and make it more noticeable. It's always easier to do stuff like that when everyone throws out their own opinions. Feedback is always a great thing--especially since we're all part of a bigger team. =)

That said, I do hope we'll get some people for the Music/Sound/Audio/Noise Team soon!

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
The Music team is already intended to encompass sound design as a whole. To be perfectly honest, Music team just sounds better than Sound team, lol.
To answer your questions, @Macro ... to be blunt, if an applicant's music doesn't sound good enough to please (leader's) ears, then it most likely won't make the cut. You see, music has to be of a certain caliber. People like Kaimen know what they're talking about when it comes to what they want. A little elitist...? Perhaps. But it's not easy to have your stuff n any department of art be good enough to be able to share with others and they actually want it. :)

Now.... that being said.... come on, people! We'd love to hear what you've got! We could do collaborations! Kaimen on Sax, me on flute, and someone else on... Idunno... Cello or something.


Oh yea Croc, I'm sure we all know what we want to hear and don't want to hear. No doubts there. ;) I have to stand my ground that "Music Team" doesn't fit well for the name though, but hey, that's just my (completely disposable) feedback. For me, it's pretty much "Kaimen's Team" at this point.

If we all gave feedback of feedback, things could get kind of unproductive. >_< It's up to the recipient of feedback to use it to improve or leave it because it wasn't needed. Simple as that. You won't find me arguing over opinions once I've said what I said or read what I've read, however.

Well, good luck to the rest! Like Micro said, I was actually trying to help Kaimen's Team get some people by offering some feedback, because he seemed so sad about being a 1 man team. :(


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@Iron Croc @Macro: I don't think it's the name that has anything to do with a lack of members in the team, just a general lack of musicians in the community. I think those are some valid concerns, though. I'm going to leave name-changing up to the musicians to discuss, since it's not a title I plan on holding. Either way, it's just a small section of the larger Resource team. (cheeky)

I'll add a link to the descriptions of each team in the top post, so hopefully there won't be any further confusion. If you guys decide to change names, give me a head's up and I'll get everything updated. (cat)

We could do collaborations! Kaimen on Sax, me on flute, and someone else on... Idunno... Cello or something.
I'm in for vocals! The official band? ;D


RT Team sounds fun. I would also like to be on the team but at the moment I'm currently working 12 hour shift and I'm tired most of the day. I guess I am not qualified since I have no some experience with RPG Maker MV or its predecessors. Neither have I made any sprites or bust graphics for games. Maybe down the road once I have everything setup. I am already at that fifty percent mark. Wish me luck.
Using old artworks to get in the door is not my standard way of doing things except for posting it online. Don't know why but I just do. Guess I have to wait a while before applying. What do you ladies and gentlemen think?
Currently getting a new desktop and monitor dedicating myself to making RPG games 2-D and 3-D as well as focusing back on comic creations. I hope to see what I can do and flourish on this forum since on other sites that I used to be on had closed down.

Please do enjoy this artwork before I apply with some of my newer artworks including different styles. Colors will also be included as well. I have the original copy with its layers so there won't be any problems for me if someone claim this 2.0 character. Feel free to use it if the community wants to for commercial or non-commercial purposes. I have no objections. I am just trying to get my name out there in this cruel world. Thanks.



Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@jagvang: Large images in spoilers, please.

Besides having a portfolio of RM resources, you also need to show that you plan on being an active member in the community before you can be considered for the Resource Team. It wouldn't do much good to have a staff member that isn't very active! (cheeky)

As far as portfolios go, I would need to see some sprites, backgrounds, busts, any graphics of that sort. What I'm generally looking for is how well you can match the default resources. Once you have a portfolio and application ready, feel free to send it my way. Glad to hear you're interested in joining us!


@jagvang: Large images in spoilers, please.

Besides having a portfolio of RM resources, you also need to show that you plan on being an active member in the community before you can be considered for the Resource Team. It wouldn't do much good to have a staff member that isn't very active! (cheeky)

As far as portfolios go, I would need to see some sprites, backgrounds, busts, any graphics of that sort. What I'm generally looking for is how well you can match the default resources. Once you have a portfolio and application ready, feel free to send it my way. Glad to hear you're interested in joining us!
No worries. I can adjust styles or create a new style if other RPG Maker MV user desire it of course. The only issue that I have is finding some time to more active on the forum and learn more about the mechanics of the RPG program. That is all.