Indie Dev

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  1. Xyphien

    IOS Export Requires Mac

    So... Apparently to export to the IOS for Mac, and for Apple mobile devices, you're going to actually need to do it on a mac. This is a huge setback for what I was planning, but I guess with this amazing community, someone here has a mac and might be willing to make exports for games. How do...
  2. Xyphien

    Mascot Contest!

    I'm not going to lie, Seeing @Amysaurus ' work made me realize that we should have our own amazing Mascot. Seeing as I want this as community-inspired as possible, I decided Why not make yet ANOTHER contest to help pass the time by. (*Well... @sage came up with the idea, but I'ma steal all the...
  3. Xyphien

    Potential Future Theme?

    So, I was looking into some new Styles/Themes, and decided to give this a try. How would you all feel about something similar to this? *Of course RPG Maker MV* Will be changed to whatever banner we have at the time "Or edit it to match the size" You all want something more RPGish / RMish...
  4. Xyphien


    AHHH! I've been going out of my way for so long to add this into games using countless different ways. There will not be a rune plugin for weapons. So you can add amazing attributes to your weapons, armor, etc. As seen in 3B How excited are you all at this?! It just keeps getting better :D
  5. Rise Evil

    I've heard there was a party with tons of cookies :D

    Joking aside, good : morning/afternoon/evening everyone! I'm Rise Evil, you can call me Demos as well. I've never been good with introductions to be honnest, but I updated my infos about myself in my member profile. I know RPG Maker since the XP era (damn I miss the Weapon/Armor stats as well as...